
Introducing my new colleague, WPS AI

author:Love Fan'er
Introducing my new colleague, WPS AI

Last Saturday was busy, but I handled it pretty well.

When I woke up early in the morning and was about to participate in the WPS City Dialogue Guangzhou Station, I saw my father's WeChat message: There will be a district report meeting next Monday, you can help me make a PPT - my father is a pig farmer, but I don't understand pigs, and I don't know how to breed.

Introducing my new colleague, WPS AI

Opening the WPS presentation, I typed "2024 Pig Breeding Report" into WPS AI's dialog box, clicked "Start Generation", and completed the outline of the presentation.

Introducing my new colleague, WPS AI

Next, I called my dad, asked some questions, refined the outline — he didn't need the economic evaluation and sustainability sections — and then picked a template and generated a presentation.

Introducing my new colleague, WPS AI

Dad looked at the prepared presentation and said that the details of the text could be done by himself, "I didn't expect you, the writer of the article, to know how to raise pigs."

I looked at my watch, got up for just half an hour, and then said to him: I don't know how to raise pigs, I have the answer with AI.

When AI makes life a two-way street

I remember the first time I experienced WPS AI, I saw my text being rewritten in a different style, and I saw a one-sentence generated presentation, and I was afraid that AI would take my place.

A year on, my perspective on AI has changed. WPS AI didn't replace my job, but it saved me from tedious searching, template making, and brainstorming, and I was more worried about being left behind by AI than being replaced by AI.

So in this urban conversation, the question I want to know the most is: where is WPS AI, which has been deployed in the AI field early, going next?

Introducing my new colleague, WPS AI

When you come to the scene of the urban dialogue, the logo composed of orange and green complementary colors is everywhere, bright and comfortable, and seems to carry vitality and enthusiasm, freshness and creativity.

Introducing my new colleague, WPS AI
Introducing my new colleague, WPS AI

As soon as I sat down at the venue, I was attracted by the advertising video looping at the front desk, and in the transformation of different scenarios and different user identities, I seemed to see WPS AI's positioning for itself: using AI to assist creative work.

Introducing my new colleague, WPS AI

Just when I was thinking about whether this idea was reasonable, talk show actor Ziyin came to the stage and recognized me:

AI will not replace humans, but will focus on office companionship

"Office software is not software that makes it convenient for you to work, but software that makes it convenient for the boss to see if you are working." Ziyin's words caused everyone to laugh, and at the same time raised a question: why WPS is also office software, but it doesn't make everyone hate it?

Because in WPS, there is no "expedited", there is no "read", there is just companionship.

Introducing my new colleague, WPS AI

"AI is like that, when we are most helpless, it seems that there is someone who accompanies us to connect with life...... WPS AI is an office companion."

In everyone's applause, I received another message from my dad asking for help: This passage is too long, I can't put it in the PPT, can you help me change it?

I casually put a quote from him into WPS, clicked on "Abbreviation", and sent the changed content to Dad.

Introducing my new colleague, WPS AI

Think of AI as a new colleague

"I hope that people can think of AI as their new colleagues." Chao Yuntong, Deputy General Manager of Office Document Division of Kingsoft Office, put forward this point of view at the scene, "AI and people are collaborative, and they can cooperate with people in every aspect of the workflow."

Taking writing an article as an example, we will have such a process: what content to write? How do you write it? How is it typeset? Therefore, from the very beginning, WPS AI pursued not to write articles in one sentence, but to play the role of a "colleague" who can help you every step of the way.

Introducing my new colleague, WPS AI

Today's AI is still flawed in terms of clarification, it doesn't ask, it only gives answers. From here, we can reverse the best way to use AI:

Humans guide the process, and AI assists

In the field, Chao Yuntong gave a very simple example: you can ask AI to help you provide some direction for your ideas.

Introducing my new colleague, WPS AI

Find the right one of these ideas, and let the AI come up with a topic.

Introducing my new colleague, WPS AI

Once you have a topic, you can create content, and if you feel that the content you are creating may not be in line with the platform's habits, let the AI help adjust the style of the following.

Introducing my new colleague, WPS AI

In the process of creating this content, humans are in control of the entire process, and AI is the way to connect them. What WPS AI wants to achieve is to make AI a compliment at work. As Li Chaofan, deputy editor-in-chief of Aifaner, mentioned in his sharing:

WPS AI is a pragmatic applilist

Introducing my new colleague, WPS AI

At the same time as He Jianjun, the product manager of WPS Demo AI, came to the stage to share, I received a new question from my father: I have finished changing it now, you can see if there are any problems. While flipping through my dad's revised presentation, I listened to the product manager explain WPS AI's solution to the presentation: build a theme, adjust a single page, and adjust the details.

Introducing my new colleague, WPS AI

Many people find presentations difficult to make, but WPS AI tries to disassemble the production process for users and improve production efficiency in the process of making presentations.

Take my dad's "Pig Breeding Report" as an example, just enter "Pig Breeding Report" into WPS AI, and the overall framework is complete. This part basically doesn't need to be thought, a matter of one sentence.

Introducing my new colleague, WPS AI

Once the outline was complete, everything was tweakable, and we had plenty of freedom to make sure the generated content was accurate before picking a template and starting to work on it – which is what I called my dad to confirm.

Introducing my new colleague, WPS AI

You'll find that the most tedious aspects of making a presentation — what to say about the topic and where to find the template — are all done by WPS AI, and all you need to do is choose the direction and confirm the content.

There are nearly 50 icons on the tab page of the WPS presentation alone, and even WPS veterans may not dare to say that they are familiar with all the features, but WPS AI turns it all into a black box, allowing users to get answers without having to search for treasure in a complex UI maze.

If there is a question, there is an answer

In the sharing full of dry goods, the guest Chao Yunyu also shared a small story: If you look at the logo of WPS AI, it is the "A" of "AI", but it is actually a "person" who is also a hand.

Introducing my new colleague, WPS AI

Chao Yunyu said that this "person" represents WPS AI as a people-oriented person and makes AI the goal of our work assistant. He also joked that "blue represents rigor, red represents passion". But after listening to the sharing, I feel that this "person" has another angle of interpretation: it represents the small steps of WPS AI.

And the question of where WPS AI is going next seems to have an answer: WPS AI, from the beginning, is the next step in other AI tools.

Introducing my new colleague, WPS AI

As early as 2016, Kingsoft Office began to explore PPT intelligent typesetting, and a year later, it began to develop OCR technology. Over the past 36 years, the continuous accumulation in the field of basic technology has allowed WPS to undergo qualitative changes today, and in the year since the release of WPS AI, WPS has not stopped, and is still iterating functions and increasing platform coverage.

At last week's Huawei HDC Developer Conference, WPS HarmonyOS Edition was officially unveiled, and WPS AI will also be launched simultaneously on multiple terminals, empowering the HarmonyOS ecosystem with smart office productivity.

Introducing my new colleague, WPS AI

"During the First Industrial Revolution, workers marched and smashed Jenny's spinning machine because of the increased efficiency that led to the loss of workers." When asked how AI will change our office habits, Chao Yunyu gave this example. WPS AI brings office software from the farming era to the information age, without having to learn complex functions and analyzing tedious data.

When you delete the line "familiar with office software" in your resume, you should fill in "proficient in using AI tools".

Introducing my new colleague, WPS AI

WPS AI is an important exploration and a profound change to the traditional way of working. This is a small confrontation experiment with AI and tight life, and today we don't know the final answer to this experiment, but standing on the shoulders of giants, with AI as a companion on the two-way road, I believe that with AI, there is an answer.

WPS AI Player Recruitment Program Winning List

WPS City Dialogue Guangzhou Station has come to an end, and the WPS AI player activity has just begun, among the users who participated in the event, we selected high-quality notes that meet the co-creation standards, and congratulate the following users on winning the award.

First Prize: Tickets to the "World Artificial Intelligence Conference" in Shanghai + machine wine


Second Prize: 1 WPS AI Membership Annual Card

Mo Ming, @liang, Teng Wang's panic, Yan Changge's human travel, commercial operation lion, leather-clad knight, nm~, blank, little sweet potato 6333E407, Xiaoxing notebook, no one at the station under the cherry blossom tree is as beautiful as you, Knorr young man, 254844314, roadbed _lugi, Mr. Ye, what if, Yun Chuan Yunshu/ZHAOFANGLLL, little sweet potato 6673D6FA, Little Sister who loves to learn, LLorgan, Big Latte, ice y, Nick, Lin Chengzi, Mr Chen

The announced list is the nickname of Xiaohongshu, please move to Xiaohongshu @WPS AI intelligence officer has simultaneously released the prize publicity notes, and @ the winning user, we will conduct one-on-one communication and prize distribution through private messages.

#欢迎关注爱范儿官方微信公众号: Love Fan Er (WeChat ID: ifanr), more exciting content will be presented to you as soon as possible.

Love Faner|Original link· Sina Weibo