
Is the belly always fatter than someone else's? It may be that this physique is to blame!

author:China Women's Daily

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that dampness has the property of being heavy and sticky, and it will turn into phlegm if it is entrenched in the body for a long time. Phlegm is more turbid, heavier, more sticky than dampness, and more difficult to remove, and the accumulation of fat tends to be concentrated in the abdomen and waist. In this case, it is necessary to find a way to remove phlegm and dampness from the body. It can be taken in two steps, one is to dispel phlegm and dampness, and the other is to strengthen the spleen and stomach.

Is the belly always fatter than someone else's? It may be that this physique is to blame!

Health Times Chart

Expectorant dampness

First of all, it is necessary to change the lifestyle habits that are prone to phlegm and dampness, such as liking fatty, sweet, salty food, drinking, sitting for a long time, lying down for a long time, and not exercising enough.

Secondly, through the three kinds of edible medicinal materials of tangerine peel, hawthorn and lotus leaf, it can play the effect of regulating qi and dissolving phlegm, dispelling dampness and eliminating fat. Tangerine peel can be described as a master of phlegm; In addition to the effect of digestion, hawthorn is also a good choice for turbidity and lipid reduction; As a good product for reducing fat, lotus leaves can raise yang and strengthen the spleen and regulate the function of the spleen; On the other hand, it reduces turbidity, finds a way out for the phlegm and turbidity accumulated in the body, and excretes it from the urine. Usually take 3 grams of lotus leaves, 5 grams of tangerine peel, 3 grams of hawthorn, and brew tea with boiling water.

Is the belly always fatter than someone else's? It may be that this physique is to blame!

Healthy spleen stomach

Traditional Chinese medicine says that "the spleen is the source of phlegm", if you just blindly dispel phlegm and dampness, and do not want to make the spleen and stomach work, it is easy to lose weight and rebound, or stagnate in the plateau. If you want to continue to lose weight, remember to strengthen your spleen while treating phlegm. Moreover, traditional Chinese medicine believes that the spleen is the main muscle, and if the spleen is good, the muscles are thick and strong, and the body's basal metabolism will also be improved, making it easier to lose weight.

Codonopsis is suitable for most people to strengthen the spleen and spleen in daily life. Usually, you can take 5 grams of tangerine peel, 10 grams of Poria cocos, 10 grams of Codonopsis, add an appropriate amount of water and boil for 20~30 minutes, and drink instead of tea.

Is the belly always fatter than someone else's? It may be that this physique is to blame!

Phlegm dampness self-test

If there are 2 or more of the following manifestations, it basically means that it is phlegm-damp constitution:

(1) The body is fat, the abdomen is fat and soft (2) There is always a sticky feeling in the mouth or throat (3) The face, hair, and skin are greasy, and you love acne (4) You don't urinate much or slightly turbid (5) You don't urinate much or have a lot of phlegm (6) You are easily sleepy and you are not happy with your weight (7) You like to eat fatty and alcoholic wine (8) You have a lot of leucorrhoea and a heavy smell (9) The stool is not formed or the stool is not clean (you can't pull it, you can't wipe it, you can't flush it) (10) The tongue is fat and big, there are tooth marks, and the tongue coating is white and greasy


China Women's Daily, China Women's Movement

Source/Health Times Pictures/

Editor-in-charge/Chen Xiaobing, Su Lin review/Yifan producer/Zhifei

Is the belly always fatter than someone else's? It may be that this physique is to blame!