
"Golden Branch Desire" Yuying seeks victory in danger, accurately grasps the psychology of being like a concubine, and successfully ascends to the position

author:Look down on the clouds and look at the Red Mansion

The status of the concubine in the harem is second only to the queen, but she is higher than the queen in terms of momentum. If you want to get the emperor's favor over Concubine Ru, you will end up like Concubine Chen and die. On the contrary, if you get the support of Concubine Ru, then it will be easy to rise to the top.

"Golden Branch Desire" Yuying seeks victory in danger, accurately grasps the psychology of being like a concubine, and successfully ascends to the position

Before entering the palace, she did her homework, and Hou Jiayuying, who came prepared, knew this well.

Yuying's appearance is bright and beautiful, and her outstanding appearance will definitely attract jealousy, and Concubine Ru is of course no exception. However, if you are a "beautiful and brainless" stupid beauty, it is a different matter.

"Golden Branch Desire" Yuying seeks victory in danger, accurately grasps the psychology of being like a concubine, and successfully ascends to the position

If Concubine Ru has stood in the palace for many years without falling, she must be a wise person. She should understand that the beauties in the palace are like flowers, and they will never bloom. The smartest thing to do is not to destroy it, but to take it for your own use.

The "beautiful and brainless" stupid beauty can not only please the emperor, but also easy to control, Yuying believes that Concubine Ru will recruit her, as long as she pretends to be stupid enough.

Yuying also came over in the house fight. She is the daughter of the governor of Huguang, but she is only beautiful on the outside, and as the daughter of a concubine, she is not valued by her father. Her mother is only a concubine in the fourth room, because she is arrogant by nature and refuses to be false to her mother, and their mother and daughter are often bullied and excluded. Yuying is unwilling to repeat her mother's mistakes, if she wants to get ahead, she must first stoop to others.

"Golden Branch Desire" Yuying seeks victory in danger, accurately grasps the psychology of being like a concubine, and successfully ascends to the position

Concubine Ru once knocked on Anqian: Anqian, you are very good at guessing other people's thoughts, and tonight's events are also very accurate, but you have to remember that it is not a good skill to be able to guess the master's mind, and to be able to guess the master's mind without being noticed, in order to live a long time in the palace.

Concubine Ru has long been accustomed to all kinds of conspiracies and conspiracies, and she has long seen the mirror of people's hearts. It is indeed difficult to hide from Concubine Ru's eyes. But the clever Anqian didn't do it, but the stupid Yuying did.

Yuying accurately grasped Concubine Ru's psychology, sought victory in danger, gained Concubine Rufei's trust, was recruited by her to her command, and was even ready to recommend her to sleep.

The first is the "shirt collision incident".

If the concubine is strong, anyone who wears clothes of the same color as her will be regarded as disrespectful, and will be punished at least and lose their lives at worst.

The queen invited the show girls to listen to the play, and the concubine would also attend. Everyone knows to avoid taboos, and they have already spent money to buy off the minions of Yongshou Palace, and learned that Concubine Ru is going to wear yellow clothes.

"Golden Branch Desire" Yuying seeks victory in danger, accurately grasps the psychology of being like a concubine, and successfully ascends to the position

Yuying also spent money to buy the news, but her foot was sprained, so it was her "good sister" Er Chun who went to get the news.

Er Chun wanted to get rid of Yuying with the hand of Concubine Ru, so he replaced the yellow flowers in the brocade box with purple flowers.

"Golden Branch Desire" Yuying seeks victory in danger, accurately grasps the psychology of being like a concubine, and successfully ascends to the position

She told Yuying that as long as she didn't wear purple clothes, she tricked Yuying into wearing yellow clothes.

"Golden Branch Desire" Yuying seeks victory in danger, accurately grasps the psychology of being like a concubine, and successfully ascends to the position

But after a while, another news came, Concubine Ru stopped wearing yellow and changed into a blue dress.

Er Chun tried to make Yuying jealous, and came up with a new way. She deliberately sprinkled water on Yuying's yellow clothes, and pretended to be unwell, not attending the banquet, and tricked her into changing into her own blue clothes.

"Golden Branch Desire" Yuying seeks victory in danger, accurately grasps the psychology of being like a concubine, and successfully ascends to the position

In fact, Yuying has already seen through Er Chun, but she can't break it, otherwise her "scheming" mask will be exposed. Moreover, she is not afraid to wear clothes that contrast with Concubine Ru.

Yuying has her own considerations, she thinks that since Concubine Ru has been able to dominate the palace for so many years, she must have extraordinary scheming and wisdom, seeing that the "beautiful and brainless" herself is wearing blue clothes, and the other show girls have not chosen blue clothes, Concubine Ru will definitely think that her beauty will cause others to be jealous, so as to see that she does not have the intention to offend her.

Yuying came to the main hall wearing blue clothes. Everyone had already gotten the news that Concubine Ru would wear blue clothes, so they all looked at Yuying like a monkey, ready to see her jokes.

Yuying knew this in her heart, but she looked left and right, acting as if she didn't know. She is ready, as long as Concubine Ru asks for guilt and cries and pretends to be stupid. Later, Shuning secretly changed her fan to frame her, and she also used this trick to deal with her.

"Golden Branch Desire" Yuying seeks victory in danger, accurately grasps the psychology of being like a concubine, and successfully ascends to the position

But this time, Yuying was lucky to escape, because Concubine Ru's personality was changeable, and she changed her mind again before leaving, and changed to wear the same red as the queen. The concubines did not dare to wear the same color as the concubine, but the concubine dared to wear the same color as the queen. Concubine Ru's move is declaring: only she dares to compete with the queen.

Before leaving, Anqian found blue flowers thrown out of Er Chun's room, and knew that Concubine Ru would wear blue clothes to stop Yuying. After coming back, Yuying deliberately scolded Anqian loudly to sow discord, saying that she and Er Chun will always be good sisters, they were in the past, and they will be even more in the future. She was so loud, lest the three of Er Chun couldn't hear it, and she couldn't be her stupidity.

The "group fan inscription incident" made Yuying set up a "stupid and brainless" character in Concubine Ru.

The night before meeting the emperor, the queen, and Concubine Ru, Shuning in the "Erchun Trio" secretly changed Yuying's fan. Two sentences embroidered on the fan: the sun moves in the middle of the day, and the moon waxes and falls. Then Shuning wrote a whistleblower letter to Concubine Ru, reporting Yuying's disrespect.

How could Yuying, who came prepared and worked step by step, not notice the changes in the fan, but she still held it in her hand in a grand manner for Concubine Ru to see. She is betting that Concubine Ru believes in her stupidity, but if she has a little heart, she will not swagger with such a fan.

"Golden Branch Desire" Yuying seeks victory in danger, accurately grasps the psychology of being like a concubine, and successfully ascends to the position

Concubine Ru summoned Yuying to the garden, and she explained the words on Yuying's fan slowly and methodically: "Yue" and "Yue" have the same sound, and "Ying" and "Ying" have the same sound. "The sun moves in the middle of the day, and the moon waxes and falls", that is, my momentum as a concubine has been exhausted, and you Yuying will replace the palace after she appears.

Yuying was so frightened that she looked like chaff, her face was pale, her eyes were full of tears, and she knelt down with a "plop". She defended incoherently that she had never written such a word on her fan.

"Golden Branch Desire" Yuying seeks victory in danger, accurately grasps the psychology of being like a concubine, and successfully ascends to the position

Seeing Yuying's tears rippling, she would only repeat "no", Rufei chuckled lightly and threw Yuying's fan into the lotus pond.

Concubine Ru told Yuying that Mu Xiu would be destroyed by Lin Feng, and her outstanding beauty would definitely attract jealousy and framing.

Concubine Ru not only didn't blame her, but also gave her her own fan and took her into her own camp.

Yuying won the bet again.

"Golden Branch Desire" Yuying seeks victory in danger, accurately grasps the psychology of being like a concubine, and successfully ascends to the position

In order to consolidate Concubine Ru's trust, she also told Concubine Ru about Anqian's situation.

Anqian offended Rufei, and Rufei gave her food with the old eunuch Eroli. Anqian was humiliated, and Kong Wu killed Eoli in order to save Anqian and threw her into the well. Anqian had a disturbed conscience and went to the well to worship, but was seen by Yuying.

Yuying's way of suing is stupid and kind. She told Rufei that she saw Anqian in a trance and burned incense by the well at night, she was worried about Anqian and begged Rufei to help Anqian. As a result, Concubine Ru grabbed Anqian's handle.

"Golden Branch Desire" Yuying seeks victory in danger, accurately grasps the psychology of being like a concubine, and successfully ascends to the position

She also pretended to "bump into" Concubine Ru on the road, and told Concubine Ru that she was going to the queen's palace. Concubine Ru repeatedly questioned her before revealing that there were many rumors in the palace that were unfavorable to Concubine Ru, and she was going to the queen to plead.

At this point, Concubine Ru ended her many temptations to Yuying, officially took her under her command, and clearly told her to prepare for bed.

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