
It's not Seda, but that doesn't stop it from being the next place to be

author:Ouyang Yanle
It's not Seda, but that doesn't stop it from being the next place to be

Photography/壵 (Haoyu Imaging Class 1)

When you set foot on this land, you will feel a sense of tranquility and peace like never before. The sky is as blue as a wash, and the clouds seem to be within reach; The grassland is vast and green, and cattle and sheep are at ease in it. You might mistakenly think you've come to Seda in Tibet, but it's actually another mysterious and beautiful place – Awancang.

It's not Seda, but that doesn't stop it from being the next place to be
It's not Seda, but that doesn't stop it from being the next place to be
It's not Seda, but that doesn't stop it from being the next place to be

Awancang: A forgotten name

Located in Maqu County, Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu Province, Awancang is a little-known but beautiful place. Its name means "water from the sky" in the local language, and the name not only depicts its blessed natural environment, but also reveals its sacred place in people's hearts.

It's not Seda, but that doesn't stop it from being the next place to be

Here you will find that time seems to slow down and everything returns to its original state. There is no noisy city noise, no hectic work pressure, only the sounds of nature and pure heart dialogue.

It's not Seda, but that doesn't stop it from being the next place to be

Paradisiacal views

Walking into Awancang, you will be greeted by rolling mountains and vast grasslands. Whenever the first rays of the morning sun shine on this land, the whole world is dyed with a golden glow. The lake is like a pearl embedded in it, crystal clear, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds, like a natural oil painting.

It's not Seda, but that doesn't stop it from being the next place to be

The meandering rivers here are like veins of the earth, giving the land infinite vitality. In particular, the Yellow River has formed a unique wonder of "nine bends and eighteen bends" here. At dusk, the sun sets, and the river surface is sparkling, as if a golden dragon is dancing, which is fascinating.

It's not Seda, but that doesn't stop it from being the next place to be

A blend of culture and faith

In addition to its magnificent natural beauty, Avacang is also a place where culture meets faith. It has a long history and a deep religious heritage. Tibetan Buddhism has a wide influence here, with many temples and incense flourishing. The monks wear red robes and reverently chant prayers for blessings, giving people a solemn feeling.

It's not Seda, but that doesn't stop it from being the next place to be

Every summer, the local herders hold a traditional horse racing festival. It was not only an opportunity for them to show off their riding skills and courage, but also a great time for everyone to come together and celebrate the harvest. You can see galloping horses and heroic knights galloping across the grassland, and feel their enthusiasm and boldness.

It's not Seda, but that doesn't stop it from being the next place to be

Unique humanistic customs

The Tibetan people living in Awanchang are simple and kind, they live a simple and fulfilling life as nomads. Tents dot the meadows, and smoke rises, wafting the thick scent of milk tea. The children are innocent and smiling, and they chase and play on the grassland, adding vitality and vitality to this quiet world.

It's not Seda, but that doesn't stop it from being the next place to be

When you come here, you will find that every detail is full of poetry and picturesqueness. Whether it is the daily life of the herders or the celebrations in the festival, you can deeply experience the beautiful realm of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

It's not Seda, but that doesn't stop it from being the next place to be
It's not Seda, but that doesn't stop it from being the next place to be

Awancang, although not as well-known as Seda, is equally intoxicating in its beauty and rich in culture. In this fast-paced era, such a paradise-like place is especially precious. It is the pure land of the soul and the harbor of rest for the soul.

It's not Seda, but that doesn't stop it from being the next place to be

If you are tired of the hustle and bustle of the city and are looking for a pure land to cleanse your soul, then you might as well come and take a walk in Awancang. I believe you will find that long-lost peace and tranquility here, and continue to move forward with a full harvest.

It's not Seda, but that doesn't stop it from being the next place to be

It's not Seda, but that doesn't stop it from being the next place to be. Awancang, waiting for you to discover her beauty.