
Readers' Q&A丨HIV Panic: Can't Sleep at Night, Can't Eat Sweetly, Here's Your Antidote!

author:Xinjiang Tiantong Public Welfare

Reader's Question One

Hello Doctor,

18 days ago, there was a wtbdkj behavior, I am a man, the other party is a woman. The whole process is about 1-2 minutes, the process is not rough, and the SZQ is not obviously damaged.

Is there a high probability that I will be infected with HIV?

Q&A today

Behaviorally, wtbdkj only comes into contact with the other party's saliva, which itself contains immunoglobulins that inhibit the virus and can resist the invasion of HIV.

Moreover, the oral mucosa itself is a physical barrier that will act as a shield;

In addition, saliva contains a large number of non-specific inhibitors, such as mucin, thrombospondin, lactoferrin, secretory leukocyte protease inhibitors, defensins, lysozyme, and amylase, which inhibit oral HIV transmission.

Therefore, if the movements are not rough, there is no obvious breakage, and the other party does not have obvious bleeding, it can be considered that there is no risk of HIV infection.

In addition, let's talk about the other side of WTKJ, that is, the active party of the mouth, which is generally the sex worker, or the active party of gay men.

Since oral contact is with high-risk body fluids secreted by the other party, the risk is low.

Again, the question arises as to whether there will be mucosal breakage, and if not, there is basically no risk.

If the movement is too rough, it will lead to mucosal damage, and in this case, contact with high-risk fluids may lead to fluid exchange.

As for why the risk is low?

First, it is the inhibition and dilution of saliva; Second, the contact time is short, and high-risk body fluids will be spit out in a short time.

In summary, wtbdkj behavior is basically risk-free, while wtzdkj behavior has a very low risk, especially in the MSM community.

Readers' Q&A丨HIV Panic: Can't Sleep at Night, Can't Eat Sweetly, Here's Your Antidote!

Reader's question two

Hello Doctor,

Last week, I went on a business trip, and at the instigation of a friend after drinking, I went to the club and accepted DFJ services. I've been worried and anxious since I came out.

I was so worried that I couldn't sleep, I went to bed very late, and I woke up very early, and I couldn't sleep when I woke up. After 3 days, he developed a low-grade fever of about 37.2 degrees, sometimes a sore throat, a feeling of a foreign body, poor appetite, and mild diarrhea.

Excuse me, am I infected?

Readers' Q&A丨HIV Panic: Can't Sleep at Night, Can't Eat Sweetly, Here's Your Antidote!

Q&A today

This situation is risk-free, don't worry.

Many phobic friends do have this problem, let me talk about it systematically.

Let's start with a behavioral analysis, we need to understand that the HIV virus is very fragile in the external environment, and will lose its activity due to the temperature, humidity, pH, ultraviolet radiation, etc. in the external environment. Without activity, there is no risk of infection.

All the problems of many phobic friends include touching doorknobs, toilet faucets, or touching other people's belongings, etc., and they are too scared to do it.

In fact, these surfaces are free of any viruses, and even if they do, they will quickly lose their activity after leaving the human body.

Now back to the reader's question, went to the clubhouse, received DFJ services. Such behavior is only physical contact between the two parties, and there is no possibility of bodily fluid exchange.

Unless the other party's hands are full of bloody services. However, this is clearly not the case.

Let's talk about the symptoms:

Symptoms (low-grade fever, around 37.2 degrees, sometimes sore throat, feeling of a foreign body, poor appetite, and mild diarrhea) after three days had nothing to do with HIV.

During the three days of behavioral exposure, the virus has not yet entered the bloodstream, that is, if it is not in the blood, there will be no viremia, and there will be no symptoms of acute infection.

Readers' Q&A丨HIV Panic: Can't Sleep at Night, Can't Eat Sweetly, Here's Your Antidote!

Finally, let's talk about the performance of AIDS phobia:

AIDS phobia, also known as AIDS phobia, mainly refers to a part of the population that does not understand AIDS knowledge, is overly rejected and sensitive to AIDS, and is often accompanied by anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive, hypochondriasis and other psychological symptoms and abnormal behavior in a state of intense fear.

There are three elements of an HIV/AIDS phobia: a history of high-risk behavior; lack of knowledge about HIV/AIDS; Poor psychological quality.

In terms of symptoms, in fact, a large part of the symptoms are autonomic symptoms caused by excessive tension and anxiety, and if you have long-term insomnia and poor appetite, it will also cause the body's resistance to decrease, which in turn will lead to the generation and progression of some symptoms.

Therefore, people who are plagued by HIV/AIDS must not go to the Internet to browse everywhere, which will only make them more anxious.

It is recommended to scientifically choose a formal and authoritative way to understand HIV/AIDS-related knowledge, or find a professional doctor recognized by yourself for one-on-one consultation, so that the professional doctor can make in-depth explanations and necessary psychological counseling, which can be of great help.

Author: Dr Dazhong

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