
Said Yue Quanchuan: Top ten relatively unpopular first-class generals

author:Candle shadow chatter

Although "The Complete Biography of Yue Yue" is a novel written by the novelist Qian Cai in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties with the battle of Song and Jin as the background, it is almost completely detached from historical facts except for the general direction of the early stage. In addition to the real anti-gold generals Yue Fei, Yue Yun, Yang Zaixing, etc., there are more fictional characters created by the author in the book, but a considerable part of them still leave a deep impression on readers, such as the fierce general Gao Pet of the gun and the iron pulley, and the double-gun Lu Wenlong of the Song General in the wheel battle.

Of course, there are well-known characters, and there is naturally no shortage of unpopularity. Due to the different focus of the description, coupled with the large number of characters, it is impossible for the author to depict every character who appears in depth, coupled with some irresistible objective factors, which makes many fierce generals strong in martial arts but not obvious, especially the following ten will be the most.

10: Zhang Conglong

The pen and ink are very little, the identity is the old horse of the Jin country, occupy the Bishui Pass, and defeat the Niu Gao who came to challenge, and then fight with Yu Hualong for twenty times without winning or losing, Yu Hualong used the golden dart to shoot it, Yang Hu caught up with a knife and cut off the head.

In general, Zhang Conglong is a tool man, but his martial arts are really exquisite. Yu Hualong was a fierce general who could be compared to Yue Fei in the early stage, and he was also the first general of the same level that Yue Fei subdued. Although the two generals only fought for twenty times, if Yu Hualong was sure of victory, he would not be able to hurt people with secret arrows. Therefore, Zhang Conglong's martial arts are likely to be no less than those of Jin Wushu, the commander of the Jin State.

Said Yue Quanchuan: Top ten relatively unpopular first-class generals

9: Yang Fan

Known as the "Little Overlord", Yang Mi's younger brother, the second king of the Dongting Lake forces, invincible, presided over the five phalanxes on the order of his brother, and Yang Zaixing fought dozens of battles without winning or losing, Yan Chengfang saw that Yang Zaixing could not fight for a long time, and moved forward, Yang Fan did not know that Yan Chengfang secretly returned to the Yue family's army, only when he was here to help the war, and died at the hands of the two generals.

Judging from the battle process, Yang Fan is undoubtedly at the same level as Yang Zaixing and Yue Fei, and this strength is enough to rank among the top three in Yang Qi's forces. However, compared with "The Biography of Yue Quan", Liu Lanfang's commentary "The Biography of Yue Fei" is more widely disseminated, because Yue Fei's conquest of Yang Mi is mentioned in the book, so many fierce generals who appeared during this period did not appear, which undoubtedly affected their popularity. As a villain, Yang Fan has a short appearance time, even friends who have read the original book often ignore him, so relatively speaking, it is relatively unpopular.

Said Yue Quanchuan: Top ten relatively unpopular first-class generals

8: Shoshi Samurai

An important general under Yang Mi, who was good at the Fire Bull Formation, once defeated the Yue family's army. In addition, Fang Tian's halberd envoy was also elusive, and he fought with Yue Fei even to win or lose.

Originally, Wu Shangzhi had no dissenting intentions, and after defeating the Yue family army with a fire ox for a while, the overjoyed Yang Qi married his adopted daughter to him, but he didn't expect this so-called princess to be Yue Fei's cousin, and on the night of the cave room, he admitted to Wu Shangzhi that if he wanted to marry himself, he needed his cousin's consent, so Wu Shangzhi secretly contacted Yue Fei in order to make a smile, and became an undercover agent of the Yue family's army.

After the battle of Zhuxian Town, Wu Shangzhi did not perform much, and then Yue Fei was killed. And Wu Shangzhi also took his family back to his hometown to live in seclusion, and died of depression soon after. Therefore, among the generals of the Yue family army at this level, his pen and ink is the least, coupled with the influence of the storytelling we mentioned just now, Wu Shangzhi's popularity is even lower.

Said Yue Quanchuan: Top ten relatively unpopular first-class generals

7: Wan Yan Shou

In addition to the fact that the battle of Dongting Lake we just mentioned was relatively niche due to the relationship between storytelling, Yue Lei's sweeping of the north in the later period was also much smaller than that in the early stage, because many friends who read or listened to books couldn't stand it because of righteous indignation when Yue Fei was killed. There are also some representatives of the history class who pretend to be high-minded, believing that the later period is all fiction and detached from the general direction of history, so it is better not to read it. Of course, this is people's freedom, but in my opinion, whether it is "Speaking of Yue" or "The Biography of Yue Fei", it is originally a romance novel, and history is two different things.

Wan Yan Shou is the general who appeared in the later stage, for the Jin State clan, the martial arts are quite high, Twenty He killed Ouyang Congshan, and fought alone Di Lei and Yu Lei teamed up to make the two generals dare not fight. In the end, Lu Wenlong couldn't stop the duel for forty or fifty times, and ran all the way back to Shepherd City, but because Xiyun Xiaomei listened to Wu Lian's nonsense and didn't open the city gate, Wan Yanshou was stabbed to death in the moat by Lu Wenlong.

I don't think there is much to say about Lu Wenlong's ability, it is an existence that is more than Yue Yun, Wanyan Shou can fight against him for forty or fifty times, and this ability is faintly a little stronger than the few people mentioned just now.

Said Yue Quanchuan: Top ten relatively unpopular first-class generals

5, 6: Wang Biao, Dong Yaozong

The two young generals who appeared in the later stage were very violent, and the two of them fought fifty times without winning or losing, and Dong Yaozong had blocked Yang Jizhou and Lian Er's good heart twenty times, and they were only slightly inferior to the generals of Yue Yun's file in indirect comparison.

However, firstly, it is because they appeared in the period when Yue Lei swept the north, and secondly, the main role of their appearance seems to be to set off Yang Jizhou, so they have very little pen and ink, and they are naturally not famous, and they are much inferior to their fathers Wang Heng and iron-faced Dong Xian in this regard.

Said Yue Quanchuan: Top ten relatively unpopular first-class generals

4: Yan Chengfang

Yan Chengfang's pen and ink is not a lot, after joining the Yue family army, he once became the main combat force, second only to Yue Yun in martial arts, above many elders, and he is also one of the famous Yue family army "Eight Hammers", namely the golden hammer Yan Chengfang, the silver hammer Yue Yun, the double hammer He Yuanqing, and the iron hammer Di Lei. There is one thing in this that is different from our general impression, that is, because He Yuanqing made a pair of silver hammers when he appeared, and there is the phrase "dancing the hammer" in the later description, so there is no copper hammer in the eight hammers in "Saying Yue".

As we mentioned just now, the spread of the commentary "The Biography of Yue Fei" may be slightly wider than the ancient vernacular novel "The Biography of Yue Quan", and at the same time, there is not much description of the conquest of Yang Mi, which makes the character of Yan Chengfang canceled, and there is another meaning to do so, that is, to let the eight sledgehammers make up gold, silver, copper and iron - first of all, Yue Yun was changed to use a golden hammer; secondly, He Yuanqing descended by one generation, from Yue Fei's sworn brother to Yue Yun's; Yan Chengfang, who was canceled in the third, was replaced by the new character Fu Tianliang, and used a copper hammer; In the end, Dillay remained unchanged and relied on the hammer as a weapon. In this way, not only are the gold, silver, copper, and iron in the traditional Eight Hammers complete, but Yue Yun is also pushed to the first place (it is said that the status of the characters in Yue Zhong has nothing to do with the color of the weapon, but gold and silver are often mentioned first when gold and silver are mentioned at the same time).

How to say it, it's understandable to do this in the commentary, but it's a pity that Yan Chengfang was canceled, because the character design is still quite plump. When his father and Wang Zuo planned to secretly serve Yue Fei, Yan Chengfang refused to live or die, the reason was that he was dissatisfied with Yue Yun's fame being greater than himself, and vowed to fight, which highlighted the young man's competitiveness very well. Later, after losing to Yue Yun in the eighty times, Yan Chengfang admired him very much, and the two children also worshiped as brothers, and here it can be seen that although Yan Chengfang is competitive, he is open-minded, knows heroes, and respects heroes.

After that, Yan Chengfang had confrontations with Lu Wenlong and Cao Ning, all of which were victorious and defeated, which shows his extraordinary bravery. However, Zhu Xianzhen fell into madness because he killed too fiercely during the battle, and almost lost his life, which seems to show that Yan Chengfang is still young in the end and is not stable enough in the face of big scenes.

Said Yue Quanchuan: Top ten relatively unpopular first-class generals

3: Lian'er is kind-hearted

The general soldiers of the Jin State who appeared in the later period made a big sword with a big fan, and Yan Chengfang was killed in thirty or forty together, and then Dong Yaozong could not be stopped by twenty combinations, until Wang Biao, Dong Yaozong, and Yan Chengfang joined forces to defeat the battle.

However, Lian'er's kind mentality was not good, and when he was fighting with Lu Wenlong, he panicked because the mountain lion camel died at the hands of Yang Jizhou, which caused the knife in his hand to slow down, and as a result, Lu Wenlong, who was watching the fire, caught the flaw and stabbed to death under the horse with a shot.

Although the strength is very strong, the first appearance is in the late stage, and the second is only three or two chapters before death, so it is not well known, and the reputation is not only inferior to the boss-level general Jin Danzi in the early stage, but also not as sticky as the ten young generals who fought alone in the Yue family army in the later stage. Of course, in various martial arts reviews of "Saying Yue", Lian'er Xinshan is still relatively common, but because many people care more about the results, he is often lower than Lu Wenlong in terms of ranking, in fact, in my opinion, in terms of hard power, Lian'er Xinshan is at least half a grade higher than Lu Wenlong.

Said Yue Quanchuan: Top ten relatively unpopular first-class generals

2: Mountain lion llamander

Looking at all the Jin generals who appeared in the early and late stages, when it comes to martial arts, the mountain lion camel recognizes the second, and no one dares to recognize the first! Don't look at him looks black and thin, but his strength is infinite, and a gold hammer weighs one hundred and twenty pounds, which is the heaviest weapon in the book.

But like Lian'er Xinshan, one is that he died in battle after playing too shortly, and the other is that he has watched less of "Saying Yue" in the later stage, so it is much smaller than the fame of Gao Zhong and Lu Wenlong mentioned at the beginning.

Said Yue Quanchuan: Top ten relatively unpopular first-class generals

1: Yang Jizhou

Yang Jizhou's setting is very similar to the high pet in the early stage. When Gao Pet appeared, the author specially arranged Zheng Huai and Zhang Kui two new characters to set off, and Yang Jizhou also had Wang Biao and Dong Yaozong as background boards when he appeared, and at the same time, whether Zheng Huai, Zhang Kui or Wang Biao and Dong Yaozong all had achievements to prove their strength, which is a typical "baking clouds and supporting the moon".

In addition, because the martial arts are too high, the long-term existence will definitely destroy the force framework in the book, so Gao Pet died in two chapters. Although Yang Jizhou did not die and lived to the end to be promoted to the rank of knight, after killing the mountain lion camel, he was directly hidden by the author and never appeared on the battlefield again.

In terms of record, Yang Jizhou Lily fought against the mountain lion camel and stabbed it to death with a halberd in the second encounter, which can be called the first person under high favor. But Yang Jizhou's fame is really not big, especially since his father is the famous Yang Zaixing! Yang Jizhou not only did not eat the dividends, but was covered up. In fact, according to the setting of "Saying Yue", the three Yang Zaixing may not be his son's opponents.

Said Yue Quanchuan: Top ten relatively unpopular first-class generals

Finally, there is one thing that needs to be explained, whether it is unpopular or not is actually different from person to person, for the original party, especially for friends who are familiar with "Shuo Yue", there may be no so-called unpopular at all, so the specific benevolent will see the benevolent, the wise will see the wise, and don't blame if you don't like it.