
The official statement confirmed that Jiang Ping scored 83 points in the monthly mathematics test, and the screenshot is true. Netizens are not calm


Recently, Jiang Ping, a 17-year-old secondary school student, broke into the finals of the Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition with a score of 12, which caused a sensation across the country, and even some foreign countries were shocked!

As the saying goes, people are afraid of being famous, and pigs are afraid of being strong. As soon as people become famous, everything comes out.

The official statement confirmed that Jiang Ping scored 83 points in the monthly mathematics test, and the screenshot is true. Netizens are not calm

Jiang Ping became famous, her home became an Internet celebrity check-in place, and the dirt road in front of her house was improved; Her father's application for the subsistence allowance has finally been settled; Many schools and celebrities have also extended olive branches to her.

But many netizens questioned how Jiang Ping, a 17-year-old secondary school student, could solve some math problems that a master's degree could not solve?

The official statement confirmed that Jiang Ping scored 83 points in the monthly mathematics test, and the screenshot is true. Netizens are not calm

Some netizens even reported that Jiang Pingyue only scored 83 points in mathematics, and he only scored 83 points in questions like secondary school, and what ability did he have to test questions that even many sons of Tsinghua University and Peking University could not calculate.

The official statement confirmed that Jiang Ping scored 83 points in the monthly mathematics test, and the screenshot is true. Netizens are not calm

In the preliminary round, she used computers, and a poor student like Jiang Ping, where did her computer come from?

Did her teacher, Wang Runqiu, bring her snacks?

The official statement confirmed that Jiang Ping scored 83 points in the monthly mathematics test, and the screenshot is true. Netizens are not calm

For these questions of netizens, the official also gave answers.

Her monthly math exam score was indeed 83. She borrowed the computer for the exam. As for the privacy of individuals, it is not clear.

For such an answer, in fact, netizens are still unwilling.

There is a rumor that her teacher submitted it with Jiang Ping's account, but I don't know if it's true or not.

The official statement confirmed that Jiang Ping scored 83 points in the monthly mathematics test, and the screenshot is true. Netizens are not calm

Everyone questioned that it was nothing more than a girl who couldn't see an ordinary person come out with such ability.

The official statement confirmed that Jiang Ping scored 83 points in the monthly mathematics test, and the screenshot is true. Netizens are not calm

How twisted is it to be able to raise such a question. There is no computer to borrow. What's wrong with teachers giving out snacks to students? Isn't that normal?

The official statement confirmed that Jiang Ping scored 83 points in the monthly mathematics test, and the screenshot is true. Netizens are not calm

In fact, many of us just can't see others better than ourselves. Although she only scored 83 points in the monthly exam, some people just don't bother to take some irrelevant questions.

The official statement confirmed that Jiang Ping scored 83 points in the monthly mathematics test, and the screenshot is true. Netizens are not calm

Mr. Hua often failed math when he was young, but later became a successful mathematician through his hard work. Isn't that also a typical example? As long as you work hard, you can still succeed.

The official statement confirmed that Jiang Ping scored 83 points in the monthly mathematics test, and the screenshot is true. Netizens are not calm

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