
Tang Jinda | Rain to Huangmei day

author:Heart-to-heart culture

Tang Jinda was born in June 1949. Member of the Communist Party of China, college degree, agronomist. He is a member of the Modern Chinese Writers Association, a member of the Shanghai Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Association, a member of the Shanghai Yanhuang Culture Research Association, and a member of the Chongming Literature and History Research Association. He used to be the vice president of the People's Commune, a member of the organization committee of the township party committee, a deputy mayor and a deputy department-level researcher. He is the author of four biographical novels, which have been published by Shanghai People's Publishing House and Xuelin Publishing House. He has published more than 300,000 words in newspapers and magazines such as "People's Writers", "Descendants of Yan and Huang", "North and South of the Great River", "Chongming Daily", "Chongming Archives" and "Chongming Wenbo". © This article is published with authorization, please contact this official account for reprinting, submission and consultation.

Tang Jinda | Rain to Huangmei day
Tang Jinda | Rain to Huangmei day

Rain to Huangmei day

Some people ask, which weather is the most annoying in the four seasons of the year? The vast majority of people definitely answered that it was Huang Meitian!

That year, after seven or eight days of continuous rain, Huangmei Tian ushered in a rare "firewood day." After breakfast, the younger brother and daughter-in-law sent their niece to kindergarten, looked up at the sky, and found that the red sun was rising in the east and the weather was fine, so the mother and daughter went on the road happily. Who knew that the sky changed its face after a while, a dark cloud drifted by, the rain beat the ground, and fell with a bang, and the rain splashed and was confused. The mother and daughter drenched themselves in soup, hurried home to change their clothes, and then took an umbrella and continued on the road. But at the end of the halfway, the clouds dispersed, and the sun shone brightly. The younger brother and daughter-in-law put away their umbrellas and continued on their way. But before the school could repeat God's old tricks, dark clouds rolled on the edge of the sky, and in an instant, it poured down from the sky. The brother and daughter-in-law hurriedly opened the umbrella again. In this way, in order to send his niece to kindergarten, the short two-kilometer journey was played by God three times, and the younger brother and daughter-in-law said helplessly: "Alas, this nasty Huang Meitian."

Tang Jinda | Rain to Huangmei day

Plum rain, also known as Huangmei day, every year in June and July, in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China, there will be a continuous cloudy and rainy climate phenomenon, because it is the ripening period of plums in the south of the Yangtze River, so it is called "plum rain". Chongming is commonly known as June Huangmeitian. Zhao Shixiu, a poet of the Southern Song Dynasty, wrote in "The Guest": "In the Huangmei season, it rains at home, and the grass pond is full of frogs. There is an appointment not to come for the night and a half, and the chess pieces are idle and the lights are dropped. "The weather is unpredictable in the Huangmei day, sometimes sunny and sometimes cloudy and sometimes rainy, and the rain also becomes unexpected, as people often say, "Huangmei children's faces change three times a day". Even the Chongming people, who are proud of "Jiangxi people know treasures, Chongming people guess the sky", have also been made unpredictable. The continuous rain fell one after another, and the sandbar in the river at this time was damp and gloomy.

Chongming has a proverb that "the rain hits the yellow plum head, and there is no sun for forty-five days". There is indeed a lot of rain in Huangmeitian, and once it rains, it seems that the sky is leaking, and it can't be stopped. Of course, there are also years when there is little or no rain, and people are used to calling them "empty plum" and "dry yellow plum".

During the rainy season, the temperature is high and humid, and the humidity in the air is extremely high. Items such as buildings and clothing are prone to moisture and mold. One day, when I went home for lunch at noon, I didn't see my wife, but I heard my wife's scolding voice from the room: "This damn Huang Meitian has made a mess in the room." "It turned out to be Huangmei Tian's trouble. The floor of the room is seriously damp, and it is simply a muddy footprint step by step. My lover complained to me while mopping the muddy and wet floor with a mop. She added: "I went to town this morning and walked on the road, as if I was locked in a steamer, and the beads of sweat jumped out as if I didn't want money, and I was so suffocated that I was out of breath. The hateful thing is that the sweat can't evaporate, and it sticks to the skin, which is extremely uncomfortable. I've changed my clothes twice in the morning. "Yes, the clothes in Huangmeitian must be changed every day, and the clothes that were dried on the first day are difficult to dry completely. Not to mention that you can't smell a trace of the refreshing smell from the combined action of the sun and laundry detergent, as long as the clothes don't reveal a musty smell and the feel is not so wet and soft, it's really good. In addition, the high temperature and humidity of the rainy season can easily induce crop diseases and pests such as rice sheath blight and melon powdery powder......

Tang Jinda | Rain to Huangmei day

In such a season, most people "hate" Huang Meitian. This has been true throughout the ages.

For Huang Meitian, some people hate it, and some people like it. If you look at it from another angle, you will find that the rainy season also has many loveliness.

To be honest, I also like Huang Meitian. I appreciate the variety of rain during the rainy season. The smoke and rain of Huangmei Tian decorate the cities and villages into a looming landscape, like a dream and a fairyland. The thin plum rain, like the spring rain, like cow hair, like flower needles, under the bath of nature, so refreshing, so comfortable; The dripping rain, like autumn rain, like thousands of silver filaments floating down from heaven, is full of beauty, contains joy, and converges into a clear stream, moistening the earth; The rattling rain was like a summer shower, like a waterfall falling from the sky, like a dream elf. The raindrops of beans fell on the ground, splashing the water, the splashes were like small fountains, and the plum rain washed the crops in the field into verdant and crystalline, and the air also carried a fresh and moist fragrance.

Farmers are a large group of people who love the rainy season. My father often said: "The rain on the Huangmei day is easy to bloom in the field (crops), and if the rain is less, the rice and the yellow plum will not grow out in the day, and the seedlings will become stiff, which will seriously affect the yield." "Because the rainy season brings a lot of precipitation, most of it is thundershowers, and when lightning flashes, a large amount of nitrogen is released from the rain, which is beneficial for the growth of crops. As the saying goes: "When it rains in the rainy season, fertilize the field once after the race" is the truth.

I also have a lingering plot of June Huangmeitian. The rainy season is also the rice planting season. We accompanied the rainy season to row the fields and prepare the land, and pulled the seedlings and rice in the drizzle. In the rumbling and roaring sound of rice transplanters, the green seedlings full of vitality make the vast land change into a new summer outfit. When we stood on the ridge to rest, while wiping the rain on our heads, and looking at the verdant green in the rain curtain, our hearts were relaxed and happy, and we felt a bright and cheerful mood growing.

The rainy days in June are magical. It's hazy and it's clear. It clothes all things in an ethereal veil, and it washes all things fresh and bright. In the distance, the houses are hazy, but in the near distance, the plants are particularly verdant under the drizzle, which reminds me of the silent scene of moisturizing things, and I enjoy the silence and depth alone.

Tang Jinda | Rain to Huangmei day

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Tang Jinda | Rain to Huangmei day

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