
Be the beneficiary of the habit

author:Horse stone

As the saying goes: "Habits are like heavy mountains, difficult to shake; Habits are like flowing water, and nature becomes a canal. Indeed, everyone's behavior is like being pulled by an invisible rope, and that rope is the power of habit. It is more powerful than any external storm, thunder and lightning, and shapes the trajectory of our actions more directly. All theories, even the rules of the Hadith, are not sustained if they are not imprinted in our habits.

Be the beneficiary of the habit

Habits, there is light and dark. Good habits are like a compass, guiding us to the other side of success; Bad habits are like stumbling blocks that hinder our progress. Why is habit so important for a person? That's because it has a kind of inertia, like a rolling stone going down a mountain, and once it starts, it's hard to stop. Successful people often benefit from their accumulated good habits, while losers are often burdened by their unconscious bad habits.

Be the beneficiary of the habit

When people listen to the scholars, they are very enthusiastic, and they may have the urge to obey it and carry it out, but after a few days, when the enthusiasm wears off, they go back to their original state and forget all about the important Sunnah. Therefore, we should start from our daily words and deeds, put what we know into practice, and develop good habits. It is necessary to abandon the bad habit of fishing for three days and drying nets for two days, and to develop the habit of not being absent five times a day.

Be the beneficiary of the habit

When we see that other people's behavior is a bit glaring, we should look down at ourselves and reflect on whether our words and actions are governed by bad habits. We should be the beneficiaries of habits, not the victims. The Merciful Allah said, "Indeed, these are the days when the honest benefit from their truthfulness." They will enjoy the paradise of the rivers beneath them, and they will dwell in them forever. The Lord was pleased with them, and they loved Him, and it was a great success. ”(5:119)

Text/Ma Shishi, Photo/Ma Xinfang