
Dare to send the opponent back to the Stone Age, and as soon as Israel's voice fell, rockets came everywhere


Israeli Defense Secretary Gallant recently traveled to the United States to enlist U.S. support for Israel, while also discussing issues between Israel and Lebanon. Perhaps with the tacit support of the United States, Gallant then threatened that if it did, the Israeli army could send Lebanon back to the Stone Age in the battle with Allah Lebanon.

Dare to send the opponent back to the Stone Age, and as soon as Israel's voice fell, rockets came everywhere

However, as soon as Gallant's bold remarks "fell," air raid sirens were raised in northern Israel. It turned out that dozens of rockets had been fired into Lebanese territory, with some 35 to 40 rockets flying into Israel. The Israeli army immediately activated the "Iron Dome" defense system to intercept it, and a spectacular picture of various smoke trails filling the air appeared. Although the rockets were intercepted, fires continued to break out in northern Israel as a result of the attacks.

Dare to send the opponent back to the Stone Age, and as soon as Israel's voice fell, rockets came everywhere

With regard to the current Israeli-Lebanese border issue, US intelligence information speculates that if the situation is not eased, the conflict between the Israeli army and the Lebanese adversary will escalate rapidly in the next few weeks, and either side may launch a large-scale attack without warning, which will lead to the "ignition of war."

Dare to send the opponent back to the Stone Age, and as soon as Israel's voice fell, rockets came everywhere

Of course, for Israel to really invade Lebanon, it will definitely need the nod of the United States to agree. Moreover, some observers in the United States do not believe that Israel can easily crush its opponents. In their view, the Israeli army may be able to destroy Lebanon's aging power infrastructure through large-scale air strikes, but it will be very difficult to deal with Allah Lebanon. Compared with Hamas in Gaza, Allah in Lebanon is the existence that can wrestle with the Israeli army, this force has tens of thousands of regular fighters, and the number of missiles and rockets has reached more than 100,000.

Dare to send the opponent back to the Stone Age, and as soon as Israel's voice fell, rockets came everywhere

Therefore, although Israel is very good at rhetoric, when it comes to concrete actions, Israel also has to consider the possible consequences of escalation. Although the Israeli army has crushed Hamas in Gaza, the cost of this process is also significant, and if the conflict escalates, Israel will also come under even greater pressure. All in all, once the war starts, Israel has no advantage to take advantage of, and it will be a battle with no winners.

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