
The finale of "The Story of Rose": Su Gengsheng received 300,000 yuan from her ex-husband, which was the biggest humiliation to Huang Zhenhua

The finale of "The Story of Rose": Su Gengsheng received 300,000 yuan from her ex-husband, which was the biggest humiliation to Huang Zhenhua

Film critic Chen Xi is slightly cool

2024-06-28 10:35

In the finale of "The Story of Rose", many viewers felt that Su Gengsheng was the biggest winner, not only was she very happy with Huang Zhenhua's small family, but also the knot in Su Gengsheng's heart for many years was untied, she personally sent her stepfather to prison, and she finally stopped compromising and bowing her head to her mother.

The finale of "The Story of Rose": Su Gengsheng received 300,000 yuan from her ex-husband, which was the biggest humiliation to Huang Zhenhua

In "The Story of Roses", some people think that Su Gengsheng is sober in the world, especially in Huang Yimei's several relationships, Su Gengsheng stands from the perspective of a bystander, she is sober and calm, and when Huang Yimei needs comfort, Su Gengsheng can always comfort her just right.

However, some people think that Huang Zhenhua's encounter with Su Gengsheng is a catastrophe, Huang Zhenhua is a very simple and tolerant man, if he hadn't met Su Gengsheng, maybe he would have been happy for the rest of his life, and when he met Su Gengsheng, he tasted bitterness and frustration.

The finale of "The Story of Rose": Su Gengsheng received 300,000 yuan from her ex-husband, which was the biggest humiliation to Huang Zhenhua

Su Gengsheng once threw two bombs at Huang Zhenhua, the first bomb was after she had a relationship with Huang Zhenhua, Huang Zhenhua was full of her, but Su Gengsheng told Huang Zhenhua that she was unbearable to look back on her girlhood, of course, it was not Su Gengsheng's fault that she was raped, Huang Zhenhua said that he understood Su Gengsheng, and firmly chose to be with Su Gengsheng, which is also in line with Huang Zhenhua's personality.

The finale of "The Story of Rose": Su Gengsheng received 300,000 yuan from her ex-husband, which was the biggest humiliation to Huang Zhenhua

The second bomb that Su Gengsheng threw on Huang Zhenhua was that the two people had decided to get a marriage certificate, but on the day of receiving the certificate, Su Gengsheng told Huang Zhenhua that she had a marriage, although the first marriage had nothing to do with love, it was more like two injured people, huddling together for warmth, but he didn't confess until the day he got the certificate, and many viewers felt that Su Gengsheng was too much.

And Su Gengsheng's first marriage, in fact, also laid a foreshadowing, in the finale of "The Story of Rose", Su Gengsheng's ex-husband found her, at this time, Su Gengsheng's ex-husband has a successful career, he sold the marriage house that year, and gave Su Gengsheng 300,000 yuan, in the face of this huge amount, Su Gengsheng is still very happy.

The finale of "The Story of Rose": Su Gengsheng received 300,000 yuan from her ex-husband, which was the biggest humiliation to Huang Zhenhua

Su Gengsheng's ex-husband, no matter what psychology he had, he wanted to get close to Su Gengsheng, it was obvious, not only to give Su Gengsheng a house payment, but also to cooperate with Su Gengsheng's company, between people, once connected, in fact, there would be an emotional link, the appearance of Su Gengsheng's ex-husband was not only a crisis for Huang Zhenhua, but also a humiliation.

The finale of "The Story of Rose": Su Gengsheng received 300,000 yuan from her ex-husband, which was the biggest humiliation to Huang Zhenhua

Because of the recession in the industry, when Su Gengsheng's ex-husband appeared, Huang Zhenhua's company also had problems, and Huang Zhenhua's personality was very casual, anyway, there was Su Gengsheng at home, Huang Zhenhua didn't even feel the financial pressure at home, until Su Gengsheng took 300,000 yuan from his ex-husband, and Huang Zhenhua's mother also gave Su Gengsheng 100,000 yuan, which made Huang Zhenhua realize that he had been rotten for a long time, and with the stimulation of Su Gengsheng's ex-husband, Huang Zhenhua finally realized his problem. He also began to actively participate in his work.

The finale of "The Story of Rose": Su Gengsheng received 300,000 yuan from her ex-husband, which was the biggest humiliation to Huang Zhenhua

As a man, Huang Zhenhua actually still has a sense of frustration in front of Su Gengsheng, but fortunately, Huang Zhenhua is dull, he knows that Su Gengsheng is living wholeheartedly with himself, so he will not feel too uncomfortable, if he is replaced by a cautious man, Huang Zhenhua and Su Gengsheng will not be so harmonious.

In "The Story of Rose", Huang Zhenhua and Su Gengsheng are also a perfect match, even if it is a little contradictory, Su Gengsheng is a transparent woman, while Huang Zhenhua is a very tolerant person, and there is a dull sense, and the two of them are very compatible together.

The finale of "The Story of Rose": Su Gengsheng received 300,000 yuan from her ex-husband, which was the biggest humiliation to Huang Zhenhua

The finale of "The Story of Rose", are you still satisfied with the ending of Su Gengsheng and Huang Zhenhua?

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  • The finale of "The Story of Rose": Su Gengsheng received 300,000 yuan from her ex-husband, which was the biggest humiliation to Huang Zhenhua
  • The finale of "The Story of Rose": Su Gengsheng received 300,000 yuan from her ex-husband, which was the biggest humiliation to Huang Zhenhua
  • The finale of "The Story of Rose": Su Gengsheng received 300,000 yuan from her ex-husband, which was the biggest humiliation to Huang Zhenhua
  • The finale of "The Story of Rose": Su Gengsheng received 300,000 yuan from her ex-husband, which was the biggest humiliation to Huang Zhenhua
  • The finale of "The Story of Rose": Su Gengsheng received 300,000 yuan from her ex-husband, which was the biggest humiliation to Huang Zhenhua
  • The finale of "The Story of Rose": Su Gengsheng received 300,000 yuan from her ex-husband, which was the biggest humiliation to Huang Zhenhua
  • The finale of "The Story of Rose": Su Gengsheng received 300,000 yuan from her ex-husband, which was the biggest humiliation to Huang Zhenhua

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