
Controversy! 3 media people collectively complained about Ivankovic: I didn't take the national football team seriously at all

author:Akane Football

"Beijing Youth Daily" reported that in order to cooperate with the national football team to prepare for the round of 18, the schedule of the Chinese Super League will be adjusted. According to the latest plan, the 24th round of the Chinese Super League will be brought forward to July 19-21. National football coach Ivankovic plans to return to China around July 10 to continue scouting the players. However, this arrangement has caused controversy and criticism from many media personalities.

Controversy! 3 media people collectively complained about Ivankovic: I didn't take the national football team seriously at all

Reporter Song Chengliang was the first to speak out, expressing dissatisfaction with Ivan's arrangement. He pointed out: "During the period when the league is in full swing, Ivan does not select people in various competitions, and always returns to China for vacation, what is this? Song Chengliang's remarks reflect the dissatisfaction of some media people, believing that Ivan's frequent return to China during this critical period shows that he does not pay enough attention to the Chinese Super League and the selection of the national football team.

Controversy! 3 media people collectively complained about Ivankovic: I didn't take the national football team seriously at all

Media person Fu Yayu further expressed his concerns: "I can only understand that it is no longer important to him to choose the Super League. But how can this not be important? Don't you have to see how the players are in shape and what position they are suitable for? So the conclusion is: the candidates are almost there, just play the position I let you play, and the rest is not important. Fu Yayu's comments revealed his dissatisfaction with Ivan's selection criteria, believing that Ivan did not make full use of the opportunities of the Chinese Super League to observe and evaluate the form and adaptability of the players.

Controversy! 3 media people collectively complained about Ivankovic: I didn't take the national football team seriously at all

Media personality Wang Yu also joined the discussion, writing: "Treat the league as a bastard again. Wang Yu's rhetoric was more direct, criticizing Ivan for not taking the Chinese Super League and the national football team seriously enough. These criticisms reflect widespread skepticism in the media about Ivan's attitude and preparation strategy.

However, fans also have their own opinions on this. Many fans believe that this is not the time to make statements of division and disunity. After all, the national football team is in a critical period of preparation for the round of 18 and needs the support and cooperation of all parties. Fans expect media people and professionals to contribute constructively, rather than criticizing and questioning.