
Weicheng: The intelligent manufacturing factory upgrades the "smart brain".

author:Weicheng release

Shandong Kuaicang Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd



New model

Ask for direction from the market

Ask for products from innovation

Upgrades have been created

Higher safety performance

FD150C model forklift robot

It further enriches the product category of the enterprise

It has become a new work of Kuaicang "going to sea".

Weicheng: The intelligent manufacturing factory upgrades the "smart brain".
Weicheng: The intelligent manufacturing factory upgrades the "smart brain".

It is located in Weicheng Economic Development Zone

Semiconductor (laser) industrial park

Shandong Kuaicang Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd

The technician is right

FD150C forklift robot

Conduct a final test

Weicheng: The intelligent manufacturing factory upgrades the "smart brain".

These days

This forklift robot

It will be shipped to Ningbo for EU CE certification

CE certification is a safety conformity mark

Higher requirements are put forward for the safety of products

After passing the CE certification

This intelligent forklift robot in Shandong Kuaicang

Obtaining a "passport" to enter the European market

More than 80% of the world's broad market door

will be open to it

Weicheng: The intelligent manufacturing factory upgrades the "smart brain".

"The core function of our CE certification part lies in the relationship between my movement form and my obstacle avoidance range, which needs to have higher requirements for our rotation state and straight state. In this case, we have an external dual encoder for the rotating motor and a corresponding dual encoder for the travel motor, and then we implement one of my final safety functions with the encoder and the CE kit, which is the safety component. Wang Jinyuan, R&D director of Shandong Kuaicang Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., said.

In March of this year

Fast warehouse R&D team

The development of this new product began

On the basis of the original operating system

According to CE marking requirements

Targeted transformation and upgrading

Weicheng: The intelligent manufacturing factory upgrades the "smart brain".

After more than 70 days of exploring

This one is 2.1 meters high

1.5 tons of large load

Lifting height of 3.2 meters

The FD150C forklift robot was successfully rolled off the production line

Relative to the products before the fast warehouse

Newly upgraded smart forklifts

Fully compliant with the latest ISO 3691-4 CE standard

Weicheng: The intelligent manufacturing factory upgrades the "smart brain".

It is understood

In this year's exhibitions at home and abroad

Kuaicang has obtained a number of intent orders for intelligent forklifts

The estimated order amount is more than 30 million yuan

A steady stream of product orders

Thanks to the company's persistent scientific and technological innovation

Kuaicang is based on existing robots

Continuously develop new products according to market demand

Complete coverage of e-commerce, circulation, manufacturing three major scenarios

Not only the overseas market demand is large

The domestic market is also promising

With the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry

and the rapid development of the logistics industry

Enterprises' demand for intelligent handling robots

It is also growing stronger

Weicheng: The intelligent manufacturing factory upgrades the "smart brain".

"Weifang has more logistics, manufacturing enterprises, the demand for intelligent handling is also very large, fast warehouse has also docked a number of local needs, fast warehouse also provides fast warehouse intelligent handling solutions according to customer needs, we are willing to serve local enterprises with cost-effective products, to promote the digital transformation of enterprises to contribute to the fast warehouse force." Huang Bing, deputy general manager of Shandong Kuaicang Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., said.