
Xingfeng Road Primary School in Weiyang District held an online campus open day

author:Sunshine News Sunshine Network

Sunshine News (Zhou Shurui, reporter Liang Yongfei) Xingfeng Road Primary School in Weiyang District, Xi'an City was founded in 1965, located on the edge of the North Second Ring Road, located next to the Hancheng Lake Scenic Area in the ruins of Chang'an City in the Han Dynasty. The school covers an area of 7,596 square meters, with 1,177 square meters of green area and 3,800 square meters of sports land. The school has complete teaching facilities, including a teaching building, an office building, and a comprehensive building, with art rooms, music rooms, dance rooms, computer rooms, libraries, sports rooms, party building rooms, and multi-functional halls.

Xingfeng Road Primary School in Weiyang District held an online campus open day

The school philosophy and motto of "Xing to aspire and enrich to adults", to "comprehensively improve the teaching quality of Xing primary education, to create a happy paradise for teachers and students to grow" as the goal, to "everyone is wonderful, light up each other" as the school spirit, to "enlighten the wisdom and nourish the heart, to promote the Tao and cultivate people" as the teaching style, to "erudition and sensitivity, accumulation and thin development" as the school style, combined with the "rich curriculum" concept of "let every child bloom the brilliance of life" to create a school cultural atmosphere.

In recent years, Xingfeng Road Primary School has turned around gorgeously. The face of the school environment has changed dramatically. The campus pavement, playground and green area have been comprehensively upgraded. The novel class culture wall in front of the classroom of each class, and the full popularization of the smart blackboard. Walking into the campus, what you see is the colorful flowing welcome road, the hand-painted peach path, the temporary new plastic runway, the atmospheric wind and rain stage, the comfortable stone tables and chairs, and the red and white teaching building.

Xingfeng Road Primary School in Weiyang District held an online campus open day
Xingfeng Road Primary School in Weiyang District held an online campus open day
Xingfeng Road Primary School in Weiyang District held an online campus open day
Xingfeng Road Primary School in Weiyang District held an online campus open day