
The management of the subsidy for nutritious meals for rural students is chaotic, and the National Audit Office names them

author:New agriculture, agriculture, and rural areas

On the morning of June 25, the National Audit Office was entrusted by the State Council to report to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on the audit of the implementation of the central budget and other financial revenues and expenditures in 2023. According to the report, in 2023, the total revenue of the central general public budget will be 10,741.67 billion yuan, the total expenditure will be 14,901.67 billion yuan, and the deficit will be 4,160 billion yuan, which is the same as the adjusted budget.

The audit found problems such as the chaotic management of student meal grants. Focusing on education, employment, rural revitalization and other aspects of general concern to the society, this audit report also announced some problems in the management and use of livelihood funds.

In terms of the audit of the special funds for the nutrition improvement plan for rural compulsory education students, the audit found that the management and use of some subsidy funds were chaotic, the illegal operation of some feeding units, and the lack of standardization and strict supervision of meal procurement and supervision.

In terms of the audit of employment subsidy funds and unemployment insurance funds, it was found that 109,000 people should not be paid social insurance subsidies, and some labor dispatch enterprises infringed on the rights and interests of workers, and other problems affecting employment stability.

In terms of rural revitalization, it was found that the monitoring of the prevention of returning to poverty and the normalization of assistance for low-income rural populations were not firmly implemented, 23,600 people were not included in the scope of investigation in 16 counties as required, and 649 people were falsely reported to have completed assistance but did not actually take any measures. In addition, there are also problems such as the lack of protection of peasants' property rights and interests.

The management of the subsidy for nutritious meals for rural students is chaotic, and the National Audit Office names them

The report mentioned that since the beginning of this year, in the face of an extremely complex and changeable domestic and foreign environment, all regions and departments have consolidated and strengthened the economic recovery trend under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, and the overall economic operation has achieved a "good start", but the sustainability of the economic recovery needs to be enhanced. Judging from the situation grasped by the audit, some problems existing in economic and social development are due to the fact that the institutional mechanisms and systems are not sound and perfect enough, and are also related to the weak awareness of financial and economic laws and disciplines in some localities, the lack of the spirit of taking responsibility and hard work, the lack of skills, and the lack of ability to implement reform and development measures. In accordance with the deployment requirements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, combined with the audit findings, it is recommended that: (1) Strengthen the overall planning of macro policies and give better play to the advantages of the system. The first is to promote a proactive fiscal policy to appropriately strengthen and improve quality and efficiency. In terms of fiscal revenue, it is necessary to intensify the collection and management of taxes and fees, improve departmental data sharing, plug loopholes in the system, and ensure that all receivables are collected and granulars are returned to the warehouse, so as to consolidate the recovery growth trend of fiscal revenue. In terms of fiscal expenditure, efforts should be made to optimize the expenditure structure, reasonably determine the positioning of various transfer payment functions, and avoid cross-duplication arrangements through different channels; Strict performance evaluation and application of results to better reflect the orientation of rewarding the good and punishing the bad and the compatibility of incentives; To give better play to the leading role of central investment, the allocation of special bond quota is tilted towards areas with sufficient project preparation and high investment efficiency; Fully implement the policy of structural tax reduction and fee reduction. The second is to promote a prudent monetary policy that is flexible, moderate, precise and effective. Improve the quality of "plus" in key areas, and guide more financial resources to be invested in scientific and technological innovation, green transformation, inclusive small and micro enterprises and other fields. We should intensify the "reduction" of restricted areas, urge commercial banks to clear the balance of retained loans such as "zombie enterprises" as soon as possible, and avoid the idling of credit funds. Supervise and urge large state-owned commercial banks to play a good role as the "main force", smooth the monetary policy transmission mechanism, and better meet the effective financing needs of the real economy. The third is to strengthen the coordination and cooperation between various policies. Incorporate non-economic policies into the assessment of the consistency of macroeconomic policy orientations, establish and improve the evaluation system, and prevent mutual constraints, effect hedging, or synthetic fallacies. In formulating macroeconomic policies, we should pay attention to communication with the market, lay a good amount of advance, set aside redundancy, and slow down or not release those that are expected to have contractionary and inhibitory effects on economic development. (2) Deepen reforms in key areas, and improve relevant systems and mechanisms. We should comprehensively sort out the problems that have repeatedly and frequently occurred in economic operation in recent years, and persist in examining and solving them from the perspective of reform. Plan a new round of fiscal and taxation system reform, improve the division of fiscal powers and expenditure responsibilities between the central and local governments, increase the intensity of balanced transfer payments, and improve the regular assessment and dynamic adjustment and withdrawal mechanisms for transfer payments. Evaluate and clean up the preferential policies of local taxes and fees. Improve the modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics, thoroughly implement the deepening and upgrading of the reform of state-owned enterprises, explore the establishment of a guidance system for the optimization of the layout and structural adjustment of the state-owned economy, and promote the strengthening and optimization of the main business of state-owned enterprises, and improve their core competitiveness. Accelerate the construction of a unified national market, formulate standards and guidelines for the construction of a unified national market, and carry out special governance of outstanding problems such as local protection, market segmentation, and improper competition in attracting investment. Fully implement the opinions and supporting measures to promote the development and growth of the private economy, and better solve the problems of market access, access to factors, and protection of rights and interests. (3) Continue to strengthen efforts to resolve major economic risks and provide a solid guarantee for promoting high-quality development. Improve the overall planning and coordination mechanism for the handling of major risks, and consolidate the main responsibilities of enterprises, departmental supervision, and local territories. For local debt risks, it is necessary to establish a government debt management mechanism that is compatible with high-quality development, and improve the penetrating monitoring of special bond projects. With regard to risks in the financial sector, it is necessary to improve the risk handling mechanism for which the principal local leaders are responsible, improve the mechanism for monitoring, early warning and early correction of financial risks, and bring all kinds of financial activities under supervision and control in accordance with the law. Supervise and urge large state-owned commercial banks to operate legally and prudently, and improve corporate governance and internal risk control mechanisms. For the risk of loss of state-owned assets, it is necessary to supervise and improve the refinement of the "three major and one large" decision-making and implementation mechanism, and upgrade the responsibility and penetrate the governance of typical problems caused by major losses caused by illegal decision-making. (4) Earnestly implement the people-centered development philosophy to ensure and improve people's livelihood. The first is to give more prominence to the priority orientation of employment. Human resources and social security departments should increase assistance for the employment of key groups such as graduates and migrant workers; Deepen the rectification of the labor dispatch industry, and urge local governments to strictly implement daily supervision and other responsibilities. The second is to make unremitting efforts to do a good job in the "three rural" work. Anchoring the goal of building an agricultural power, learn and apply the experience of the "Ten Million Project", scientifically plan the construction of villages in combination with local conditions, implement the responsibility of financial investment, and make up for the shortcomings of rural infrastructure and basic public services as soon as possible. Implement the action of warming the hearts of the people with heart and affection, urge the local government to consolidate the main responsibility of the nutrition improvement plan for rural compulsory education students, and ensure that every penny goes to the students' mouths; We will firmly support the low-income population on a regular basis, strictly implement various measures to promote farmers' income increase and prosperity, and earnestly protect farmers' property rights and interests such as land contracting and collective asset income. Firmly establish the concept of big agriculture and big food, build a diversified food supply system, and ensure food safety. (5) Strengthen restraint and supervision over the exercise of power, and further tighten financial and economic discipline. The first is to strengthen supervision over the "key minority." Give full play to the unique role of auditing in promoting the Party's self-revolution and the role of "vanguards" in fighting corruption and disorder, deepen economic responsibility auditing, urge leading cadres to firmly establish a correct view of political performance, completely, accurately and comprehensively implement the major decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee on economic work, and ensure that the final effect is in line with the decision-making intention of the Party Central Committee; Supervise and urge the strict implementation of democratic centralism, and refine the process of decision-making on major economic matters and the operation of approval powers. The second is to encourage party and government organs to get used to living a tight life. All localities and departments should specially formulate relevant measures, regard the implementation of the requirements of a tight life as a long-term fiscal policy, continue to strictly streamline and compress festivals, forums and exhibitions, and implement total volume control and record-keeping management. Tighten the allocation of non-rigid and non-key project expenditures, and release more financial resources to promote high-quality development and improve people's livelihood and well-being. Third, it is necessary to seriously investigate and deal with all kinds of violations of financial and economic discipline. Rectify the tendency to regard violations of financial and economic discipline as the behavior of units and ignore the pursuit of personal responsibility, carry out special rectification of areas and units where financial and economic discipline is seriously lax and problems are relatively frequent, and investigate and expose a number of cases in accordance with laws and regulations, so as to form a strong deterrent and avoid the effect of broken windows. The full text is below.

The management of the subsidy for nutritious meals for rural students is chaotic, and the National Audit Office names them
The management of the subsidy for nutritious meals for rural students is chaotic, and the National Audit Office names them
The management of the subsidy for nutritious meals for rural students is chaotic, and the National Audit Office names them

Source: CCTV News of China Central Radio and Television

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