
Quit these 8 "weak mentality", and life will be smooth

author:There are deer in Shushan

We can't change reality, so we can only adjust our mentality to adapt to the real environment.

What the mentality is, what life is. The heart is strong enough, and life will not be bad. And the heart is too fragile, and if you want to die or live at every turn, there will only be darkness left in life.

Whether you want to be strong or weak depends on your heart. If you want to have a smooth life, I advise you to quit these 8 "weak mentality".

Quit these 8 "weak mentality", and life will be smooth


Quit the giant baby mentality of dependence on others.

There is a hot word on the Internet, giant baby. It refers to those who have reached adulthood, but their minds are still in the early childhood stage, extremely immature, and have no ability to survive.

Young people should be self-reliant, but they have to rely on their parents, which is a giant baby; A poor man at the bottom, but delusionally thinking that the rich and the elite will come to save him, is also a giant baby.

Whether it is dependence or delusional savior coming, this is a proper giant baby psychology. You must know that there is no savior in the world, and the one who can save himself will always be himself.


Quit the resentful woman mentality.

Nanshi said that if you complain all day long, then God will give you a negative magnetic field.

If things can be resolved, then there is no need for us to complain. But if things can't be resolved, then there's no point in complaining too much. It can be seen that the psychology of complaining only has a negative effect, but no positive effect.

In life, it is a day to live happily, and it is also a day to have a sad face, so why don't we live happily? Instead of becoming a resentful woman, it is better to cultivate oneself and achieve a better self.

Quit these 8 "weak mentality", and life will be smooth


Quit the wishful fool mentality.

Countless people have this "ridiculous" view: as long as I am good to others, others will definitely be good to me. As long as I give, others will definitely be touched by me.

This is a typical "wishful thinking". is like the farmer in "The Farmer and the Snake", thinking that he saved the poisonous snake, the poisonous snake will be grateful to him, but after the poisonous snake woke up, it bit the farmer to death as soon as possible.

People do not hurt the tiger, and the tiger is harmful to people's hearts. You don't necessarily treat others well, others will treat you well. Possibly, if you are too nice to others, they will despise you even more.


Quit the sheep mentality of being manipulated.

Honest people will complain, why are there so many villains in the rivers and lakes, why is the world so dark, and why are good people in such a bad situation?

There is only one answer: this is a world of the jungle, which follows the set of "big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimp". Whoever is weak will be eaten, and it has nothing to do with whether he is kind or not.

Do you want to be a wolf, or do you want to be a sheep? I think it's better to be a wolf. If you don't have the strength, let alone compete to the end, you may be eaten at the beginning, and you will not be able to protect yourself.

Quit these 8 "weak mentality", and life will be smooth


Quit the underdog mentality of going with the flow.

There is a point of view in "The Rabble": as long as people are in a group, they will inevitably lose their intelligence and lose their rationality and intelligence.

In a group, what you see others do, you follow suit. Where you see others going, you follow suit. This is a typical "going with the flow".

Go with the flow, there is only one ending, and that is to be cut leeks. Empathy, if you are an elite, then you see stubble after stubble of leeks, will you let them go? Definitely won't let it go.


Quit irrational impulsive mentality.

Since we talk about going with the flow, we inevitably talk about "rationality". Human nature is inclined to emotion, without much rationality. And rationality is precisely the criterion for screening and elimination in the general environment.

How to understand it? If you are rational, know how to think and layout, then you can basically outperform. On the contrary, if you lack rationality, you will bump into it like a blind fly, and sooner or later you will suffer a big loss.

If you look at those elites and strong people, there is no one who is irrational. If you look at the poor people at the bottom, there is not a single one who is not emotional. Whether it is rational or not is precisely the dividing line between poverty and wealth.

Quit these 8 "weak mentality", and life will be smooth


Quit the unrealistic delusional mentality.

Young people believe that the world is beautiful and a utopia. Middle-aged people believe that the world is a gladiatorial arena, where everyone competes with each other and devours each other.

Why is there such a big gap between the ideas of young people and the ideas of middle-aged people? Because young people don't have enough experience and less experience, they naturally think that the world is a utopia.

The reality is that life is not a utopia, but a naked Shura field. Acting with a utopian delusional mentality will only make you bruised and bruised, and there will be no good results.


Quit the unprepared fluke mentality.

There is a story "The Bird of the Cold", which is roughly about the other birds telling the bird that winter is coming and should build a nest quickly, but the bird does not listen and thinks that there is no winter. Finally, winter came, and the cold trumpet, which had not built a nest, froze to death.

The reason why the cold bird will freeze to death is because it has a fluke mentality, and it lies to itself that winter will not come. The question is, whether winter is coming or not, we don't say it ourselves, but the law of nature.

I only hope that none of us will become cold birds, and we will not have any luck mentality. Only by preparing in advance and preparing for the worst in advance can it be possible to deal with the risks that are coming and protect yourself and your family.

Text/Shushan has deer