
During the live broadcast, the female anchor suddenly fell to the ground! Influencer brand response

author:Anhui Business Daily
During the live broadcast, the female anchor suddenly fell to the ground! Influencer brand response

Yesterday (June 27) afternoon, in the live broadcast room of "Zhong Xue Gao Laolin", the female anchor shook her body during the live broadcast, and then fell to the ground.

During the live broadcast, the female anchor suddenly fell to the ground! Influencer brand response

This incident aroused the attention of netizens and quickly appeared on Weibo's hot search.

During the live broadcast, the female anchor suddenly fell to the ground! Influencer brand response

After the above-mentioned female anchor fell to the ground, the live broadcast room was then replaced by a new anchor for live explanation. The follow-up anchor explained that the previous female anchor fainted because she felt unwell during her menstrual period and went to work sick, coupled with the weather in Hangzhou.

After the incident, the female anchor who fell during the live broadcast reappeared in the live broadcast room, explaining that she had been in her menstrual period recently and didn't care, and fainted just half an hour after the live broadcast. The company has already arranged a break, and there is nothing wrong with my body, and I will go to the hospital for a check-up later. She also said that this incident is not a script, don't use false rumors, and rumors stop at the wise.

However, in the follow-up barrage in the live broadcast room, many netizens still questioned this matter, and some even pointed out that Zhong Xuegao used this to hype. In this regard, the live broadcast room also replied in the barrage, "The rainy weather in the south is relatively stuffy, the anchor is fine, he is being examined in the hospital, and the situation is reported at any time."

During the live broadcast, the female anchor suddenly fell to the ground! Influencer brand response

The customer service of Zhongxuegao's flagship store told the reporter of Nandu Bay Finance Agency, "The lighting in the live broadcast room of the southern plum rainy weather is relatively boring, and the anchor has gone to rest, thank you for your concern and attention." ”

During the live broadcast, the female anchor suddenly fell to the ground! Influencer brand response

With the rise in the popularity of the topic, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room of "Zhongxue Gao Laolin" also quickly rose to more than 200,000. As of last night (27th), the live broadcast room was still on the air normally.

According to media reports, since the end of last year, "Ice Cream Hermes" Zhong Xuegao has completely stepped down from the altar due to negative turmoil such as salary arrears, being restricted from height, and selling cheaply.

In mid-April, Lin Sheng, the founder of Zhongxuegao, posted on Weibo that "I have to pay off my debts even if I sell sweet potatoes", which attracted widespread attention.

Subsequently, Lin Sheng, the founder of Zhongxuegao, opened a live broadcast account "Zhongxuegao Lao Lin", which had a profile picture of Lin Sheng and a signature of "Make products well, repay debts well, and be together". It is understood that on May 28, Lin Sheng started live streaming for the first time. In the live broadcast room, Lin Sheng said that Zhong Xuegao had a very glorious moment in the past, but the company did not operate well, resulting in Zhong Xuegao's cash flow being very tight, and a large number of employee salaries, compensation, and reimbursements were not cashed out in time.

In addition, it is worth noting that two more subsidiaries of Zhong Xuegao have become judgment defaulters.

Tianyancha App shows that recently, Shuqu Food (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. was listed as a dishonest person subject to execution by the Shanghai Yangpu District People's Court because it refused to perform the obligations determined by the effective legal documents due to its ability to perform, and was restricted from high consumption, involving a case of sales contract disputes. The case process information shows that not long ago, the company was forced to pay more than 20,000 yuan for this case.

Shuqu Food (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. was established in April 2019, the legal representative is Wang Keqin, with a registered capital of 20 million yuan, and its business scope includes food sales, retail of edible agricultural products, organization of cultural and artistic exchange activities, etc., and is wholly owned by Zhongxuegao Food (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

Not long ago, Zhong Mao (Shanghai) Food Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Zhong Xuegao, was just listed as a dishonest person subject to execution.

During the live broadcast, the female anchor suddenly fell to the ground! Influencer brand response

Source: Southern Metropolis Daily Review: Chen Zhaolong Editor: Li Xiang Proofreader: Li Li