
Impression of the mountain city | Baida Village, Jinbo Township, Baisha: Early rice harvest

author:White sand media

Recently, walking into Baidua Village, Jinbo Township, Baisha, a large area of yellowish and green rice came into view, the heavy rice ears bent the rice stalks, and the fields were intertwined with the joy of harvest.

In recent years, in order to further promote the planting of early rice and drive the planting enthusiasm of the villagers, the "two committees" of Baidua Village, Jinbo Township, have joined hands with the party members and cadres of the village to jointly invest in every link of seedling, planting and harvesting. Through hard work, the 40 acres of early rice planted have now been harvested, and it is expected that all the harvest will be completed in early July, injecting new vitality into the collective economic development of the village.

Impression of the mountain city | Baida Village, Jinbo Township, Baisha: Early rice harvest
Impression of the mountain city | Baida Village, Jinbo Township, Baisha: Early rice harvest
Impression of the mountain city | Baida Village, Jinbo Township, Baisha: Early rice harvest
Impression of the mountain city | Baida Village, Jinbo Township, Baisha: Early rice harvest
Impression of the mountain city | Baida Village, Jinbo Township, Baisha: Early rice harvest
Impression of the mountain city | Baida Village, Jinbo Township, Baisha: Early rice harvest
Impression of the mountain city | Baida Village, Jinbo Township, Baisha: Early rice harvest
Impression of the mountain city | Baida Village, Jinbo Township, Baisha: Early rice harvest
Impression of the mountain city | Baida Village, Jinbo Township, Baisha: Early rice harvest
Impression of the mountain city | Baida Village, Jinbo Township, Baisha: Early rice harvest
Impression of the mountain city | Baida Village, Jinbo Township, Baisha: Early rice harvest

◎Source: Baisharong Media Center

◎ Reporter: Fu Miaojin Fu Dong

◎Correspondent: Zheng Xunzhen

◎Editor: Wu Xiuzhuang

◎ Review: Chen QuanThe content of this article is original, please indicate the source for reprinting

Impression of the mountain city | Baida Village, Jinbo Township, Baisha: Early rice harvest

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