
After playing "Blind Girl" once, playing 5 actresses who are like blind people, is the audience too deep into the play?

author:A good man has a safe life

When we talk about the form of performance of blind characters, it's a university question. First, let's talk about those unobtrusive performances. This form is often found in movies or plays, where actors convey a character's blindness in other ways, such as through voices, expressions, and body language. Imagine how an actor can make the audience feel the character's blindness without directly showing his eyes? This requires the actor to have extremely high acting skills and a deep understanding of the role.

The next step is to wear contact lenses or contact lenses. This way can visually give the viewer a very visual impression that the character's eyes appear to be godless, or take on a special color, thus conveying the character's visual impairment. However, this method also has its limitations, that is, the actor may be disturbed by contact lenses or contact lenses during the performance, such as blurred vision or discomfort, which may affect the naturalness of the performance.

After playing "Blind Girl" once, playing 5 actresses who are like blind people, is the audience too deep into the play?

The third way is to roll your eyes artificially. This is a more traditional acting technique in which an actor visually simulates the state of a blind person by controlling his or her eyes so that they turn upwards to reveal the whites of their eyes. Although this method is visually impactful, it also requires a lot of control and skill on the part of the actors, otherwise it can easily look contrived or unnatural.

Finally, let's talk about the way to show sluggishness with your eyes wide open. This approach requires the actor to convey the character's blindness by keeping their eyes wide open, but their eyes empty. This requires the actor to have a lot of control and be able to keep his eyes open while making his eyes appear unfocused and lifeless. This style of acting is very challenging for the actors, as it requires the actors to convey the inner world of the characters while maintaining their expressions.

Each of these four forms of performance has its own characteristics, but the common difficulty lies in how to make the character's blindness appear real and not artificial. It's not just a technical issue, it's an artistic one. The actor needs to deeply understand the psychological state of the character, and through his performance, let the audience feel the inner world of the character. For example, a blind character's sense of helplessness in the face of difficulties, or the eagerness and anxiety when communicating with others, these need to be conveyed by the actor through delicate performances.

After playing "Blind Girl" once, playing 5 actresses who are like blind people, is the audience too deep into the play?

When playing a blind character, the actor also needs to take into account the character's daily life, such as how to use a guide dog and how to perceive the surrounding environment through touch and hearing. The processing of these details can make the characters appear more three-dimensional and realistic. At the same time, the actor also needs to consider the social relationships of the characters, such as how they interact with family, friends and society, and what characteristics and emotions of the characters are reflected in these interactions.

Overall, playing the role of a blind person is an extremely challenging task, which requires not only superb acting skills, but also a deep understanding of the characters. Through different forms of performance, actors can show the diversity and complexity of their characters, allowing the audience to have a deeper understanding and empathy for the characters. This kind of performance is not only a reproduction of the character, but also an exploration and expression of the depths of human nature.

Ruby Lin, this name is well-known in the Chinese entertainment industry. Her acting career can be said to be colorful, and her outstanding performance in playing the role of a blind person has left a deep impression on her in the hearts of the audience.

After playing "Blind Girl" once, playing 5 actresses who are like blind people, is the audience too deep into the play?

Let's start with her famous work "Huanzhu Gege". In this drama, the role of Ziwei played by Ruby Lin has a stage of blindness. At that time, she was just a fledgling newcomer, but with her deep understanding of the role and superb acting skills, she vividly interpreted Ziwei's blindness. The audience was moved by her helpless and strong eyes, as if they could feel the character's inner struggle and unyielding. Ziwei's blind performance not only made Ruby Lin an instant hit, but also became an important milestone in her acting career.

After "Huanzhu Gege", Ruby Lin did not stop her exploration of the role of the blind. In the movie "Subway", she once again challenged the role of a blind man. This time, she plays a blind girl who is lost in the city. This character is very different from crape myrtle, she is more independent and stronger. Through her delicate performance, Ruby Lin shows the character's determination and courage to find light in the dark. Her precise eye control and body language made the audience impressed by her acting skills again.

After playing "Blind Girl" once, playing 5 actresses who are like blind people, is the audience too deep into the play?

In the TV series "Beauty Scheming", Ruby Lin once again played the role of a blind man. This time, she plays a blind girl in the court, who is in the dark, but her heart is full of wisdom and scheming. Ruby Lin interprets the ingenuity and complex emotions of this character very well, allowing the audience to see a different image of a blind man.

Ruby Lin has played the role of a blind man many times, which not only shows her acting skills, but also leaves a deep impression on her in the hearts of the audience. Sometimes, when she plays a normal role in other works, some viewers even mistakenly believe that she is still blind. This situation, although a little embarrassing, also reflects how deeply rooted her interpretation of the role of the blind is.

Ruby Lin's acting experience tells us that if an actor wants to leave a deep impression in the hearts of the audience, he must not only have excellent acting skills, but also have a deep understanding and dedication to the role. With her performance, she let us see the diversity and complexity of the role of the blind, and also gave us more understanding and respect for the blind community. This kind of performance is not only a reproduction of the character, but also an exploration and expression of human nature.

After playing "Blind Girl" once, playing 5 actresses who are like blind people, is the audience too deep into the play?

Speaking of Liu Shishi, this gentle actress, her temperament and acting skills have always been a topic of conversation among the audience. In her acting career, there is a role that is particularly eye-catching, that is, the blind girl Gao Yang who played in the TV series "Jingzhong Yue Fei".

In "Jingzhong Yue Fei", Liu Shishi challenged the role of a blind man for the first time. She plays Gao Yang, a female figure who survives strongly in troubled times. This role is undoubtedly a new attempt and challenge for Liu Shishi. She needs to use her acting skills to show the inner world and emotional changes of a blind person. The audience saw her performance in the play and couldn't help but praise her acting skills. Although her eyes are empty, the emotions contained in them are rich, and although her movements are limited, every subtle movement reveals the inner drama of the character.

However, with the success of this role, Liu Shishi's acting skills have also attracted some controversy. Some people think that her performance is too deliberate, and some even jokingly call her "blind acting". This controversy is actually largely due to the audience's different understanding and expectations of the blind character. Some people believe that blind characters should be more vivid and natural, rather than just through their eyes and movements.

After playing "Blind Girl" once, playing 5 actresses who are like blind people, is the audience too deep into the play?

In other works, Liu Shishi's eyes are often perceived as godless, and sometimes even mistaken for imitating a blind person. This situation is actually a misunderstanding of her acting skills. As an actor, Liu Shishi always strives to be real and natural when creating characters. Her eyes, although sometimes seem less agile, are a way she is trying to express the inner emotions of the character.

In the face of these controversies, Liu Shishi did not defend herself too much, but chose to prove herself with more works. She knows that as an actress, the best response is to speak through her performance. She constantly challenges herself, tries different roles, and uses her hard work and talent to win the recognition of the audience.

In general, Liu Shishi's blind role and acting controversy are actually a test and challenge to her acting skills. She used her performance to let the audience see the efforts and explorations of an actor in the face of different roles. This kind of controversy also allows us to see the audience's different expectations and understanding of the actors' performances. As an actor, Liu Shishi needs to keep learning and improving, respond to these controversies with more works, and prove herself with better performances.

After playing "Blind Girl" once, playing 5 actresses who are like blind people, is the audience too deep into the play?

Zhang Ziyi, this name is well-known in the international film industry. With her superb acting skills and unique temperament, she has won the love and respect of audiences around the world. However, even so, she has faced some controversy in her acting career, especially when it comes to playing the role of a blind person.

In the movie "Ambush on All Sides", the blind girl played by Zhang Ziyi is a very challenging role. She needs to use her acting skills to show the inner world and emotional changes of a blind person. In this movie, Zhang Ziyi's performance can be described as amazing. Although her eyes are empty, every subtle expression and movement reveals the inner drama of the character. She successfully portrayed the image of a blind girl vividly, which moved the audience.

However, in other works, Zhang Ziyi's eye problem has attracted some controversy. Some believe that her eyes are too hollow, and sometimes they are even mistaken for imitating blind people. This situation is actually largely due to the audience's high expectations for Zhang Ziyi. As an international movie star, each of her works has received great attention and anticipation. The audience hopes that she can show her best self in every role.

After playing "Blind Girl" once, playing 5 actresses who are like blind people, is the audience too deep into the play?

As she grew older, Zhang Ziyi's eye problems became more obvious. In the TV series "Shangyang Fu", her performance was questioned by some viewers. Some people believe that the lack of sparkle in her eyes affects the expressiveness of the character. This situation is actually a test of her acting skills. As an actor, Zhang Ziyi needs to constantly adjust her performance to meet the needs of different roles.

In the face of these controversies, Zhang Ziyi did not defend herself too much, but chose to prove herself with more works. She knows that as an actress, the best response is to speak through her performance. She constantly challenges herself, tries different roles, and uses her hard work and talent to win the recognition of the audience.

In general, Zhang Ziyi's status as an international movie star and the controversy over her blind role are actually a test and challenge to her acting skills. She used her performance to let the audience see the efforts and explorations of an actor in the face of different roles. This kind of controversy also allows us to see the audience's different expectations and understanding of the actors' performances. As an actor, Zhang Ziyi needs to continue to learn and improve, respond to these controversies with more works, and prove herself with better performances.

After playing "Blind Girl" once, playing 5 actresses who are like blind people, is the audience too deep into the play?

In show business, playing the role of a blind person is no small challenge for actors. It tests not only the actors' acting skills, but also their understanding and expressiveness of the characters. Let's talk about the experiences and evaluations faced by the two actresses when they played the role of a blind person.

First of all, let's talk about Li Xirui. She played a blind character in the TV series "Aiming", a role that earned her the approval of the audience. In the play, she successfully conveys the helplessness and strength of the blind character through her delicate performance. Although her eyes are empty, every movement and expression is full of emotional power. The audience was impressed by her performance and thought that she played the role of the blind very well.

However, it is this recognition that also strengthens the audience's impression of her "sense of blindness". In the eyes of some viewers, Li Xirui seems to be particularly good at playing the blind, which makes her play other roles somewhat limited. Sometimes, even if she plays a normal role in other works, the audience will unconsciously associate her with the blind character, which undoubtedly brings a certain amount of trouble to her performance.

After playing "Blind Girl" once, playing 5 actresses who are like blind people, is the audience too deep into the play?

Let's take a look at land and sea. She played the role of Ziwei in the new version of "Huanzhu Gege". In the original version, Ziwei's blind stage was played by Ruby Lin, and Hailu's performance was naturally compared and evaluated by the audience. In this drama, Hai Lu's eye problems have been complained about. Some people think that her eyes are not vivid enough and lack the look and emotion that a blind character should have.

This kind of evaluation is a big blow to the sea and land. In the audience's impression, she seems to have been labeled as a "eye problem" because of the role of Ziwei. This not only affected her performance in "New Huanzhu Gege", but also had a certain impact on her interpretation in other works. Sometimes, viewers are prejudiced against her other characters because of her performance in the role of Ziwei.

In the face of these comments, both Li Xirui and Hailu chose to respond with more works. They know that as an actor, the best response is to speak through their performances. They constantly challenge themselves, try different roles, and use their efforts and talents to win the recognition of the audience.

After playing "Blind Girl" once, playing 5 actresses who are like blind people, is the audience too deep into the play?

Overall, playing the role of a blind person is both a challenge and an opportunity for actresses. It tests the acting skills of the actors, but also their understanding and expressiveness of the role. In the face of controversy and evaluation, actors need to keep learning and improving, and prove themselves with more works. Their performance is not only a reproduction of the characters, but also an exploration and expression of human nature.

After playing "Blind Girl" once, playing 5 actresses who are like blind people, is the audience too deep into the play?