
Poetry | The most beautiful thing in life is the moment, where thousands of scenery are in front of you

author:Shimizu release

In our daily lives, we are often so bothered by all kinds of trivial things that have not happened or will happen, so that we are exhausted every day.

But in fact, life is only a few decades in a hurry, and instead of thinking about the future all day long, it is better to think about how to live the present.

Lin Qingxuan, a famous contemporary writer, once said: After sweeping today's fallen leaves today, tomorrow's leaves will not fall today, don't worry about tomorrow, and work hard to live at this moment today.

The best state of life is to live every minute of the present, and it is this "now" one after another that has become the whole of life.

Therefore, if you want to make your life full of happiness, you must be satisfied with the present moment.

Poetry | The most beautiful thing in life is the moment, where thousands of scenery are in front of you


Life is the most beautiful in the moment

Tomorrow after tomorrow, tomorrow is so much.

I'm going to live tomorrow, and everything will come to pass.

The world's suffering is tired of tomorrow, and spring is going to autumn and the old is coming.

——Qian Fu "Song of Tomorrow"

Tomorrow is followed by another tomorrow, and there are so many tomorrows, if you are tired of tomorrow every day, then you will be troubled and helpless all day long.

Life is not anywhere else, the present is everything.

If we can't be happy now, how can we be happy tomorrow?

I like a quote from Rabindranath Tagore: If you are sad because you miss the sun, then you will also miss the stars.

Shi Tiesheng once shared his own personal experience, he said that when he was able-bodied, he always complained about the terrible environment around him, and when he was paralyzed, he began to miss the time when he could walk and run freely.

Later, when I developed bedsores, I began to feel that the first two years of being in a wheelchair were not enough, and then I got uremia, and I began to miss the days of bedsores......

Yes, we always fantasize that the future may be better, but we never think that the present is the best time, only when every present passes, and we begin to miss the past.

In fact, living the present moment is very simple, we only need to feel the details of life, whether it is the morning sunshine, the afternoon breeze, or the evening sunset.

As long as we feel it with our hearts, there is beauty everywhere in the moment.

Poetry | The most beautiful thing in life is the moment, where thousands of scenery are in front of you


Thousands of views, the closest in front of you

If the golden year does not come again, it will be difficult to regain the morning in one day.

Be encouraged in time, and the years will not treat others.

——Tao Yuanming, "Miscellaneous Poems"

You never see a second sunrise in a day, just like time doesn't come back, and once time passes, there is no possibility of it coming back.

Life is about experience, about enjoying the process of growing up along the way, and if you miss these processes, life will be too boring.

In his later years, Wang Yangming and his disciples climbed the mountain, but who knew that the young disciples were either tired and stopped halfway, or they were sweating and moving slowly, but it was Wang Yangming, who was still walking like a fly and took the lead in reaching the top at an age.

Facing the puzzled eyes of the disciples, Wang Yangming said with a smile: The mountain is ten thousand feet high, and it is only one step up.

This means that if you only look at the height and steepness of the mountain, you will inevitably get tired, but if you focus on every step under your feet, then even if the mountain is high and the road is long, there will be a day when you arrive.

This is true for mountaineering, and so is life.

There is a very good saying: When you are hungry, you are tired and sleep, and you can only practice the mysteries.

What is spiritual practice? In fact, eating when you are hungry, sleeping when you are sleepy, and being kind to every minute and every second of the present moment is the best practice.

Regardless of the future, not to talk about the past, only by focusing on the present moment can we truly grasp our own life.

Yesterday, it was history; Tomorrow, still unknown; Only the present is a gift.


Live in the moment and cherish the present

The past is gone, and the future does not need to be speculated.

Only this is only a sentence, and the plum is fragrant when it is ripe.

- Stone House, "Mountain House Poems"

"People's Daily" once said: Time will not turn back, and there is no if in life.

We often look forward to the unknown tomorrow, or miss the past yesterday, but we only ignore the present today.

Let the past pass, and don't have to worry about it all the time; There is no need to worry too early about the future, because no one can predict the future.

We just need to know that the plums are golden, fresh and delicious, the gardenias are blooming, and the fragrance is overflowing.

Poetry | The most beautiful thing in life is the moment, where thousands of scenery are in front of you

Mr. Lao She is an optimistic writer who enjoys the moment.

Every day when he was tired from writing in the house, he would come out of the study and walk around, water the flowers he raised, tease the kittens, and accompany the children to the evening party in the yard.

In his words, as long as you feel that the moment is meaningful, then it is worth it.

There is a line in the movie "Kung Fu Panda": Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift from heaven.

The past cannot be admonished, and the coming cannot be chased. Don't let the past hinder your progress, don't let the future hold your heart, be simple, live in the present, and cherish the present.

Four seasons of the year, a season has a season of scenery; In the past few years, a year old has a taste of being a year old.

We can't change the past and the future, but we can do a good job today, cherish the people in front of us, and accept the present life.

I hope everyone can understand a truth: only by living up to the present can we live the most fulfilling life.

What we have at the moment is often the most precious, but it is also the most easily overlooked.

You might as well focus on the present moment and be a contented and happy person.

Source: Official Account Poetry World

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