
Xie Fei: Liu Shaoqi's third wife, a heroine who completed the Long March, became a jurist after divorce

author:Literature and history are prosperous

Xie Fei was the last female Red Army in China to participate in the Long March and made great contributions to the revolution.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, she made outstanding contributions to the cause of public security and political law, and she also served as the vice president of the Central Political and Legal Cadre School, the vice president of the Central People's Public Security College, and the consultant of the Chinese People's Public Security University.

She is the first generation of legal educators in China, the first director of the China Law Society, and in 1991, she was awarded the People's Police First Class Golden Shield Medal of Honor by the Ministry of Public Security.

Xie Fei: Liu Shaoqi's third wife, a heroine who completed the Long March, became a jurist after divorce

She came from Hainan Island, at the age of 13, in that era when others were still ignorant, she had joined the revolution, and since then, she has started a life of struggle for the revolution.

When mentioning her, people are always accustomed to adding the title of "Liu Shaoqi's ex-wife", but we must first understand that she is a great revolutionary who has struggled for the revolution for 86 years and has gone through countless ups and downs during this period.

She is Xie Fei. A great woman.

Xie Fei: Liu Shaoqi's third wife, a heroine who completed the Long March, became a jurist after divorce

Roses blooming among the thorn bushes

Before changing her name to Xie Fei, she had a very beautiful name, Xie Qiongxiang.

Xie Fei was born into a poor peasant family and faced hardships in life since he was a child.

When she was only five years old, she shouldered the burden of the family and began herding cattle and mowing grass on the hillside behind the village, helping the family to make ends meet with her meager income.

At the age of eight, she started school. Later, she was admitted to Hainan Public School with excellent results, and during her school years, she met many like-minded friends.

Xie Fei: Liu Shaoqi's third wife, a heroine who completed the Long March, became a jurist after divorce

The year she joined the party, she was only 14 years old. At the age of 13, her brother Xie Guanzhou became her most important guide.

Xie Guanzhou is a member of the Communist Party, and under the influence and influence of his brother, Xie Fei resolutely decided to follow in his brother's footsteps and devote himself to the torrent of revolution.

Xie Fei: Liu Shaoqi's third wife, a heroine who completed the Long March, became a jurist after divorce

But how can revolution be easy?

At first, Xie Fei joined the peasant Red Guards, Xie Fei's third brother Xie Guanzhou was the captain of the Red Guards, and after Xie Fei joined the Red Guards, in order to support the revolution, she and her partners went door-to-door to mobilize overseas Chinese to donate guns and prepare for an armed uprising.

Xie Fei: Liu Shaoqi's third wife, a heroine who completed the Long March, became a jurist after divorce

In 1927, Xie Fei organized and mobilized the local peasant masses to carry out a revolution in Wenchang, get rid of the oppression of the landlords and gentry, and move towards democracy.

She actively organized the peasants, established the Peasant Liberation Association in the local area, and at the same time, in order to better mobilize women to participate in the revolution, Hushan District organized night schools.

Xie Fei was assigned to run a women's civilian school. She also promoted the establishment of women's liberation associations, children's regiments and peasant armies.

Xie Fei: Liu Shaoqi's third wife, a heroine who completed the Long March, became a jurist after divorce

Soon after, she was appointed by the party organization as the director of the district women's liberation association, secretary of the Communist Youth League, member of the district party committee, and secretary of the women's committee, when she was only 14 years old.

Xie Fei was already very mature and sophisticated at a young age, but not long after, Chiang Kai-shek launched the "April 12" counter-revolutionary coup d'état, and Hainan Island, far away from the ends of the earth, was not spared, and more than 2,000 communists and revolutionaries on the island became the targets of the Kuomintang reactionaries overnight.

Subsequently, Xie Fei and many other Communist Party members experienced war, death, and terror. And Xie Fei, who had just joined the Communist Party, was hunted down by the Kuomintang.

Xie Fei: Liu Shaoqi's third wife, a heroine who completed the Long March, became a jurist after divorce

Faced with the enemy's frenzied slaughter and brutal suppression, Xie Fei and his brother Xie Guanzhou could only move to the countryside and continue to fight against the enemy.

At that time, Xie Fei's family joined the ranks of the peasant association and the peasant army, and her parents, siblings, and herself were all active members of the peasant association and the peasant army.

However, it is precisely because Xie Fei's family has a huge influence on Hainan Island that it has aroused the fear and suppression of the Kuomintang.

Xie Fei: Liu Shaoqi's third wife, a heroine who completed the Long March, became a jurist after divorce

These minions of the Kuomintang hated Xie Fei's family to the core, and they regarded Xie Fei's family as a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh, and even threatened to kill Xie Fei's entire family.

After that, the Kuomintang really burned down the Xie family's house three times.

The last time, while it was dark at night, when Xie Fei's family was asleep, the Kuomintang reactionaries entered Xie Fei's house and set the Xie family's house on fire.

Xie Fei: Liu Shaoqi's third wife, a heroine who completed the Long March, became a jurist after divorce

Because Xie Fei's family was defenseless at that time, they only found out when the fire was bigger, and when they escaped, the house had been burned to ashes.

After that, Xie Fei's family could only shift positions, but the Kuomintang did not let them go.

Xie Fei survived due to the protection of everyone, but her family was not so lucky, in the next one or two years, Xie Fei's family of 12 people, has been poisoned by the Kuomintang reactionaries, her parents, brothers, brothers and sisters-in-law, the whole family was slaughtered by the Kuomintang, and the Kuomintang also clamored to kill Xie Fei and her brother Xie Guanzhou.

Xie Fei: Liu Shaoqi's third wife, a heroine who completed the Long March, became a jurist after divorce

Later, in order to escape the frenzied slaughter of the enemy, Xie Fei could only go into exile with his surviving family on a nearby deserted island.

There they lived a hard life until April 1928, when she found an opportunity to return to Wenchang, and then under the arrangement of the party organization, she went to Zhanjiang and then arrived in Hong Kong to work as a cover for the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee.

Xie Fei: Liu Shaoqi's third wife, a heroine who completed the Long March, became a jurist after divorce

During that time, Xie Fei was exposed to a lot of new things, and not long after he was in Hong Kong, Xie Fei was assigned to work in the printing house of the Nanyang Provisional Committee of the Communist Party of China in Singapore.

In 1930, Xie Fei was transferred to the Central Secretariat of the Communist Party of Malaysia. It was not until the beginning of 1932 that he returned to work in Fujian.

Xie Fei: Liu Shaoqi's third wife, a heroine who completed the Long March, became a jurist after divorce

Female Red Army climbing ice and snow

In the early stage of the Long March, Xie Fei secretly arrived in Ruijin and began to participate in various tasks in the Central Soviet Region.

On October 16, 1934, the Central Committee began the arduous Long March. Xie Fei was one of more than 30 female Red Army soldiers who accompanied him.

It was in books that we learned about the hardships of the 25,000-mile Long March, climbing snow-capped mountains, crossing grasslands, walking mountain roads, and crossing snowy fields. Our ancestors walked through thorns and carried it.

Xie Fei: Liu Shaoqi's third wife, a heroine who completed the Long March, became a jurist after divorce

In May 1935, the Central Red Army finally arrived at Anshun Field on the banks of the Dadu River after many hardships.

From Anshun Field to Luding Bridge, it is a difficult journey of 320 miles.

The higher authorities urgently ordered that the Red Army must arrive at the Luding Bridge in just three days to ensure the smooth progress of the strategic transfer.

But at this critical moment, Xie Fei fell ill.

During the Long March, there were many people who fell ill, and there was no medicine at that time, and there were not even the most basic living conditions.

Xie Fei: Liu Shaoqi's third wife, a heroine who completed the Long March, became a jurist after divorce

Just after Anshun, Xie Fei had a high fever and was weak. In order not to slow down the progress of the Red Army's Long March, Xie Fei gritted his teeth and insisted.

Later, Dong Biwu asked Xie Fei to ride his horse, but Xie Fei was unwilling to be special, and only rode two or three miles, so he insisted on coming down and walking by himself.

Xie Fei: Liu Shaoqi's third wife, a heroine who completed the Long March, became a jurist after divorce

Due to his illness, Xie Fei's whole spirit was not very good, even with the support of his comrades, Xie Fei still faltered.

Along the way, she climbed the hill and crossed the grass with difficulty on crutches.

At that time, Xie Fei was only 21 years old, and she relied on her strong willpower to follow Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou, Zhu De, Liu Shaoqi and others to withstand the severe test of death together, and finally arrived in northern Shaanxi victoriously.

Years later, Xie Fei recalled that experience, and she only had four short words: "Unforgettable for a lifetime". But Xie Fei didn't feel bitter, on the contrary, she felt honored.

Xie Fei: Liu Shaoqi's third wife, a heroine who completed the Long March, became a jurist after divorce

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Xie Fei actively went to the anti-Japanese front line and fought in Anhui, southern Jiangsu, eastern Zhejiang and other anti-Japanese base areas in central China.

In 1940, Xie Fei went to the military headquarters in southern Anhui to deliver an urgent letter to Comrade Xiang Ying.

Due to the strict blockade and control of the main transportation routes by the Japanese puppet army, Xie Fei could only temporarily change his route and go to the south to serve as the propaganda director of the Ludong Special Committee and the vice president of the Jiangnan Society, and became the person in charge of the "Dazhong Bao".

Xie Fei: Liu Shaoqi's third wife, a heroine who completed the Long March, became a jurist after divorce

Here, Xie Fei was in charge of the party's propaganda work, and she went down to the grassroots level, and the "Dazhong Bao" and "Jiangnan" semi-monthly magazines run by her Jiangnan Society became an important public opinion position for the anti-Japanese movement in southern Jiangsu.

And Xie Fei is a person who can write and martial arts, she not only writes good articles, but also has the ability to be a general.

At the end of 1942, Xie Fei was sent to eastern Zhejiang as an outstanding cadre to serve as the secretary of the Yushang County Party Committee and the political commissar of the Yushang Special Service Battalion of the Eastern Zhejiang Column.

Xie Fei: Liu Shaoqi's third wife, a heroine who completed the Long March, became a jurist after divorce

In the grim environment of the battlefield behind enemy lines, Xie Fei showed his heroic side. She commanded decisively, bravely and strategically, and achieved remarkable results in many battles with the Japanese puppet army.

In one battle, she commanded the troops to successfully eliminate more than 100 enemies, captured more than 30 people below the captain of the recalcitrant army, and captured 1 machine gun, more than 40 rifles, and more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition. People in eastern Zhejiang praised her and called her "Head Xie".

Xie Fei: Liu Shaoqi's third wife, a heroine who completed the Long March, became a jurist after divorce

Under the leadership of Xie Fei, the special service battalion also grew rapidly.

From the initial 200 people to more than 600 people, it has become one of the strongest units of the Zhejiang East Column of the New Fourth Army.

Xie Fei: Liu Shaoqi's third wife, a heroine who completed the Long March, became a jurist after divorce

He is the first person to study law in New China

After the liberation of Beijing, Xie Fei became the first generation of legal educators in New China and served as the deputy director of the Third Department of North China Revolutionary University.

In 1953, she was admitted to the law department of the Chinese People's University and began her further study journey.

In 1957, Xie Fei served as the vice president of the Central Political and Legal Cadre School, and Xie Fei devoted all his efforts and energy. It has trained batch after batch of outstanding judicial cadres for the judicial cause of the motherland.

Xie Fei: Liu Shaoqi's third wife, a heroine who completed the Long March, became a jurist after divorce

In September 1991, she was awarded the Golden Shield Medal of Honor for the People's Police by the Ministry of Public Security, which was a full affirmation and praise for her life's contributions.

In 2005, she was awarded the 60th anniversary medal of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the State Council and the Central Military Commission.

Xie Fei: Liu Shaoqi's third wife, a heroine who completed the Long March, became a jurist after divorce

In his life, Xie Fei devoted all his energy and efforts to the construction of New China. She has never been pregnant in her life, and she has only one adopted son, Xie Bing.

In Xie Bing's impression, Xie Fei is an extremely self-disciplined and thrifty person.

Even after her living conditions improved, she still pursued simplicity. People close to her once told reporters that she boiled the meat in water and drizzled it with soy sauce, which was the most extravagant meal she had ever eaten.

She never wears them, the clothes and pants she wears are all made by herself, and it was only one winter, when it was too cold, that she bought a discounted coat at the mall.

Xie Fei: Liu Shaoqi's third wife, a heroine who completed the Long March, became a jurist after divorce

In 2013, Xie Fei passed away peacefully in Beijing due to illness at the age of 101.

After Xie Fei's death, her adopted son Xie Bing specially chose the tomb of No. 86 for her. From the year she joined the party to her death, a full 86 years of revolutionary career, "86" is extremely special for her.


Xie Fei: Liu Shaoqi's third wife, a heroine who completed the Long March, became a jurist after divorce
Xie Fei: Liu Shaoqi's third wife, a heroine who completed the Long March, became a jurist after divorce
Xie Fei: Liu Shaoqi's third wife, a heroine who completed the Long March, became a jurist after divorce
Xie Fei: Liu Shaoqi's third wife, a heroine who completed the Long March, became a jurist after divorce
Xie Fei: Liu Shaoqi's third wife, a heroine who completed the Long March, became a jurist after divorce