
The baby has been having diarrhea, but it is because of the milk powder spoon indiscriminately?! How do you put your milk powder spoon?

author:Milk Powder Think Tank

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Does your baby's milk powder spoon have a special card slot? What if there is no place to put a milk powder spoon? Where would you put the spoon? Is it thrown directly into the milk powder? Or do you want to use your whimsy and create your own milk powder spoon placement method?

The baby has been having diarrhea, but it is because of the milk powder spoon indiscriminately?! How do you put your milk powder spoon?

The little milk powder spoon broke the hearts of the parents. However, is it really safe to put a milk powder spoon in this way?

The baby has been having diarrhea, but it is because of the milk powder spoon indiscriminately?! How do you put your milk powder spoon?

I don't know if I don't see it, I was shocked when I saw it, it turned out that there are so many harms in indiscriminate milk powder spoons! So how exactly should you place the milk powder spoon? Let's take a look at the various practices of Bao Bao Mom and Dad.

Fancy way to put the spoon

1. Aluminum film paper half cut or dig a hole in the middle

The baby has been having diarrhea, but it is because of the milk powder spoon indiscriminately?! How do you put your milk powder spoon?

In order to have a place to place the milk powder spoon, some parents will choose to use scissors or kitchen knives to cut off half of the sealed and moisture-proof aluminum foil paper, and place the milk powder spoon on the remaining aluminum foil paper; Or make a hole in the aluminum foil paper and scoop the powder from the hole.

In this way, aluminum film chips may fall in the process of cutting aluminum film paper, and fine aluminum film chips mixed into the milk powder If not detected in time, it will cause the baby to eat it by mistake! The aluminum film paper cannot be digested and decomposed by digestive juices, and may also scratch the baby's delicate oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract, resulting in gastrointestinal bleeding, vomiting blood, blood in the stool, etc.

2. Use the milk powder spoon "retainer"

The baby has been having diarrhea, but it is because of the milk powder spoon indiscriminately?! How do you put your milk powder spoon?

Some parents will buy the milk powder spoon assistant "Magic Ring" or a simple magnet sheet, which uses the principle of magnet adsorption to make the milk powder spoon firmly suck on the inner wall of the iron milk powder can.

The production of milk powder itself, including milk powder spoons and milk powder cans, needs to go through a series of safety tests, and there is a certain safety guarantee. However, whether you use a milk powder holder with a magnet or a simple magnet sheet, it is a foreign item, and it is not possible to guarantee its safety and hygiene. In addition, the ring of the milk powder spoon holder is easy to get powder in the ring, and it is easy to cause the powder in the ring to deteriorate after accumulating water, thereby contaminating other milk powder in the can.

3. Place on the lid, on the table, and mix with the dishes and chopsticks

The baby has been having diarrhea, but it is because of the milk powder spoon indiscriminately?! How do you put your milk powder spoon?

Of course, there are some parents who are more casual, and put the milk powder spoon casually after use, which may be covered with milk powder, or on the table, or even placed in the same place with the dishes and chopsticks.

However, the external environment is full of bacteria and moisture, and the milk powder spoon is exposed, which is very easy to be contaminated with bacteria and moisture, and the use of such a spoon is likely to contaminate the milk powder in the original can or bring water in, which will cause the milk powder to be damp, agglomerate, moldy, and powder quality changes; Drinking milk powder containing bacteria may also cause indigestion in the baby, resulting in abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, etc., causing enteritis.

4. Use a special sealed box to pack it separately

Some families will disinfect the milk powder spoon after each use, and use a special sealed box to pack it separately after the sterilization, although it is a little troublesome, but it is relatively safe.

5. The milk powder spoon stands in the milk powder

The baby has been having diarrhea, but it is because of the milk powder spoon indiscriminately?! How do you put your milk powder spoon?

There is also a more common method, which is to use the milk powder spoon to scoop a spoonful deep and then stop, so that the milk powder spoon is firmly fixed by the milk powder and stands in the milk powder. This practice makes use of the adsorption power of the milk powder itself, but it should be noted that after standing, do not move the milk powder can at will.

6. Place on a strip scraper in a milk powder can

The baby has been having diarrhea, but it is because of the milk powder spoon indiscriminately?! How do you put your milk powder spoon?

For milk powder with a scraping design, many mothers will also put the milk powder spoon directly on the scraper, which is easy to take and not easy to fall.

7. Place it in the card slot of the milk powder spoon

The baby has been having diarrhea, but it is because of the milk powder spoon indiscriminately?! How do you put your milk powder spoon?

At present, in order to make it more convenient for consumers, more and more brands will also design a card slot for placing a milk powder spoon in the milk powder lid or milk powder can, where Bao Ma can directly put it. For example, Feihe, Yilijin Lingguan, Junlebao, FrieslandCampina, Mead Johnson, Jiabei Aite, Hypnuokai 1897, Mengniu, Shengyuan, Yipin, Blue River, Guangming, Beinmei Aijia, Xi'an Zhiyou Hengyue, Heshi Shaneng, Yatai Dorn, Esno Masterpiece, Ihomy Mabel Libei, Ouenbei and other brands and products have specially designed card slots for placing spoons in high-lid milk powder cans.

Seeing so many ways to put milk powder spoons, what is the way your family uses? It should be noted that not all of the 7 common ways to store milk powder spoons mentioned above are safe and feasible, and if you are also using the first 3 storage methods with potential safety hazards, it may bring harm to your baby's health.

Pay attention to these 2 points when storing milk powder spoons

Babies are more at ease when they drink milk!

Storing milk powder spoons seems simple, but in fact, it is closely related to the health of the baby, and parents must pay attention to these two points:

1. Keep the milk powder spoon dry and hygienic

It is necessary to keep the milk scoop dry during each use of the milk powder spoon. If the milk powder spoon is wet or dirty, it must be cleaned up in time and do not bring moisture and bacteria into the milk powder.

2. Choose the appropriate placement method:

First of all, it is necessary to observe whether there is a special design of milk powder spoon card slot in the milk powder can, and the following methods can be used according to the specific situation:

  • Milk powder with a designed milk powder spoon card slot can be placed directly in the card slot, and it is ready to use.
  • For milk powders that do not have a corresponding design, the following methods can be used:

(1) Place on the strip-shaped scraper in the milk powder can, specifically refer to Article 6 of the above placement method.

(2) Scoop a spoonful with a milk powder spoon and then stop, so that the milk powder spoon is firmly fixed by the milk powder and stands in the milk powder, specifically referring to Article 5 of the above placement method.

(3) After disinfection, use a special sealed box to pack it separately, specifically refer to Article 4 of the above placement method.

In general, whether it is the right or wrong way to put the milk powder spoon, the starting point of the mothers and dads is good, and it is not too late to correct it in time. The Milk Powder Think Tank also calls on major brands to further meet the needs of consumers, design a reasonable and convenient position for placing milk powder spoons, so that mothers can reduce trial and error and make milk powder feeding easier.

Alright, that's all for today! If you want to know more about milk powder, you can check it on the milk powder think tank mini program. Than milk powder, on the milk powder think tank!

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