
Jingcheng Road Street: Do a good job in the creation of the "five-star" branch and draw a picture scroll of service for the people

author:Dahe Zhengzhou

Since the establishment of the "five-star" branch, Jingcheng Road Street has attached great importance to and planned as a whole, in accordance with the four steps of "knowing the stars, striving for the stars, creating stars, and picking stars", integrating commercial resources, educational resources, human resources, etc., and building an "online + offline" two-line linkage convenient service mechanism, broadening the channels for the masses to reflect their opinions and needs, efficiently solving the problems of the masses' "urgency, difficulty and longing", and improving the ability of governance services, so that the people in the jurisdiction can truly benefit from social governance, improve the quality of life, and enhance the people's sense of happiness and gain.

Cohesion "two roles" to create a branch of excellent stars

Jingcheng Road Street: Do a good job in the creation of the "five-star" branch and draw a picture scroll of service for the people

Jingcheng Road Street has always put the party building work in the first place, and in accordance with the work idea of "grasping the team, leading the team, building the system, strengthening the quality, engaging in service, and promoting development", it has continuously strengthened the role of the party organizations in the villages in the jurisdiction as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members. With high standards to do a good job in the "three meetings and one lesson", theme party days, secretary lectures and other organizational life as the starting point, joint relevant departments to regularly inspect and supervise, and continue to strengthen the construction of the village grassroots party organization system. Implement the mechanism of "party member joint household, cadre package, and branch consultation", explore a new model of administrative village governance under the guidance of party building, and enhance the ideological consciousness and action consciousness of keeping the original intention and taking the mission through various forms of party building activities, and finally realize the pattern of co-construction, co-governance and sharing led by the branch, led by party members, participated by the masses, and emerged by various social organizations.

Cohesion "according to the conditions of the village" to create a prosperous industrial star

Jingcheng Road Street: Do a good job in the creation of the "five-star" branch and draw a picture scroll of service for the people

Guided by the principle of "implementing policies according to the village and paying attention to practical results", the street scientifically selects characteristic and advantageous industries that are suitable for its own development and in line with the needs of market positioning, so as to promote the masses to get rich and increase income. On the premise of comprehensively considering factors such as geography, market, and efficiency, and in combination with the actual conditions of each village, we should actively improve the economic development plan of the village. At the same time, the street adheres to the working idea of "it is better to teach it to fish than to teach it to fish", organizes and carries out the training activities of "everyone holds a certificate, skills Henan", actively contacts and connects with the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, vocational skills training schools and other units, registers the training needs of the unemployed who meet the age and ability to work in the jurisdiction, and carries out targeted skills training, so as to make it the main force to promote the prosperity of the industry.

Concentrate on environmental remediation to create an ecological livable star

Jingcheng Road Street: Do a good job in the creation of the "five-star" branch and draw a picture scroll of service for the people

The street will be the creation of "ecological livable star" and urban management and urban civilization "double promotion", rural living environment centralized rectification, back streets and alleys renovation and other work organic combination, in accordance with the "six clean, six chaos", "six modernizations", "three no, one standard, one clean" work requirements, the implementation of the subcontracting responsibility system, the dispatch of agency personnel to each village, according to their actual situation of each road section, the front of the house and the back of the house and other cleaning and sanitation package, eliminate the debris and broken walls, at the same time to the village vacant land greening and beautification, comprehensive improvement of the living environment of the villagers. At the same time, the street also closely combines this work with the theme party day and other work, and takes the civilized practice activities of the new era as the carrier, organizes the party members and cadres in each village to carry out the "Friday city cleaning" activity on a regular basis, and carries out environmental sanitation and cleaning actions in the village, so that the people in the jurisdiction can change from "audience" to "protagonist" and from "bystander" to "main force", solve the dilemma of "cadres and the masses", promote the transformation of villages from "temporary beauty" to "lasting beauty", and help create an "ecological livable star".

Concentrate on the "three zeros" to create a safe rule of law star

Jingcheng Road Street: Do a good job in the creation of the "five-star" branch and draw a picture scroll of service for the people

The sub-district organized all villages to actively and widely publicize the important significance, goals, tasks, and practical results of the "three zeros" creation work, actively cultivated, excavated, and selected advanced models, and created a strong atmosphere for everyone to participate in the creation. Use WeChat, radio, leaflets, billboards and other forms to carry out residents' legal publicity and education, anti-fraud publicity, anti-pension fraud, etc., to form an all-round publicity offensive and remind the masses to take precautions. Register key groups of people in the jurisdiction, strengthen the management of key personnel through grid staff and village cadres, form a dynamic management ledger, establish a care and assistance system for key personnel, and effectively improve the sense of security of residents. At the same time, the village party branch further improved the contradiction and dispute mediation mechanism, resolved all kinds of emerging and tendentious problems at an early stage and at a small time, and strived to ensure that the contradictions were not handed over, there were no accidents, and there was no lack of services. Through carpet investigations, enterprise safety patrols and inspections, people's mediation and intervention and other working mechanisms, we can discover and solve all kinds of potential safety hazards and contradictions in a timely manner, further reduce the possibility of various events affecting social stability, and maximize the people's sense of gain, happiness and security.

Gather strength to serve the people and create a civilized and happy star

Relying on the New Era Civilization Practice Institute, the street carries out theme activities such as policy propaganda and changing customs, and publicizes new trends such as new marriages, simple funerals, filial piety and respect for the elderly. Relying on the village New Era Civilization Service Station, medical services and cultural and sports activities are carried out, hospital doctors and village doctors are organized to carry out free free clinics and publicity on the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases and epidemics for the elderly, and at the same time, literary and art lovers in various communities are organized to form drum and dance teams, and regularly carry out drum and square dance practice in the village cultural compound. The masses will rehearse and perform on their own, publicize civilized regulations and civic moral knowledge to the broad masses of the people, cultivate residents' sense of identity and belonging, enhance cohesion, carry out the "Friendly Neighborhood Festival", and select a series of activities such as "civilized family", "civilized citizen", "good daughter-in-law" and "good mother-in-law". Give full play to the grid volunteer service, with the party member volunteer service team, youth volunteer service team and other teams as the main force, carry forward the volunteer spirit of dedication, fraternity, mutual assistance and progress, advocate a new style of friendship and mutual assistance, unite the community people, enrich the community culture, show the community image, make the community more popular, more warm, and make the residents happier.

Committed to practice, for a long time. Jingcheng Road Street will adhere to the main line of grasping party building to lead the development of people's livelihood, focus on improving organizational strength, use the "one flag" of party building to lead the overall "one game of chess", integrate the creation of "five-star" branches into daily work, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members and social units in the jurisdiction to participate in the creation, promote the creation of work to go deeper and more practical, and continuously improve people's livelihood and well-being. (Wang Shiduan, Li Yi)

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