
Tea in summer| What are the advantages of cold brew tea? What are the shortcomings?

Tea in summer| What are the advantages of cold brew tea? What are the shortcomings?

When summer comes, many friends who love tea like to brew tea with cold water or ice water, which not only saves time and effort, but also quenches their thirst. Tea is brewed in this way, which is called cold brew tea.

Now, cold brew tea is very popular and can be said to be a subversive method of making tea. While cold brew tea brings refreshment and pleasure to the body and mind, there are a few things worth noting.

1. Advantages of cold brew tea

Let's start by talking about the benefits of cold brew tea.

Drinking tea is known to be good for your health. Because tea is rich in a variety of substances, it has high nutritional value. Although traditional hot water tea can quickly extract the nutrients in the tea, the high temperature will also destroy some sensitive components, such as vitamin C, tea polyphenols, etc. Due to the use of low-temperature steeping in cold-brewed tea, amino acid molecules in tea are easier to precipitate, catechins, tea polyphenols, polysaccharides and other substances are naturally retained, and the release of tea tannins and caffeine is greatly reduced.

Tea in summer| What are the advantages of cold brew tea? What are the shortcomings?

Therefore, cold brew tea tastes less bitter and sweeter in taste. Suitable for friends who don't like the bitter taste of tea. It is also suitable for people who are more sensitive to caffeine.

Second, the deficiency of cold brew tea

Despite the above-mentioned advantages, cold brew tea also has some disadvantages.

For example, due to the low temperature, the tea aroma and tea flavor leaching of cold brew tea are relatively weak, and the flavor level of tea cannot be fully displayed, which may disappoint some friends who pursue tea aroma and tea taste. Moreover, the steeping time of cold brew tea is longer, as short as 4 hours, and as long as 12 hours or even longer, which cannot immediately meet the needs of tea lovers to drink tea to quench their thirst.

Tea in summer| What are the advantages of cold brew tea? What are the shortcomings?

Cold brew tea is cold in nature, and long-term consumption may affect the function of the spleen and stomach. Especially tea lovers with gastritis, gastric ulcers or weak spleen and stomach should not drink cold brew tea frequently, so as not to aggravate the condition.

3. Which teas are suitable for cold brewing

(For reference only)

In the choice of tea, it is recommended that tea lovers prefer to choose non-fermented or lightly fermented tea, so that the tea soup is sweet, fresh and refreshing.

01. Green tea

Green tea is an unfermented tea, fresh and fragrant, and the bitterness is reduced after cold brewing, and the freshness and sweetness are prominent. Famous green teas such as Dongting Mountain Biluochun, West Lake Longjing, and Huangshan Maofeng are all suitable for cold brewing, and they have a unique flavor when drinking.

Tea in summer| What are the advantages of cold brew tea? What are the shortcomings?

02. White tea

White tea cold brew first recommends Baihao Silver Needle and White Peony, because they have higher tenderness, and the fragrance and sweetness are more obvious.

Tea in summer| What are the advantages of cold brew tea? What are the shortcomings?

03. Black tea

Although black tea is a fully fermented tea, some black teas can also show a unique flavor after cold brewing. For example, Yunnan red, Jin Junmei, etc. However, teas with outstanding aroma characteristics (pine smoke) like Zhengshan Xiaozhong are still more suitable for hot brewing.

Tea in summer| What are the advantages of cold brew tea? What are the shortcomings?

04. Oolong tea

Oolong tea has a strong and charming aroma, and cold brewing is not easy to stimulate the aroma of tea, so it is recommended that you choose oolong tea with a clear fragrance and outstanding aroma, such as frozen oolong, fragrant Tieguanyin, etc.

Tea in summer| What are the advantages of cold brew tea? What are the shortcomings?

However, not all oolong tea varieties are suitable for cold brewing, like Wuyi rock tea or hot brew can show its taste better.

As for some teas with a high degree of fermentation, such as Pu'er tea and black brick tea, the taste is bitter and the aroma is insufficient after cold brewing, and it is difficult to show the best flavor, so it is not suitable for cold brewing.

4. Precautions

Tea leaves contain water, and bacteria such as spoilage and mold are able to multiply rapidly during the process of leaving the tea cold. If left for a long time, toxic substances may be produced in the tea soup, which is harmful to health.

So, after the cold brew tea is ready, try to drink it in a short time.

As a popular way to drink tea, cold brew tea has won the love of many tea lovers with its unique advantages. Tea lovers know more about it and drink tea rationally, so that they can drink tea healthily and happily.

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Tea in summer| What are the advantages of cold brew tea? What are the shortcomings?

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Tea in summer| What are the advantages of cold brew tea? What are the shortcomings?

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