
He was once a revered founding father, but he was expelled from his dual citizenship and lived to be 89 years old

author:The snail girl said history

Li Boqiu was born in an old intellectual family, he began to read and write under the guidance of his parents at the age of five, and entered the Western-style school at the age of seven, and his grades have been very good, and at the age of 20, he was successfully admitted to Beijing Normal University, majoring in literature and education. In mid-1936, under the leadership of his friends, Li Boqiu began to engage in the anti-Japanese salvation movement, and thus embarked on the road of revolution.

He was once a revered founding father, but he was expelled from his dual citizenship and lived to be 89 years old

At the beginning of 1937, Li Boqiu was invited to join the Communist Party of China, and after the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, he was instructed by the higher party committee to go to Shandong to lead the workers' and peasants' movement, calling on the broad masses of the proletariat to unite to resist the invaders and defend the hot land under our feet. In 1939, General Chen Guang and Luo Shuai led the main force of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army into Shandong to open up a revolutionary base area.

Don't look at Li Boqiu is a literati, he is unambiguous when he fights, every time he takes the lead and rushes to the front, in 1941 alone, he won the Luo Shuai Award three times for his combat bravery. By 1943, Li Boqiu had been promoted to the political commissar of a major division of the Shandong Military Region, and concurrently served as a member of the Political Department of the Military Region.

He was once a revered founding father, but he was expelled from his dual citizenship and lived to be 89 years old

In 1945, Li Boqiu followed Luo Shuai into the Northeast, and was immediately assigned to the Eastern Union as the deputy director of the political department of a column. In late 1950, Li Boqiu was ordered to lead his troops into Korea to fight against the United Nations forces, and won successive battles from Changjin Lake, Pyongyang, Seoul and other places. In 1954, Li Boqiu was recalled to China to serve as a senior cadre of the Northeast Military Region, and in 1955, he was awarded the rank of major general, and at the same time served as a member of the National Defense Commission, which can be described as a meritorious achievement.

In 1975, mainland geologists suddenly observed a violent crustal movement in the coastal areas of the Bohai Sea, which indicated that in the near future, there is a high probability of a major earthquake here! The situation was urgent and urgent, and the geologists hurriedly reported the relevant situation to the Party Central Committee, requesting that the masses be evacuated as soon as possible and the damage caused by the earthquake should be reduced as much as possible. The party Central Committee immediately ordered Li Boqiu, then deputy commander of the Shenyang Military Region, to rush to the site of the incident to preside over the evacuation work and make preparations for disaster prevention and mitigation in advance.

He was once a revered founding father, but he was expelled from his dual citizenship and lived to be 89 years old

Sure enough, two months later, an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.3 on the Richter scale broke out in Haicheng, Liaoning, but because the Shenyang Military Region had already taken precautions, the earthquake did not cause many casualties and property losses, and the power of the people defeated the natural disaster! Afterwards, Li Boqiu was vigorously commended by the Party Central Committee for his proper handling of the disaster, and Chairman Mao personally issued a commendation order to him, and he became a great hero in the eyes of the people almost overnight.

After Li Boqiu became famous, he was soon co-opted by the cabal with Jiang Qing, Wang Hongwen and others as the core, and what is disappointing is that Li Boqiu failed to keep the bottom line and integrity at this critical moment, and was willing to be a minion of the cabal.

He was once a revered founding father, but he was expelled from his dual citizenship and lived to be 89 years old

In September 1976, after Chairman Mao died of illness, Jiang Qing, Wang Hongwen and others immediately began to intensively prepare for a conspiracy to seize the supreme power of the country, and Li Boqiu, in order to respond to Jiang and Wang, actually organized a group of radicals in Liaoning and established the so-called "second armed forces", intending to engage in armed confrontation with the People's Liberation Army.

Seeing that the situation was becoming more and more critical, Comrade Hua Guofeng and Ye Shuai immediately made a decisive decision and mobilized the troops of the Central Guard Regiment and the garrison to arrest Jiang Qing, Wang Hongwen, and others, and quickly smashed the cabal with a thunderous force. A week later, the Shenyang Military Region, on the orders of the CPC Central Committee, suspended Li Boqiu from all his posts and put him under quarantine for examination. At this time, Li Fangcai woke up like a dream, and he realized that he had made a big mistake, so he immediately wrote a letter to the Party Central Committee to apologize and ask for forgiveness.

In the 80s, under the impetus of the Central Political and Legal Commission, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Supreme People's Court, the Ministry of Public Security and other departments formed a special task force and began to deal with some problems left over from the turmoil, trying conspirators who committed big mistakes in the turmoil, among which Jiang Qing was sentenced to a suspended death sentence and Wang Hongwen was sentenced to life imprisonment.

He was once a revered founding father, but he was expelled from his dual citizenship and lived to be 89 years old

In 1986, Li Boqiu was expelled from the party and the military, and was forced to arrange for retirement in Shenyang, in 1990, under the mediation of some old comrades, Li Boqiu was treated as a deputy division-level cadre, and his monthly pension rose from 200 yuan to 500 yuan, which was enough for him to maintain daily expenses, and in 2005, this controversial comrade finished the rest of his life at the age of 89.