
17,204 cases were investigated! The latest announcement of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission | Party discipline study and education

author:Look at Fortress
17,204 cases were investigated! The latest announcement of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission | Party discipline study and education

On June 27, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission announced a summary of the nationwide investigation and punishment of mental issues that violated the eight provisions of the Central Committee in May 2024. In the same month, a total of 17,204 cases of mental problems in violation of the eight regulations of the Central Committee were investigated and dealt with, and 24,033 people were criticized, educated and dealt with, of which 16,317 were punished by party discipline and government affairs, which was the 129th consecutive month of monthly report data.

From the perspective of the types of problems investigated and dealt with, in terms of failure to take responsibility, inaction, disorderly action, and false action in performing duties and responsibilities, serving economic and social development and ecological environmental protection, which seriously affected high-quality development, a total of 7,207 problems were investigated and dealt with in May, accounting for 84.7% of the total number of formalism and bureaucracy problems investigated and dealt with in that month. In May, the three types of problems investigated and dealt with in violation of the rules of receiving and giving precious products and gifts, eating and drinking in violation of regulations, and issuing subsidies or benefits in violation of regulations accounted for 48.0%, 23.0%, and 13.6% of the problems of hedonism and extravagance investigated and dealt with in that month, respectively.

In terms of the level of investigation and punishment, in May, a total of 74 cases of leading cadres at the prefectural and departmental levels, 991 cases of leading cadres at the county and department level, and 16,139 cases of cadres at and below the township section level were investigated and dealt with. Among them, the problems of cadres at and below the township section level accounted for 93.8 percent of the total number of problems investigated and dealt with.

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection pointed out that the phenomenon of invisible mutation should be effectively prevented, and the problems of "express gifts" and public funds for tourism in the name of training and inspection and party building activities should be accurately discovered and strictly handled. Discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels should accurately grasp the regular characteristics of the renovation of the "four winds" stealth variations, accurately identify them in terms of venues, funds, channels, and other aspects, and strictly investigate the problem of the "four winds" of invisible variations. It is necessary to profoundly grasp the outstanding manifestations and causes of the problem of invisible variation, deeply find out the loopholes in the system, closely combine the investigation and handling of the problem with the promotion of deepening reform, improving the system, and optimizing governance, and resolutely eradicate the soil of the "four winds" invisible variation. (Lu Lihuan, website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission)


Strictly investigate and strictly deal with the problem of publicly-funded tourism

The Third Plenary Session of the 20 th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection stressed the need to effectively prevent and control the problem of tourism with public funds in the name of training, inspection, and party building activities. Discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels should adhere to the problem-oriented, timely discovery and precise treatment of publicly-funded tourism, grasp specific, repeated, and in-depth, and build a solid embankment with new results in the eight provisions of the central government.

The problem of publicly-funded tourism is stubborn and complex, and it must be grasped unremittingly and promoted in depth. It is a typical stubborn disease of work style to squander public funds for public tourism, promote the trend of hedonism and extravagance, and damage the party's image in the hearts of the masses. Since the 80s of the last century, our party has repeatedly issued circulars calling for a resolute ban on sightseeing and sightseeing in the name of visiting and studying, holding meetings, and conducting patriotic education. After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee took the rectification of publicly-funded tourism as an important part of the implementation of the spirit of the eight provisions of the Central Committee, increased the number of scenic spots prohibited as meeting places of party and government organs from 12 to 21, revised the regulations on disciplinary punishment of the Communist Party of China three times, and successively made prohibitive provisions on taking the opportunity of official travel to travel, disguised tourism in the name of employee recuperation, and participating in the activities of subordinate units to take advantage of the opportunity to travel, so as to promote strict management and strict governance in all regions and units, and take a multi-pronged approach to put a brake on unhealthy tendencies. After continuous efforts, the problem of public-funded tourism has been effectively curbed, the number of problems investigated and dealt with has generally shown a downward trend, and the phenomenon of hugging in the scenic spot has disappeared. However, the problem is deep-rooted, and there are still some people who "don't change their minds" and find ways to make changes under the high-pressure situation. Last year, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission reported on the issue of publicly-funded tourism in the name of training, which shows that the slightest laxity and unhealthy trends may breed and spread. Discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels should maintain a sober understanding, unswervingly promote rectification, crack down on the problem of publicly-funded tourism as soon as it emerges, and repeatedly crack down, continue to rectify unhealthy trends and establish new trends, so that the clean air and healthy atmosphere will continue to be filled.

The outstanding performance of the problem of public-funded tourism in different periods is different, and it is necessary to grasp the key points and make precise efforts. In recent years, the phenomenon of grandiose publicly-funded tourism has been decreasing, but the problem of changing its appearance has occurred from time to time. It is necessary to strictly guard against and rectify the problem of publicly-funded tourism in the name of party building activities, and to meet the requirements of comprehensively and strictly administering the party to advance in depth. However, a small number of people have started to use their crooked brains to carry out publicly-funded tourism in the name of party spirit education and red education, and engage in "detour tours," "sandwich road tours," "side-rubbing tours," and even "disguised tours" thousands of miles away, which not only corrupts the party style, but also makes serious party building activities entertaining and vulgar, and in essence they are "low-level red" and "high-level black," which are politically harmful and must be strictly guarded against and resolutely corrected. Since the transition of epidemic prevention and control, cross-regional and cross-departmental official activities have increased significantly, and some people have changed their itinerary without authorization during official activities such as study and training, research and investigation, or deliberately relaxed their itinerary, and carried out a large number of visits and play activities that have nothing to do with official business. It is necessary to unswervingly adhere to the tone of strictness, strictly investigate and deal with violations of discipline in the face of the wind, without mercy, and let those who violate discipline pay the price they deserve. Persist in asking questions and holding accountable those who fail to manage and supervise, and pursue responsibility for leading cadres who fail to manage and supervise in accordance with regulations, discipline and law, and strive to create a strict atmosphere.

To rectify the problem of publicly-funded tourism, it is necessary to strengthen discipline and institutional constraints, and constantly eradicate the soil and conditions for the breeding of violations of regulations. To deepen the rectification of the problem of publicly-funded tourism, we must adhere to systematic governance, take multiple measures at the same time, and promote management and supervision, institutional constraints, and discipline education. The implementation of responsibility is the key, to supervise and promote all levels of party organizations to earnestly shoulder the main responsibility, strict examination and control of all kinds of official activities in their own regions and units, timely discovery and correction of the signs and tendencies of publicly-funded tourism, and resolutely curb the spread of violations of rules and discipline. System construction is fundamental, to further plug the loopholes in the system, eliminate ambiguity and blank areas, refine and clarify the negative list of party building activities, study and training, research and inspection, supervision and inspection, etc., and prevent the problem of public funds tourism from the system to put on the "coat" of normal work. Pay close attention to key links such as approval, supervision, and expense reimbursement, identify common problems, promote the weaving of a dense network of systems, and tie the hands and feet of violators. Discipline education is the foundation, to take the party discipline study and education as an opportunity, make good use of the typical cases of public tourism funds, do a good job of promoting learning with cases, and explain discipline with cases, and guide the majority of party members and cadres to conduct in-depth comparison and analysis, strictly examine themselves and themselves, so that being in awe and holding the ruler in hand has become a daily consciousness. (Ji Feng)

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