
He was "ordered to be in danger" three times, started training in adversity, and still walked his own path "soberly" for 11 years

author:Pacific House

3 times "ordered in danger" and given heavy responsibilities.

Just like some seeds need to be soaked in water before they can germinate better, in the past 11 years, all of Liu Xiaopeng's achievements have come from repeated tempering of himself. In his story, there is a precipitation period of facing challenges, a breakthrough point to achieve highlights, and a heart-pounding sense of accomplishment - as if thousands of mountains and rivers are under his feet.



In the summer of 2013, the sun was so hot that it seemed to lengthen the length of the season.

At the time, Pacific Housing was undergoing a major transformation, and it was at this time that Liu Xiaopeng joined, transitioning from an automation engineer to a real estate agent.

He was "ordered to be in danger" three times, started training in adversity, and still walked his own path "soberly" for 11 years

▲Liu Xiaopeng when he first joined the company

In the first month or two, he has been running outside and has no one to teach, and Liu Xiaopeng's biggest "achievement" is his tanned face.

After a while, my companions, masters, and store managers all chose to leave.

Liu Xiaopeng stayed. He believes the company is only facing short-term pain. He is so strong by nature, he refuses to admit defeat and holds his strength.

He was "ordered to be in danger" three times, started training in adversity, and still walked his own path "soberly" for 11 years

Choice is greater than effort, and choosing the right direction is really important. Liu Xiaopeng, who stayed behind, started training in adversity and became the first batch of "seed employees" in the period of change. "I'm especially glad that I chose to stay, because I was really taught step by step and discovered my potential."

Looking back on the 11 years in Pacific House, Liu Xiaopeng deeply feels that his biggest change is the improvement of his cognition and thinking. He felt that the jump in his identity and ability was not completed by himself, but by seizing the company's platform and taking advantage of the trend, which was related to the overall development of the company.



In 2019, the company launched the Greater Pudong Plan, and Liu Xiaopeng, as the first batch of outstanding store managers, was entrusted with the important task of going to Pudong Sanlin to support.

At the time, Pacific House had only a handful of vacant stores in the area.

He described: "The first year in Pudong was a very painful one, with team building, performance pressure, everything had to start from scratch, but I knew there was a road ahead and I had to get there. ”

He was "ordered to be in danger" three times, started training in adversity, and still walked his own path "soberly" for 11 years

In order to break through the predicament, Liu Xiaopeng constantly looks for role models for himself, learns recruitment skills and performance improvement methods, summarizes the advantages of each person, and internalizes them into his own knowledge.

"The kind of person you want to be, you have to get close to."

In the face of challenges, Liu Xiaopeng was personally responsible for recruitment, training, precipitation and hard work for 3 years, he not only led the team to create excellent performance, but also successfully expanded the company's market share in the region.

"In fact, there are many excellent executives in the company, and when I encounter a low point, I apply to learn from them, let myself continue to grow, adjust my mentality, and constantly seek ways to break through the threshold, and when I finally look back, even I am surprised by the speed of my growth."

Liu Xiaopeng firmly believes that there is no faster way to become good than to learn from those who have already achieved results. He believes that Pacific House's culture of mutual assistance, sharing and altruism is the key to the company's continued operation for 30 years. It is in this cultural atmosphere that Liu Xiaopeng has grown and succeeded.

He was "ordered to be in danger" three times, started training in adversity, and still walked his own path "soberly" for 11 years

▲Right (4) Liu Xiaopeng



When he first joined, Liu Xiaopeng set a goal for himself: to become a store manager in 3 years and a director in 6 years. In the end, Liu Xiaopeng became the store manager in more than 2 years, and then honed in this position for 7 years.

The time came in April 2024, when the Yangpu region was in urgent need of support, Liu Xiaopeng received a call from the headquarters again. Faced with new challenges, he did not hesitate to opt for cross-district support and was successfully promoted to director. "It's an opportunity and a challenge, and I've been preparing for it for more than a year to learn how to lead a bigger team," he explains. I don't want to stay in my comfort zone all the time. Now we have 5 teams and 32 members, and we work together for the future of the company. ”

From strategy to goals, to the decomposition of work content, and then to implementation, Liu Xiaopeng did not rest on his laurels, but sought breakthroughs, followed the group's strategy, and grasped the core of management.

"Originally, I was standing at 1, and I thought 10 was the end, but now I'm standing at 10, and 100 I don't think it's the end." Liu Xiaopeng, who has been in the company for 11 years, has gradually determined a clear work goal, deeply understands his own work content, undertakes it at all levels, and constantly breaks through himself.

He was "ordered to be in danger" three times, started training in adversity, and still walked his own path "soberly" for 11 years

Know where you are coming, know where you are, and know where you are going.

Along the way, Liu Xiaopeng has a rare sobriety and understands the importance of accumulation and precipitation.

In the 11 years of Pacific House, he not only keeps himself excellent, but also strives to make the people around him excellent, he has many experiences that cannot be replicated, and as he walks, he seems to find value.