
Uncle asked his brother to help pay off the mortgage and asked me to take my sick mother-in-law back to serve, I laughed: 10,000 per month

author:Fallen Fairy


As the saying goes, don't marry a wife and help your brother, and don't marry a mother.

But in my opinion, the man who helps his brother and demon is the most terrifying.

They often talk about love and righteousness, often talk about the grace of nurturing, and morality kidnaps their wives to help them fulfill their filial piety. And they just use their mouths and do their filial piety.

My name is Song Yunfang, and I have been married to my husband for 5 years, but I have also been kidnapped by my in-laws' morality for 5 years. And in the final analysis, it's all because my husband is foolish and filial and attaches great importance to love and righteousness, and he likes to take care of everything.

Uncle asked his brother to help pay off the mortgage and asked me to take my sick mother-in-law back to serve, I laughed: 10,000 per month


When we got married, my in-laws didn't arrange anything except a bride price of 30,000 yuan. My parents paid for the wedding house, and my parents also paid for the wedding.

Even when I was pregnant and gave birth, my in-laws didn't have a penny, and no one came to take care of me or pay to comfort me. As far as they are concerned, my mother's family has settled everything, so naturally they are not needed.

And the in-laws also seem to regard themselves as spectators, don't contribute money or effort, granddaughters are almost three years old, and they haven't bought a dress or a toy for their children.

Whenever I ask my mother-in-law to help me take care of the children, my mother-in-law always cries that she is poor and miserable, saying that her youngest son is not married and has a family, and they want to earn a wife for her younger son.

Uncle asked his brother to help pay off the mortgage and asked me to take my sick mother-in-law back to serve, I laughed: 10,000 per month


Since my in-laws want to earn money, I naturally don't want to ask others to put down their jobs to help me take care of my children. It's just that when the brother-in-law wants to get married and buy a house, the in-laws still ask her husband to help make a down payment.

can make a down payment of 500,000 yuan, but her in-laws let her husband pay 200,000 yuan. For fear of my objection, my husband secretly took the money, and it wasn't until my brother-in-law bought a house that my husband told me the truth. It's just too late, and the money is all gone.

I had a big fight with my husband, thinking that he used the joint property of the husband and wife to buy a house for my brother-in-law, and disrespected me and took into account my feelings. The husband bluntly said that they were all a family, and giving his younger brother 200,000 yuan to buy a house was just doing his filial piety.

I asked him to go to my brother-in-law to ask for an IOU, after all, in this era, it is easy to borrow money and difficult to repay. But her husband refused, saying that 200,000 yuan was his wedding gift for his younger brother.

Uncle asked his brother to help pay off the mortgage and asked me to take my sick mother-in-law back to serve, I laughed: 10,000 per month


The two sides fought coldly for more than half a month, and in the end I compromised for the sake of the child, otherwise what else could I do? You can't leave your daughter who is less than 3 years old and get a divorce, right?

It's just that since then, my husband and I have started the AA system, whose salary is kept and half of the household expenses are borne by each person. At this point, without my control, my husband has intensified.

not only used his remaining salary to support his in-laws, but also helped his younger brother pay off the mortgage. I turned a blind eye to this. Since both husband and wife are AA systematic, I am also happy to be pure.

It's just that some people never know what it means to be self-reliant, even if they are married and have a family. The brother-in-law got married and gave birth to a child, but he didn't have the ability to repay the 5,000 yuan mortgage every month.

Uncle asked his brother to help pay off the mortgage and asked me to take my sick mother-in-law back to serve, I laughed: 10,000 per month


At the beginning, relying on the subsidy of his in-laws and the poverty alleviation of his husband, the little uncle lived in peace for a while. It's just that as time goes by, the child grows older, and the expenses of the brother-in-law's family are getting bigger and bigger.

My in-laws are old and can't go out to earn money. The little uncle is still young, but he has lived a life of lying down early. In desperation, my father-in-law went out to do odd jobs to earn money, and my mother-in-law could only stay at my uncle's house to help take care of the children.

The long-term fatigue made the mother-in-law, who was already in poor health, suddenly exhausted and fell ill directly. My mother-in-law who was sick had no one to take care of me, so my brother-in-law simply called me and asked me to go to his house to pick up someone and serve him.

Listening to the words of the little uncle, I think how can people's skin be so thick? He used his in-laws to kidnap his brother, and his brother was also filial and helped pay off the mortgage. Now he has pushed his sick mother-in-law out to me, but there is no door.

Uncle asked his brother to help pay off the mortgage and asked me to take my sick mother-in-law back to serve, I laughed: 10,000 per month


I didn't agree to accept it, and my brother-in-law asked my mother-in-law to call and cry. My husband was distressed and thought that I was a little selfish, no matter how his mother behaved, but now that his mother is sick, I should serve as a daughter-in-law.

Without waiting for my consent, the next day my brother-in-law sent someone to me, carrying my mother-in-law's big bag of things, and said that in the future, I would let my mother-in-law recuperate at my house. One day when he is recuperating, he will come back to pick him up.

I hurriedly stopped him and told him that for 10,000 a month, I will take care of you, otherwise there will be no door, and my mother-in-law will go back wherever she comes from. The little uncle didn't believe in this evil and left directly, and I also packed my luggage and took the child back to my parents' house.

It's just that my husband has only taken care of me for three days, so he calls me every day to urge me to go back quickly, saying that he can't stand it, he has to go to work alone and take care of his mother-in-law, and he is exhausted, so let me come back to help him.

I couldn't help but sneer, some people are just addicted to their mouths and like filial piety, but I don't want to help him do his filial piety, after all, whose mother will take care of him.