
Most of the people who are fierce to their families and smile at outsiders are these three types of people

author:Create excellent coffee
Most of the people who are fierce to their families and smile at outsiders are these three types of people

In our lives, there are always so many people who are as fierce as something to their families, but when they go out, they are smiling at outsiders, and they make people wonder when they look at them. In fact, behind this is often hidden their true thoughts and states:

01 People who have no bottom in their hearts especially care about what others think of them

Seriously, each of us needs that little bit of "confidence". Those who are fierce to their family members and smile at outsiders are often bottomless in their hearts, especially wanting others to think they are good. In their opinion, the family is close and can be angry at will; But outsiders have to maintain a good image and make people think we are good. Therefore, they may vent all their negative emotions at home, but they behave very kindly outside.

Most of the people who are fierce to their families and smile at outsiders are these three types of people

A netizen said: "I used to be like this, fierce to my family and good to my friends. Later, I found out that I had no bottom in my heart, and I especially wanted others to recognize me. Now I am much better, I have learned to control my emotions, and I know how to cherish my family more. ”

Therefore, we all have to learn to find some "confidence" for ourselves, don't always think about how others see us, and first understand ourselves.

02 People who always feel that they are not good enough to get angry with their families

To be honest, low self-esteem is really harmful. Some people always feel that they are inferior to others, so they always take advantage of their family members. They feel that their family should understand and tolerate them, but in reality, doing so will only hurt their family members even more. Outside, they have to pretend to be good and want others to think they are good.

Most of the people who are fierce to their families and smile at outsiders are these three types of people

A netizen shared: "I used to think that my family was not good, and I felt that they were useless. Later, I realized that it was because I had low self-esteem and wanted to make myself look better by belittling my family. Now I have learned to appreciate my family and am much more confident. ”

Therefore, we all have to learn to face up to our own shortcomings, and don't always use our family members as a punching bag. Be confident, you're actually pretty good!

03 People who want to control everything, even their families

Some people have a strong desire to control, and they have to do everything according to their own ideas. For his family, he can fiddle with as much as he wants, and he will lose his temper if he is not satisfied. But as soon as they go out, they have to pretend to be very democratic, which makes people think that they are very reasonable.

Most of the people who are fierce to their families and smile at outsiders are these three types of people

The netizen said: "I used to be like this, and I always wanted my family to follow my ideas." Later, I found out that it was because I was too controlling. Now that I have learned to respect my family, I feel much more relaxed. ”

You really have to take it easy, don't make yourself and your family too tired. Learn to respect others, but also respect yourself!


In the final analysis, it is really unhealthy to be fierce to your family and smile at outsiders. It often reflects some of the problems and troubles in our hearts. Therefore, we all have to learn to face ourselves, understand ourselves, and change ourselves. Only in this way can we have a healthier and more harmonious interpersonal relationship and life!