
If Li Xunhuan doesn't let Lin Shiyin, what will be the result? Gu Long: It's hard to die well

author:History Bunny

"The Amorous Swordsman Ruthless Sword" is Gu Long's most classic work, and it is also one of Yiguo's favorite novels to read, it is highly recommended that everyone go and check it out, you will definitely have a harvest. Okay, let's continue the topic of this article: If Li Xunhuan doesn't let Lin Shiyin, what will be the result? Gu Long: It's hard to die well.

If Li Xunhuan doesn't let Lin Shiyin, what will be the result? Gu Long: It's hard to die well

Li Xunhuan

Regarding the ending of "Amorous", I think everyone feels a little regretful like me, Long Xiaoyun is dead, isn't it the best ending for Li Xunhuan and Lin Shiyin to get back together? Or Li Xunhuan married Sun Xiaohong and went home together to enjoy the blessings of Qi people, which is also a good result. However, the truth did not develop like this, and in the end, Li Xunhuan and Sun Xiaohong walked together, and Lin Shiyin took Long Xiaoyun to the end of his life. I have to say that this is a regrettable result.

However, the root of all this comes from Li Xunhuan's surrender of Lin Shiyin to Long Xiaoyun. Although history will not go backwards, it can be assumed ideologically, so we might as well design a scenario, that is, as the title says, if Li Xunhuan does not let Lin Shiyin, then will the result be happy? After thinking about it for a long time, I think I'm afraid not, because Mr. Gu Long doesn't allow it, if he insists on this choice, then it will be difficult for Li Xunhuan and Lin Shiyin to die well. Why is that? Let's talk about my opinion.

Long Xiaoyun is actually the key point of the matter is Long Xiaoyun, he is the first villain in the book, to take the simplest example, even Shangguan Jinhong can't make Li Xunhuan surrender, but Long Xiaoyun did, and twice. And Long Xiaoyun's martial arts are low, just as Jing Wuming said, among all the people Li Xunhuan killed, there is no one whose martial arts are worse than Long Xiaoyun. It can be seen that Long Xiaoyun's martial arts are simply incomparable with Li Xunhuan.

But the result is in front of him, Long Xiaoyun really caught Li Xunhuan twice. If he didn't talk about martial arts, then Li Xunhuan would definitely die on the spot. Martial arts are insufficient, resourcefulness can be made, obviously Long Xiaoyun is by no means a straw bag, he is a very strategic person, we all think that Long Xiaoyun is very talented, IQ and EQ are both online, and his father is the most insidious one, if Long Xiaoyun really wants to compare with him, it is not a little worse.

If Li Xunhuan doesn't let Lin Shiyin, what will be the result? Gu Long: It's hard to die well

Long Xiaoyun

There is another question, when did Long Xiaoyun start blackening, and did he decide to kill Li Xunhuan when he learned that Li Xunhuan wanted to retrieve Lin Shiyin? No, people like him are actually bad from the beginning to the end. Even if he saved Li Xunhuan back then, I'm afraid he was tired. For example, Lin Xian'er has been stationed in Li Yuan for ten years, and through some details in the article, it is not difficult to speculate that Long Xiaoyun and the plum blossom thief have actually colluded together for a long time, and the leader of the plum blossom thief is precisely Lin Xian'er. It can be seen that Long Xiaoyun's layout used plum blossom thieves to frame Li Xunhuan has already begun.

Pit Brothers Professional In fact, strictly speaking, this part of the content also belongs to the above topic, but when taken out alone, it can better explain Long Xiaoyun's meanness and shamelessness, as well as insidiousness. How he cheated Li Xunhuan, we actually know a lot, so I won't go into detail here, let's focus on talking about his other brother, that is, Qin Xiaoyi, who is quite famous in the rivers and lakes.

Of course, we know afterwards that this Qin Xiaoyi is not a good thing, just as hypocritical as Long Xiaoyun, but he is indeed Long Xiaoyun's sworn brother. Qin Xiaoyi has a son named Qin Chong, who was injured by the plum blossom thief and died of his injuries. In other words, Qin Xiaoyi's son died at the hands of the plum blossom thief. And the details of the plum blossom thief, Long Xiaoyun is clear, and it can be said that killing Qin Zhong is Long Xiaoyun's active cooperation. Because Qin Chong has a very good background, he is the only lay disciple of Master Xinhu, the abbot of Shaolin Temple. It is precisely because of Qin Chong's death that the Shaolin Dharma Protector Master will go out of the mountain to investigate the cause. In order to kill Li Xunhuan, Long Xiaoyun did everything he could, and even blamed Li Xunhuan by murdering the son of the sworn eldest brother, so that the Shaolin monks could participate in it. In this way, it will be more certain to deal with Li Xunhuan.

Once you think about the ins and outs of this, it is self-evident how terrifying Long Xiaoyun is. It is precisely because he knows people like Long Xiaoyun that Shangguan Jinhong will ask in public: Are you willing to worship dogs? Long Xiaoyun is not only a dog, but also a dog who turns his face ruthlessly and pits his brother, even a hero like Shangguan Jinhong feels that he can't control Long Xiaoyun, let alone a kind person like Li Xunhuan?

If Li Xunhuan doesn't let Lin Shiyin, what will be the result? Gu Long: It's hard to die well

Shangguan Jinhong

The consequences of refusal So let's try to analyze what the consequences will be if Li Xunhuan refuses to sell Lin Shiyin. You must know that Long Xiaoyun loves Lin Shiyin so much that he loves him to death, and everyone is so thin that he is out of shape, which shows that Lin Shiyin is the only person he loves with all his heart. This kind of insidious and cunning villain, if he is eyeing something, or people, then he simply has no lower limit.

Isn't there such a saying? If you are an ordinary person in the rivers and lakes and finds that someone covets your lover, it goes without saying that you must kill him, or cut off all contacts, as long as the other party dares to approach his lover, then he will not die, and no longer care whether he has saved him back then. What's more, people like Long Xiaoyun may not have a good heart to save Li Xunhuan. But except for Li Xunhuan, people like him know that the other party is fierce and evil, and he wants to give others a chance. Not to mention that Long Xiaoyun once saved him.

Then there is only one result: Long Xiaoyun used various means to get rid of Li Xunhuan, but Li Xunhuan gave in everywhere and gave him a chance again and again. And how well Long Xiaoyun knows Li Xunhuan's habits, it can be seen from the fact that he was able to catch Li Xunhuan twice. Although Long Xiaoyun's martial arts skills are not high, he is extremely scheming, and he is so insidious, I am afraid that Xiao Li Feidao is still counting money for him.

The result of this situation was that Li Xunhuan was captured by Long Xiaoyun again, and Long Xiaoyun got rid of Li Xunhuan through the hands of others. Li Xunhuan has fought more than 300 battles in his life, and there must be many rivals, after Long Xiaoyun caught Li Xunhuan, he could completely leak the news and let these people kill him. Of course, if Li Xunhuan is alert and escapes again, or the master invited by Long Xiaoyun can't fight Li Xunhuan. Then Long Xiaoyun can still find a way to move Shangguan Jinhong. In fact, as long as he says that "The Treasure of Mercy Flowers" is in Li Xunhuan's hands, then Li Xunhuan's disasters will continue. At that time, the money gang will be dispatched, and Shangguan Jinhong will not have a dispute with the old man of Tianji, so Li Xunhuan's danger will reach the highest. There is Shangguan Jinhong's challenge in the front, and Long Xiaoyun's various conspiracies and tricks in the back, Li Xunhuan can't guard against it.

If Li Xunhuan doesn't let Lin Shiyin, what will be the result? Gu Long: It's hard to die well

Li Xunhuan and Long Xiaoyun

Summary Of course, if Mr. Gu Long is soft-hearted, he will still let Li Xunhuan avoid all kinds of disasters, after all, affection is Mr. Gu Long's special, a protagonist's aura, better than Long Xiaoyun's various conspiracies. The final result is a matter of opinion, and it is still up to Mr. Gu Long to have the final say.

It's not easy to be original, I hope to pay attention, thank you for your company, see you in the next issue!