
Teng Daiyuan, one of the founders of the Red Army: He was the boss of three marshals, why is it now so little known?

author:Xiao Luo biographical story

He was one of the founders of the Red Army and was the boss of Mr. Peng, why do few people remember him now?

Teng Daiyuan, one of the founders of the Red Army: He was the boss of three marshals, why is it now so little known?

Organize the Mayang Xinmin Society with progressive classmates

In 1904, Teng Daiyuan was born in Tortoiseshell Village, Mayang County, Hunan, his family background is average, but his parents pay great attention to the education of their children, Teng Daiyuan is also very competitive, and has been studying very hard, at the age of 19, he was admitted to the Second Normal School of Changde Province.

This school has a glorious revolutionary tradition, where countless enthusiastic young people have been nurtured by revolutionary ideas and embarked on the road of salvation and survival. In school, Teng Daiyuan studied hard in the normal course and actively participated in various patriotic student movements. He knew very well that only by arousing more people could we jointly resist the aggression of foreign enemies.

At one point, the school organized a mass demonstration, and Teng did not hesitate to join it, holding signs and chanting slogans, walking at the forefront of the procession.

In the face of police obstruction and repression, he was undaunted and stood firmly on the front line. This experience strengthened Teng Daiyuan's revolutionary conviction and made him more aware that only through struggle can national independence and the liberation of the people be realized.

Teng Daiyuan, one of the founders of the Red Army: He was the boss of three marshals, why is it now so little known?

During his studies and life at the Normal School, Teng Daiyuan gradually grew into a staunch revolutionary, where he organized the Mayang Xinmin Society with progressive classmates and founded the "Jinjiang Tide", awakening more people to join the revolution with youth and enthusiasm.

In the spring of 1925, when China was in turmoil, Teng Daiyuan stood at the crossroads of history, and after careful consideration, he decided to join the Kuomintang and devote himself to the destiny of the country. He actively studied revolutionary theories, participated in party activities, exchanged ideas with like-minded youth, and explored the road to national salvation. In October of the same year, after careful consideration and organizational investigation, Teng Daiyuan became a member of the Communist Party of China.

After becoming a party member, Teng Daiyuan became more actively involved in leading the student movement. He knew that young people were the future of the country and an important force for the revolution. He organized the students to study revolutionary theories, propagate revolutionary ideas, and arouse their patriotic enthusiasm. He led the students to carry out various forms of struggle, such as demonstrations, strikes and school strikes, etc., in order to fight for more rights and interests.

During a demonstration, Teng stood at the forefront of the procession, holding red flags and chanting slogans. In the face of obstruction and repression by the police, he was undaunted and walked firmly in the ranks. With his practical actions, he demonstrated the firmness and courage of a Communist Party member, and also won the admiration and support of his classmates

For a long time afterward, Teng Daiyuan was the core leader of the Red Army, and he had participated in the creation of many Soviet areas and made great achievements, and he was also the top boss of three marshals, including Lin Shuai and Mr. Chen.

Use the interval between battles to carry out agricultural and sideline production

In 1934, Teng Daiyuan received the task of going to the Soviet Union to study, and reported to the Comintern by the way. He had planned to return to China after a year of study in Moscow and continue to fight side by side with his comrades and contribute to the revolutionary cause. However, plans don't always keep up with changes. Soon after he set off, the Red Army began its arduous Long March, and the Soviet districts of South China fell one after another.

Teng Daiyuan, one of the founders of the Red Army: He was the boss of three marshals, why is it now so little known?

Faced with such a situation, Teng Daiyuan could only be forced to stay in the Soviet Union. He was well aware of the heavy responsibility and mission on his shoulders, so he did not give up studying and fighting. During his stay in the Soviet Union, while studying Marxist theory and revolutionary experience, he contacted the Comintern as a representative of the Communist Party of China and assisted the Comintern in carrying out a series of revolutionary activities.

It was not until 1937 that with the initial formation of the situation of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party to resist Japan, the domestic situation gradually stabilized, and after spending several years of study in Moscow, Teng Daiyuan finally received the order to return to China. After returning to the embrace of the motherland, Teng Daiyuan immediately threw himself into intense work and participated in the rescue of the Western Route Army.

The Western Route Army was an important force left behind by the Red Army during the Long March, but it suffered a serious blow in the battle, and many fighters fell into trouble. Teng Daiyuan knew that time was pressing, so he quickly organized a rescue team and personally led the team to the location of the Western Route Army.

In the rescue process, Teng Daiyuan showed excellent leadership and firm faith. He went to the front lines to understand the actual situation of the fighters and provide them with much-needed supplies and medical assistance. He encouraged the soldiers to strengthen their confidence, overcome difficulties, and continue to fight for the victory of the Anti-Japanese War.

Under his leadership, the rescue team overcame many difficulties and successfully rescued the soldiers of the Western Route Army from their predicament, and provided them with necessary support and assistance.

Teng Daiyuan, one of the founders of the Red Army: He was the boss of three marshals, why is it now so little known?

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Teng Daiyuan successively held a number of important positions and made outstanding contributions to the victory of the War of Resistance against Japan. He served as chief of staff of the Central Military Commission, assisted the central leadership in formulating and implementing military strategies, and played a key role in guiding the anti-Japanese struggle nationwide.

Subsequently, he served as the vice president and deputy political commissar of the Anti-Japanese Military and Political University, devoted himself to training and educating a large number of anti-Japanese cadres, and provided talent support for the establishment of New China and the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. After that, he became the chief of staff of the forward headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, participated in and commanded many important battles and battles, and played a positive role in promoting the victory of the War of Resistance against Japan.

In 1941, as the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression entered a stalemate stage, Teng Daiyuan's focus gradually shifted from military command to logistics support and base area construction. During this period, he worked closely with Comrade Peng Zhen and jointly put forward many practical plans for the survival and development of the Eighth Route Army.

Teng Daiyuan knew very well that victory in the war could not be achieved without the unity and support of the army and the people. Therefore, he repeatedly stressed that the troops of the Eighth Route Army should be self-reliant and resolutely not rely on the support of the common people. He organized the troops to carry out a self-help campaign in production, and took advantage of the interval between battles to carry out agricultural and sideline production, grow grain and vegetables, and raise poultry and livestock, so as to ensure the basic living needs of the troops. At the same time, he also actively advocated saving food and making careful budgets, so that the troops could maintain normal operations despite the shortage of materials.

In disaster years or other critical moments, Teng Daiyuan even put forward the idea that the Eighth Route Army should help the common people in turn. He organized troops to participate in disaster relief and rescue work, providing much-needed supplies and medical assistance to the affected people.

Teng Daiyuan, one of the founders of the Red Army: He was the boss of three marshals, why is it now so little known?

In the cold winter, he led the troops to send cotton clothes and quilts to the people; During the flood season, he personally commanded troops to build dikes and rescue disasters. These actions have not only won widespread praise and gratitude from the common people, but also further deepened the flesh-and-blood ties between the military and the people.

Thanks to Teng Daiyuan's efforts, the base areas opened up by the Eighth Route Army became more and more stable. He paid attention to strengthening the building of political power at the grassroots level, improving local armed forces and militia organizations, and raising the degree of organization of the masses.

At the same time, he also actively promoted the development of cultural and educational undertakings and raised the cultural level of the masses. Under Teng Daiyuan's initiative, schools, literacy classes and other educational institutions have been established in the base areas, so that more people can receive education and master knowledge.

Under the leadership of Teng Daiyuan, the scene of the military and the people being close to each other can be seen everywhere in North China, and a deep relationship of affection and trust has been established between the Eighth Route Army and the common people.

Stick to the original mission and not be moved by fame and fortune

In 1949, the People's Republic of China was founded, and Teng Daiyuan became the Minister of Railways, dedicating all his strength to the railway cause of New China. At that time, the country was in urgent need of railway transportation materials, and Teng Daiyuan put forward the slogan of "wherever the war is fought, the railway will be repaired" and actively recommended the construction of the railway.

He is well aware that railways are the main arteries of the national economy and are vital to the development of the country. He embarked on a complete overhaul of the railway, conducting in-depth research, discussing solutions with experts and technicians, and developing a series of practical measures.

At the same time as the transformation, Teng Daiyuan also began to prepare for the construction of a new railway line. He is well aware that only by continuously expanding the railway network can we better meet the needs of national economic development. Therefore, he personally participated in the planning and successively built important lines such as the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway and the Tianlan Railway. The completion of these railways has greatly promoted the economic development of the areas along the line and laid the foundation for the improvement of the national railway network.

Teng Daiyuan, one of the founders of the Red Army: He was the boss of three marshals, why is it now so little known?

By the end of 1958, the mainland had opened to traffic with a mileage of 31,000 kilometers, basically forming the skeleton of the country's railway network extending in all directions. This achievement is inseparable from Teng Daiyuan's hard work and selfless dedication. However, it was precisely because of his long-term work in the railway sector that he missed the opportunity to be awarded the title for the first time in New China.

At that time, many old comrades-in-arms felt sorry for Teng Daiyuan. Even Lin, who has always been taciturn, publicly said: "If Teng Daiyuan can participate in the awarding of titles, the marshal will not be the top ten marshals...... However, Teng Daiyuan didn't care about this. He always adheres to his original intention and mission, and is not moved by fame and fortune.

Before conferring the title, Teng Daiyuan expressed his opinion: "I didn't think about what military rank I wanted to fight for, I only had the people in my heart, and I would go wherever the party sent me." ”

He served for 16 years in the post of Minister of Railways, and although he did not receive a promotion in the ranks, he did not hesitate to dedicate his strength. Even when his son came to Beijing to take care of him, he still insisted on eating coarse grains to show his closeness to ordinary people.

In 1973, he suffered from many geriatric diseases one after another, and when he learned of this, he immediately sent someone to send him to the hospital for treatment. But unfortunately, he died of illness in 1974 at the age of 70.