
Imminent! Zhu Lilun was tragically overthrown by everyone, and the Kuomintang infighting or fear of a comeback?


Text: Zhang Youhua

The Kuomintang has now become a situation of military pressure, Wang Jianxuan's 60-year golden wedding ceremony invited Han Kuo-yu to publicly support Han Kuo-yu's candidacy in 2028, although Han Kuo-yu said that he did not doubt it, but it can be seen that Deep Blue's expectations for Han Kuo-yu are higher than Zhu Lilun.

Imminent! Zhu Lilun was tragically overthrown by everyone, and the Kuomintang infighting or fear of a comeback?

Secondly, Lian Shengwen, who rarely expresses his opinions on policies, has greatly increased his activities since returning to Taiwan from the Straits Forum Youth Forum, and even supported Li Sichuan's election as mayor of New Taipei in an interview, which is undoubtedly a confrontation with Hou Youyi, who is now determined to follow his own path.

The three big leaders in the Kuomintang, whether it is Han Kuo-yu, Lian Shengwen, or Hou Youyi, are all ready to overthrow Zhu Lilun, which is the biggest crisis Zhu Lilun faces. The KMT's current confrontation with the DPP can be said to be in a very good situation, but the degree of identity of his party is constantly declining, and the reason why the identity of the party is constantly declining is that everyone hates it very much, and the KMT always starts to engage in infighting when the situation is very good.

This time it is especially obvious, because Han Yu attended Wang Jianxuan's golden wedding ceremony, Wang Jianxuan arched Han Yu in front of the guests to choose 2028, this is the expectation of some dark blue people for Han Yu, they think that in 2028, only Han Yu can fight Lai Qingde, so there is an inexplicable support for Han Yu.

Imminent! Zhu Lilun was tragically overthrown by everyone, and the Kuomintang infighting or fear of a comeback?

Li Sichuan, the current candidate for mayor of New Taipei, once served as Zhu Lilun's secretary general of the Kuomintang, also served as Han Kuo-yu's deputy mayor, and also served as Jiang Wanan's deputy mayor. Li Sichuan's reputation today can be said to be because of Han Yu, and Lian Shengwen also saw this opportunity, so he was also very anxious, and said in an interview that he supported Li Sichuan and Liu Heran, who was supported by Hou Youyi. Han Kuo-yu has his thoughts here, but he should not confess in the near future, Lian Shengwen is going to run for party chairman, so now his speech is becoming more and more spicy, Hou Youyi insists on supporting Liu Heran to fight against the DPP, don't forget that the People's Party also has Huang Guochang.

In the past, the DPP's vote share in New Taipei City was about 46% for the KMT, 35% for the DPP, and 14% for the People's Party. From this ratio, it can be seen that if the People's Party is forcibly promoting the so-called Huang Guochang, Huang Guochang may not be able to be elected, but if the party is to conduct a poll between the party and the party, Li Sichuan, Liu Heran and Huang Guochang are three 46%, plus 14% and almost 60%, will Li Sichuan's votes be diluted? This is why Lian Shengwen now jumped out directly to support Li Sichuan's candidacy.

Li Sichuan is the highest poll in the Kuomintang and the People's Party, and Lian Shengwen is Lien Chan's son. During Zhu Lilun's tenure as party chairman, Lian Shengwen disappeared for a while, but when he participated in the Cross-Strait Forum, the Straits Forum, and then the Youth Forum, he suddenly came back to life.

Imminent! Zhu Lilun was tragically overthrown by everyone, and the Kuomintang infighting or fear of a comeback?

Recently, Lian Shengwen has frequently been interviewed by the media, obviously he is thinking about whether to run for the party chairman, otherwise for such a sensitive issue, with Lian Shengwen's past personality, he should not be strong at this time, this is Han Yu and Lian Shengwen. Hou Youyi has not given up on Liu Heran so far, but Liu Heran's own popularity is too low, coupled with his eloquence and lack of popularity in Taiwan, so he may not win Huang Guochang in the polls, nor will he necessarily win over Li Sichuan, if Hou Youyi really insists on supporting him, there will inevitably be some infighting within the Kuomintang.

Hou Youyi's insistence also hinted that he might want to run for party chairman, plus a Lu Xiuyan, who said he would not run for the chairman of the Kuomintang. Now the deep blue of the Kuomintang is in Gong Han Kuo-yu, the youth is in Gong Lian Shengwen, and the local is in Gong Hou Youyi, do these three people respect the party chairman Zhu Lilun? No, it can be seen that they want to overhead Zhu Lilun. Zhu Lilun's biggest crisis now is not that he can't go to the countryside, but that the biggest crisis is that those who have substantial influence in the party have always wanted to empty him, and if he is really put in the air, the internal struggle of the Kuomintang will begin again.

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