
Huang Yiming exposed the chat record with Wang Sicong, Wang Sicong cried poor, and said that he would not give you money until next year

author:Chong Yu Xi

When the illegitimate daughter incident was first reported, many netizens laughed at Huang Yiming for being stupid, and they didn't know "asking for money".

As a result, when they saw the screenshot released by Huang Yiming, everyone realized that it was not Huang Yiming who was stupid, but that she asked for it and didn't want to come out.

Huang Yiming exposed the chat record with Wang Sicong, Wang Sicong cried poor, and said that he would not give you money until next year

So what's going on, didn't Huang Yiming swear before that he didn't want money?

Why did you ask Principal Wang for money?

Huang Yiming exposed the chat record with Wang Sicong, Wang Sicong cried poor, and said that he would not give you money until next year

Chat logs reveal "milk powder money"

In the early hours of this morning, Huang Yiming suddenly disclosed the chat records between himself and Wang Sicong on his social account.

In the copywriting of "whitewashing" Wang Sicong, he said: His daughter's father doesn't care about her, but he just has "difficulties".

Huang Yiming exposed the chat record with Wang Sicong, Wang Sicong cried poor, and said that he would not give you money until next year

And at the end of the copy, he emphasized that Wang Sicong's "father" for his daughter is true.

In this chat log, it can be clearly seen that the main content is that Huang Yiming asked Wang Si to "ask" for the child's living expenses.

Huang Yiming exposed the chat record with Wang Sicong, Wang Sicong cried poor, and said that he would not give you money until next year

This can't help but remind people of the previous Huang Yiming who repeatedly emphasized in the live broadcast that he has the ability to raise his daughter, and he doesn't need to ask Wang Sicong to ask for money, nor does he expect to get the position of "Mrs. Kuo" through his daughter.

Huang Yiming exposed the chat record with Wang Sicong, Wang Sicong cried poor, and said that he would not give you money until next year

Later, he made it clear in the live broadcast that he wanted to rely on Wang Sicong's "reputation" to make money and save money for milk powder for their children.

and also specially accepted a "media interview", and even said that he very much supports the matter of letting his daughter inherit Wang Sicong's property in the future.

In this chat record, Huang Yiming was directly urging Wang Sicong to transfer money to himself quickly, and emphasized that he was going to work.

Huang Yiming exposed the chat record with Wang Sicong, Wang Sicong cried poor, and said that he would not give you money until next year
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Wang Sicong immediately replied: I didn't tell you that I had no money.

After that, Huang Yiming directly pointed out that the use of the money was "milk powder money".

Huang Yiming exposed the chat record with Wang Sicong, Wang Sicong cried poor, and said that he would not give you money until next year

and also added: It's okay not to give it to yourself, but don't let yourself see Wang Sicong living a good life on the Internet.

Wang Sicong then replied with an intriguing message, and asked Huang Yiming if he was threatening himself?

Huang Yiming changed his words and said: He is living too hard now, and he is red when he sees Principal Wang living a "good life".

Huang Yiming exposed the chat record with Wang Sicong, Wang Sicong cried poor, and said that he would not give you money until next year

Wang Sicong began to use the excuse that Huang Yiming would endure it, and he would have money next year, and he would give her "milk powder money" when the time came.

Huang Yiming replied to netizens' funny comments

Immediately afterwards, Huang Yiming commented at the bottom of the video, saying that Wang Sicong did not disown his daughter Shining, he had always recognized the existence of his daughter.

Huang Yiming exposed the chat record with Wang Sicong, Wang Sicong cried poor, and said that he would not give you money until next year

and explained: Because of too much work pressure, he often vents at Wang Sicong, so he will be blocked by Wang Sicong.

At the end, he also added a sentence that looked a little "yin and yang", saying that Wang Sicong might have blocked himself because he didn't want to disturb his date.

Huang Yiming exposed the chat record with Wang Sicong, Wang Sicong cried poor, and said that he would not give you money until next year

Netizens who saw this began to complain about Wang Sicong, saying that he obviously spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy jewelry for his Japanese girlfriend last year, and when he opened his mouth in the face of Huang Yiming, he had no money, so Huang Yiming put up with it.

Huang Yiming exposed the chat record with Wang Sicong, Wang Sicong cried poor, and said that he would not give you money until next year

What does this mean? Men are only willing to give money when they are affectionate, and once they have no feelings, they dislike each other when chatting.

Huang Yiming very agrees with the reply below!

Huang Yiming exposed the chat record with Wang Sicong, Wang Sicong cried poor, and said that he would not give you money until next year

Some netizens said: When I saw Wang Sicong persuading Huang Yiming to endure it, I really couldn't help but want to laugh.

Huang Yiming replied very stalkedly: This forbearance is a lifetime.

Huang Yiming exposed the chat record with Wang Sicong, Wang Sicong cried poor, and said that he would not give you money until next year

Some netizens even joked: It seems that Wang Sicong is rich except for flirting with his sister, and he is quite "poor" the rest of the time.

There are also netizens in the comment area who pointed out sharply: Huang Yiming has been saying that he is not for money?

Huang Yiming explained: His original intention was just to find the other party to simply chat.

Huang Yiming exposed the chat record with Wang Sicong, Wang Sicong cried poor, and said that he would not give you money until next year

But it is worth noting that since Huang Yiming released this chat screenshot, Wang Sicong has not made any reply or statement.

even posted the million-dollar luxury car he just bought on his social account during this period, which seemed to be a "silent response" to the sentence of no money in Huang Yiming's chat screenshot.

Huang Yiming exposed the chat record with Wang Sicong, Wang Sicong cried poor, and said that he would not give you money until next year

And this is not the first time that Wang Sicong has shown such an attitude in the "illegitimate daughter" incident.

Huang Yiming exposed the chat record with Wang Sicong, Wang Sicong cried poor, and said that he would not give you money until next year

Wang Sicong was exposed as an "illegitimate daughter", and every reply is "intriguing"

In mid-June, when Huang Yiming officially announced that the child's biological father was Wang Sicong for the first time, this news quickly made the front page headlines of major media.

Huang Yiming exposed the chat record with Wang Sicong, Wang Sicong cried poor, and said that he would not give you money until next year

At that time, many netizens felt that Huang Yiming was just here to rub traffic, and they ran to Wang Sicong's social account to leave messages and ask questions.

But Wang Sicong was directly silent and did not reply to this question.

Huang Yiming exposed the chat record with Wang Sicong, Wang Sicong cried poor, and said that he would not give you money until next year

You must know that two days before this official "accusation", Huang Yiming posted on his social account: WSC is "You are a fool".

Huang Yiming exposed the chat record with Wang Sicong, Wang Sicong cried poor, and said that he would not give you money until next year

At that time, many people were curious about whether the presence of these three letters meant Wang Sicong.

and said: Originally, I just wanted my daughter's father to see her, but I didn't expect to be blocked by my daughter's biological father.

Huang Yiming exposed the chat record with Wang Sicong, Wang Sicong cried poor, and said that he would not give you money until next year

After Huang Yiming's "emotional catharsis", Wang Sicong immediately "refuted the rumors".

He publicly responded on his social media: I don't know anything about Huang Yiming at all.

even alluded to Huang Yiming for "talking nonsense" under the pretext of drinking too much, and then asked the netizens who watched the excitement to do what they should do.

Huang Yiming exposed the chat record with Wang Sicong, Wang Sicong cried poor, and said that he would not give you money until next year

Obviously, he was still refuting the rumors two days ago, but after being "named", he began to be silent, and such an attitude made many netizens suspicious: What Huang Yiming said is very likely to be true.

After Huang Yiming "exposed his daughter's biological father".

Huang Yiming exposed the chat record with Wang Sicong, Wang Sicong cried poor, and said that he would not give you money until next year

Some netizens found that Wang Sicong silently replaced the small piece on his social account with a little girl emoji, and the accompanying text read: Your father is here.

The "illegitimate daughter" incident has progressed to the present, Wang Sicong has not only changed his previous "straightforwardness", but also began to become taciturn.

Huang Yiming exposed the chat record with Wang Sicong, Wang Sicong cried poor, and said that he would not give you money until next year

made many netizens complain: If the child born by Huang Yiming is Wang Sicong's real daughter, seeing Wang Sicong's indifferent attitude now, he will also change his heart.

But she was unlucky enough to have a mother like Huang Yiming, and she kept saying that she was not asking for money, and she "publicized" this matter over and over again.

Huang Yiming exposed the chat record with Wang Sicong, Wang Sicong cried poor, and said that he would not give you money until next year

Information source: Douyin user Mingming-chan

Sina Finance: 2024-06/28 "Laughing to Death! Huang Yiming posted Wang Sicong's chat record and refused to pay for milk powder, and the man cried that the poor sugar stuff was too funny"

Baidu Encyclopedia: Huang Yiming's entry content

Weibo account: Pap Circle Xiaoji released the content on June 28, 2024 "Huang Yiming posted a chat record with Wang Sicong, denied that Shanshan was an illegitimate child, and said that Shanshan was an existence recognized by his father"

Weibo account: Xiao Yang's American style "Wang Sicong's lifelong romance has been disturbed by Huang Yiming, but the eldest young master said that he is an unmarried person"

Huang Yiming exposed the chat record with Wang Sicong, Wang Sicong cried poor, and said that he would not give you money until next year
Huang Yiming exposed the chat record with Wang Sicong, Wang Sicong cried poor, and said that he would not give you money until next year
Huang Yiming exposed the chat record with Wang Sicong, Wang Sicong cried poor, and said that he would not give you money until next year
Huang Yiming exposed the chat record with Wang Sicong, Wang Sicong cried poor, and said that he would not give you money until next year
Huang Yiming exposed the chat record with Wang Sicong, Wang Sicong cried poor, and said that he would not give you money until next year