
The funeral of a rural old man with only one son is difficult, and he has no support and no helper

author:The exclamation point of history

An old man in our village passed away, and his family originally had two sons and a daughter.

When the eldest son was 7 years old, he went down to the river to swim and was washed away by a flash flood. The second is a daughter, who is very good at reading, and was admitted to a university in Shanghai with her own ability, and the family went to live overseas after getting married.

The third son opened a shoe factory in Shijing, Guangzhou, which belongs to the kind of small achievement, the third child has always wanted to pick up his parents to live in Guangzhou, but the old man is unwilling to leave his homeland, can not let go of the fruit trees planted in the mountains, the chickens and ducks raised in the yard, never go out for more than a week, and the next day in Guangzhou, he clamored to go back.

At the beginning of this month, the old father went up the mountain to pick peaches and said that he would send them to the third son to taste the freshness, who knew that he would roll down the valley and what happened at noon, and the old mother found that the old man had not returned in the evening.

The funeral of a rural old man with only one son is difficult, and he has no support and no helper

It was found with the help of a few well-wishers in the neighborhood with a flashlight.

The head hit the stone, and when he found it, he was already dying, and he was sent to the town hospital for rescue at first, and then transferred to the city hospital, but he still did not come back.

The doctor said that if the old man could be sent to the hospital as soon as he rolled down the valley, he could be saved, but it was too long and he lost too much blood.

At around 8 p.m. when he was sent to the town hospital, the neighbor asked the old mother to call the third son and ask her to call her son and daughter back quickly.

The old mother belongs to the typical kind of rural area, everything is from the perspective of the child's old man, saying that it is too late, calling the third son for fear of affecting his work and rest, anyway, rushing back is the same, he has already arrived at the hospital, and he can't help much.

It's even more impossible to call my daughter, how to rush back from overseas.

The old mother just repeated one sentence in the hospital: "Don't disturb my son, he gave me money, the old man has money in the hospital, the doctor begs you to cure my old man." ”

The third son, who learned the news the next morning, immediately drove more than four hours to the city hospital, but unfortunately did not see the old man for the last time.

The funeral of a rural old man with only one son is difficult, and he has no support and no helper

The next thing is to go back to the village for the funeral.

Because the old man did not lose his breath in the village, he could not enter the ancestral hall to do the funeral, so he could only build a shed at the entrance of the village to do things.

The second daughter may have jet lag, and she didn't know that her father had passed away at night, but she couldn't talk about it, she could go out alone for as much money as she needed, and she must do her father's funeral in a beautiful way.

But in the countryside, can you hold a funeral with money alone?

First of all, the countryside is about the sophistication of people, and now the rural life is also good, others come to your house to eat, it is to save face, not to want to come to eat the good wine and food at the banquet, no one is short of delicious things, if you usually don't care about other people's affairs, when you have something, please no one will come.

Secondly, there are some things that need to be discussed, and who does a son consult with?

There are also some things that must be done by your own family, such as the vigil, it is impossible to spend money to find someone to help you keep the vigil, no one replaces the upper and lower nights, you can only carry it yourself.

The funeral of a rural old man with only one son is difficult, and he has no support and no helper

For example, greeting and entertaining my uncle's family, and so on, these things are not something that can be done with money.

Seeing the third child, the whole person was as busy as a spinning top, and for three days, he never slept at all.

I also spent money to invite a professional funeral team outside to handle it, but the countryside is not as good as the city, although people take your money, you still have to ask the advice of the host family for everything, no matter where you go, you must respect the local customs first.

Because they are all fellow villagers who came out of the village to open a factory in Guangzhou, the third child came back to Guangzhou and told me that after this toss, he must have another son, a son will be too helpless in the future, and he must do his wife's ideological work well.

There is a truth in the saying that rural people have been saying for thousands of years.

When it comes to having children, some people always say that there are such difficulties and such difficulties.

Wasn't it difficult for people in the past? How did they get here?

The funeral of a rural old man with only one son is difficult, and he has no support and no helper
