
The bamboo association gathers ‖ Li Yinpei's theme follows the garden association

author:Read Chen Ji

Or a pair of bamboo couplets in the series of "Wonderful Couplets of the Past Dynasties" "Title Gift".

Title with the garden

Li Yinpei

There are lofty mountains and mountains here, lush forests and bamboos;

It is to be able to read three tombs and five classics, eight ropes and nine mounds.

Li Yinpei, whose name is its material, is called Hefeng, a native of Jinzhong (now Jinning) in Yunnan Province, Qing Dynasty. In the tenth year of Qianlong (1745), he was a scholar and became the governor of Fujian. This joint title with the garden, in Nanjing Qingliang Mountain, for Yuan Mei villa. The second sentence of the upper link is from Wang Xizhi's "Lanting Collection Preface": "There are lofty mountains and mountains here, and the forests and bamboos are cultivated; There is also a clear stream turbulent, reflecting the left and right. The next two sentences are from "Zuo Chuan: The Twelfth Year of Zhaogong": "The king said: 'It is a good history, and the son is good at it, and he can read "Three Tombs", "Five Classics", "Eight Suo" and "Nine Hills". These are ancient book titles. Kong Anguo's "Preface to the Book of Shang": "The books of Fuxi, Shennong, and the Yellow Emperor are called "Three Tombs", and they are also said to be the avenue; The books of Shaohao, Zhuan, Gaoxin, Tang, and Yu are called the "Five Classics", and they are often said. "The gossip is called the eight ropes. Seek its righteousness. "The ambition of Kyushu is called the nine hills." Yuan Mei loves this couplet very much, and has been "hanging for more than 20 years" since the cloud. (Tong Jin)
The bamboo association gathers ‖ Li Yinpei's theme follows the garden association

Li Yinpei

Li Yinpei (1717-1768), known as Hefeng, was a native of Xiashimei Village, Shangzhu Town, Jinning District, Kunming City, Yunnan Province. Li Yinpei was talented in his life, learned and rich, learned and talented, especially fine literature and history, and was transferred to many provinces as officials, all of whom made achievements, were honest and honest, and did a lot of good things for the local people, which won the hearts of the people.

Find the following allusions to this couplet online:

In the twenty-first year of Qianlong (1756), Li Yinpei was transferred to Jiangsu Xuezheng and was friendly with the literary scholar Yuan Mei (Zicai). When Yuan Mei built "Suiyuan" in Jinling (now Nanjing), had a wide expedition to Yinglian, were not satisfactory, then chose the "Lanting Collection Preface" in the "here have lofty mountains and mountains, lush forests and bamboo" sentence for the upper link, solicit the lower link, Li Yinpei took Lu Zhaogong 12 years, the king of Chu praised the left history to deal with the words, that is, "his people read three tombs and five classics, eight ropes and nine hills". Yuan Mei praised it and called it "absolute", and immediately carved wood and hung it in the garden. Jinning people are proud of it, and they have also hung this couplet in Jinning Xiangshan Academy.
The bamboo association gathers ‖ Li Yinpei's theme follows the garden association

Part of "Orchid Pavilion Collection Preface".

Lanting Collection Preface is the Chinese Jin Dynasty (AD 353) book sage Wang Xizhi, in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province Lanzhu Mountain to meet friends, write "the world's first line of books", also known as "Lanting Preface", "Linhe Preface", "Yu Ti", "March 3rd Lanting Poetry Preface" and so on.
The bamboo association gathers ‖ Li Yinpei's theme follows the garden association

The past generations are wonderful

"The Wonderful Couplets of the Past Dynasties", Shanghai Lexicographical Publishing House. Editor-in-chief: Su Yuanlei, folio: 16 open, price: 60.00 yuan, edition: the first edition in March 2020 for the first printing.