
No wonder Wukong just changed into a pine tree, and Bodhi was going to drive him out of the school, you see what is in the book of life and death

author:Mo Zizhai's diary
"Wukong, I passed on your transformation skills, did I let you show off in front of people? I will not blame you, but you go. ”

The stone monkey that jumped out of the crack in the stone was the first to enter Huaguo Mountain and was elected as the boss of Huaguo Mountain.

No wonder Wukong just changed into a pine tree, and Bodhi was going to drive him out of the school, you see what is in the book of life and death

But after he saw the death of the old monkey king, he became afraid of death and wanted to seek the art of immortality.

After going through a lot of hardships and twenty years, he finally found the three-star cave of the slanting moon, and successfully worshiped the ancestor of Bodhi as his teacher, and also obtained the name of "Monkey King".

Here, he not only learned the technique of seventy-two changes, but also learned to turn over a somersault cloud that can travel 18,000 miles.

No wonder Wukong just changed into a pine tree, and Bodhi was going to drive him out of the school, you see what is in the book of life and death

Such a studious and intelligent apprentice should be very proud of Bodhi.

Unexpectedly, it was because he changed a pine tree under the coaxing of the brothers and sisters, and was directly driven out of the division by the master.

What the hell is going on, is it just because the pine tree has changed once? In fact, just look at what is written in the book of life and death.

No wonder Wukong just changed into a pine tree, and Bodhi was going to drive him out of the school, you see what is in the book of life and death

Sun Wukong's apprenticeship

This stone monkey jumped out of the stone, with no name, no surname, and no parents, and under the premise of no one to educate, he lived and played with a group of monkeys every day.

Because the first one entered Huaguo Mountain intact and successfully came out, he was pushed to the throne of the Monkey King.

Now, when he was an ordinary child, he directly became the boss of the monkey group.

No wonder Wukong just changed into a pine tree, and Bodhi was going to drive him out of the school, you see what is in the book of life and death

Originally, he was still immersed in joy, but he witnessed the life of the old monkey king come to an end, and left them like this.

It was at this time that Sun Wukong realized that life has an end, and he will also have a time to pass away.

When he thought of this, he was scared and wondered how he could find a way to live forever.

No wonder Wukong just changed into a pine tree, and Bodhi was going to drive him out of the school, you see what is in the book of life and death

So he left the monkeys and set out on the road of asking for immortals alone.

With no way to survive, let alone any spells, he can only rely on his legs and hands to explore and hurry.

Finally, twenty years later, he found the place where Bodhi Ancestor lived, and successfully became one of his disciples, and also received the good name "Monkey King".

No wonder Wukong just changed into a pine tree, and Bodhi was going to drive him out of the school, you see what is in the book of life and death

After seven years of sweeping and chorework, Sun Wukong finally received the teaching of seventy-two changes from his master.

I have to say that Sun Wukong is really a smart and studious good seedling, and he cultivates very quickly, and he has mastered all the skills of seventy-two changes in just two years.

In order to allow Wukong to have the ability to soar through the clouds and control the fog, the Bodhi Ancestor also taught him the somersault cloud.

No wonder Wukong just changed into a pine tree, and Bodhi was going to drive him out of the school, you see what is in the book of life and death

In such a situation, all the peers wanted to see Sun Wukong's skills, so they coaxed him to show it.

So Wukong showed them the ability to turn into pine trees, which attracted everyone's applause, and also attracted the master.

After everyone had dispersed, Bodhi taught Wukong a lesson, telling him that these spells were not for him to show off.

Hearing this, Wukong quickly apologized and promised that there would be no more in the future.

No wonder Wukong just changed into a pine tree, and Bodhi was going to drive him out of the school, you see what is in the book of life and death

Unexpectedly, the master wanted to drive him away, and said that he could not mention his name in case of trouble in the future, and from now on, the two would be strangers.

At this moment, Wukong was really scared, but in the face of his master's insistence, he had no choice but to obey.

However, is that really the reason why Goku became a pine tree?

No wonder Wukong just changed into a pine tree, and Bodhi was going to drive him out of the school, you see what is in the book of life and death

The truth of Bodhi Ancestor driving Wukong away

Faced with the master's expulsion, Wukong was about to cry, he didn't understand why the master had to drive him away after only staying here for ten years, and he didn't even let the outside world say that he was his master.

In fact, what he didn't know was that Bodhi didn't teach him the art of immortality, it was just some art of change.

After leaving the three-star cave, Sun Wukong began to wreak havoc everywhere.

No wonder Wukong just changed into a pine tree, and Bodhi was going to drive him out of the school, you see what is in the book of life and death

In fact, Bodhi Ancestor had already figured out his character and knew that he must be a monkey who loves to cause trouble.

Sure enough, after leaving Bodhi, Sun Wukong made trouble in the Dragon King Temple to get the Seagod Needle, and made trouble in the Heavenly Palace to find a job for himself, so it can be said that he dared to do anything.

No wonder Wukong just changed into a pine tree, and Bodhi was going to drive him out of the school, you see what is in the book of life and death

What's more, Sun Wukong even wants to pull the Jade Emperor down, and let himself sit in this highest position, in charge of all things in heaven and earth.

Once, however, after he had eaten and drunk, he fell asleep on a large rock.

As everyone knows, this is the end of his life.

No wonder Wukong just changed into a pine tree, and Bodhi was going to drive him out of the school, you see what is in the book of life and death

With the appearance of the two black impermanences, Sun Wukong was sent to the underworld and ended his life.

But who is Sun Wukong, how can he be content with the status quo, let alone take away his own life, which is simply the most unacceptable for a person who wants to live forever.

After Wukong arrived in the underworld, he directly picked up the book of life and death.

No wonder Wukong just changed into a pine tree, and Bodhi was going to drive him out of the school, you see what is in the book of life and death

In the face of such a scene, no one dared to say anything, after all, Sun Wukong was the Monkey King who had made trouble in the Heavenly Palace.

So they could only follow Sun Wukong, and came to Sun Wukong's side with pen and ink, and could only watch him mark his name on it.

No wonder Wukong just changed into a pine tree, and Bodhi was going to drive him out of the school, you see what is in the book of life and death

At this time, Sun Wukong knew that his lifespan was 342 years, and now, it happened to be the end of his life.

In order to make himself immortal, he directly crossed it out, and even his group of monkey brothers were also crossed out.

In this way, Sun Wukong successfully achieved immortality, and when he woke up again, he had returned to reality.

No wonder Wukong just changed into a pine tree, and Bodhi was going to drive him out of the school, you see what is in the book of life and death

As for Sun Wukong's behavior, in fact, Bodhi Ancestor has already arrived, which is why he drove Sun Wukong away.

The foresight of Bodhi Ancestor

Who is the Bodhi Ancestor, and what Sun Wukong will do in the future is not something that can be calculated with just one finger?

So when he calculated that Sun Wukong's limit was approaching, he hurriedly let him go, because he had already calculated what Sun Wukong would do after he went out.

No wonder Wukong just changed into a pine tree, and Bodhi was going to drive him out of the school, you see what is in the book of life and death

Bodhi Ancestor is a Buddhist person, he lives in seclusion in the three-star cave of the slanting moon, just to avoid the world, find less trouble for himself, and seek inner peace.

This is also why, when he was about to drive Wukong away, he specifically warned him that if he got into trouble, don't say that his master is Bodhi.

No wonder Wukong just changed into a pine tree, and Bodhi was going to drive him out of the school, you see what is in the book of life and death

Bodhi knows that Sun Wukong will go to draw the book of life and death, after all, Sun Wukong's lifelong pursuit is immortality, and now his life is coming to an end, how can he accept the arrangement of fate, at least the Sun Wukong he knows is not like this.

Of course, Sun Wukong can have such skills and strength, mainly from Bodhi.

Bodhi drove Sun Wukong down the mountain so that he could have the opportunity to go to the underworld to cross out his name, so as to gain the ability to live forever.

No wonder Wukong just changed into a pine tree, and Bodhi was going to drive him out of the school, you see what is in the book of life and death

At the end of the day, Bodhi is still excellent for Wukong.

In any case, Patriarch Bodhi also has good intentions for Sun Wukong, and although Sun Wukong has done a lot of bold things, it all reflects his quality of daring to take risks and challenges.

Although Sun Wukong angered many immortals, he realized that he changed his life against the sky and became his own master, which is also something to be proud of, and his qualities are worth learning.