
Prodigy Wang Hengyi, 3,000 words at the age of 3, CCTV won the championship at the age of 6, but netizens jokingly said: "Hurt Zhongyong"

author:Guanlan Jiangshan History

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Prodigy Wang Hengyi, 3,000 words at the age of 3, CCTV won the championship at the age of 6, but netizens jokingly said: "Hurt Zhongyong"

Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

In 2020, a 6-year-old boy successfully won the championship in the final of the "Chinese Poetry Conference and Mid-Autumn Festival Poetry Conference" held by CCTV.

This result shocked everyone, but in addition to shock, everyone felt that it was very reasonable.

Because, this little boy can know 3,000 Chinese characters when he is 3 years old, and can recite hundreds of ancient poems, and then he has repeatedly participated in shows to show his talent.

However, as he became an instant hit, people questioned his growth.

Some people are worried that his parents deliberately "pull out the seedlings to help him" and earn money in the traffic circle, and some people worry that he will become a modern version of "Hurt Zhongyong", whose parents consume him too early but do not cultivate his knowledge, which will make him grow up to become an ordinary person.

So, how did Wang Hengyi have a lot of knowledge at such a young age? Will he really become a "hurt Zhongyong"?

Prodigy Wang Hengyi, 3,000 words at the age of 3, CCTV won the championship at the age of 6, but netizens jokingly said: "Hurt Zhongyong"

The rise of the "little prodigy".

In 2013, Wang Hengyi was born in Qingdao City, Shandong Province, and since he was a child, he has shown an amazing talent for poetry and songs.

In 2017, 3-year-old Wang Hengyi appeared on the "Amazing Child" program for the first time, and his performance shocked the audience.

In the show, he can not only recognize more than 3,000 Chinese characters, but also fluently recite hundreds of ancient poems, and the audience looked at this immature little boy with surprise and admiration in their eyes.

Not only that, he can also recognize 108 kinds of national flags, master a large number of English words, and become "someone else's child" in the hearts of many parents.

As Wang Hengyi's talent was gradually discovered, he began to appear frequently in major variety shows.

In 2019, Wang Hengyi participated in the difficult program "Challenge the Impossible", in which he needed to find Chinese characters from the nine-square grid and recite the corresponding poems in just 5 seconds.

Prodigy Wang Hengyi, 3,000 words at the age of 3, CCTV won the championship at the age of 6, but netizens jokingly said: "Hurt Zhongyong"

(In 2017, 3-year-old Wang Hengyi participated in the program "Amazing Child")

Unexpectedly, he not only completed the challenge, but also recited the entire poem fluently, and this challenge showed his amazing memory, observation and adaptability, which amazed the audience again, and everyone called him "little prodigy".

After that, 6-year-old Wang Hengyi made persistent efforts and won the championship of the "Mid-Autumn Poetry Club" in the fifth season of "Chinese Poetry Conference" and became one of the most outstanding contestants.

His performance in the show was calm and confident, and he calmly dealt with difficult problems, showing his profound poetry accumulation and solid literary skills.

It's just that Wang Hengyi is so powerful at such a young age, and many netizens have questioned his ability, and even called him the realistic version of "Hurt Zhongyong", thinking that his talent will disappear when he grows up.

So, is Wang Hengyi's family really such a person who "pulls out seedlings and helps them grow"? How did Wang Hengyi, who was so young, obtain such a wealth of knowledge?

Prodigy Wang Hengyi, 3,000 words at the age of 3, CCTV won the championship at the age of 6, but netizens jokingly said: "Hurt Zhongyong"

Wang Hengyi's family education concept of entertaining and teaching

Wang Hengyi is excellent under the influence of his family growth environment, due to the busy work of his parents, he was raised by his grandparents since he was a child.

Grandma He Xia is a retired Chinese teacher who loves literature and poetry, and under her influence, Wang Hengyi has developed a strong interest in poetry.

Since Wang Hengyi was more than 1 year old, his grandmother would read poetry to him every day, and at night, he often snuggled in his grandmother's arms and listened to her whisper: "The bright moonlight in front of the bed is suspected to be frost on the ground." ”

Although he couldn't understand these poems at all, his grandmother's recitation of these beautiful poems to him day after day brought him a strong cultural growth environment and an interest in learning knowledge.

With the passage of time, Wang Hengyi began to have a deep memory and understanding of poetry, and his grandmother not only taught him to memorize, but also made up the meaning of the poem into a short story.

Prodigy Wang Hengyi, 3,000 words at the age of 3, CCTV won the championship at the age of 6, but netizens jokingly said: "Hurt Zhongyong"

(Wang Hengyi writes homework photos)

"Xiao Hengyi, this sentence 'the sun is at the end of the mountain, and the Yellow River flows into the sea' is like the sun hiding in the embrace of the mountain, and the river water flows into the sea like a faucet at home." Grandma explained the verses in vivid language that made him listen to them with relish.

This way of entertaining and teaching has enabled Wang Hengyi to not only accumulate a lot of knowledge of poetry, but also cultivate a love for literature.

With the support and cultivation of his family, Wang Hengyi's talents have been fully developed, and his family has never put too much pressure on him, but respected his interests and talents, and created a relaxed and full of learning atmosphere for him to grow up.

This type of education not only helped him excel in poetry, but also allowed him to maintain his enthusiasm and interest in learning as he grew up.

Prodigy Wang Hengyi, 3,000 words at the age of 3, CCTV won the championship at the age of 6, but netizens jokingly said: "Hurt Zhongyong"

(Photo of Wang Hengyi and grandma)

Therefore, it is precisely in this open-minded and entertaining concept of family education that Wang Hengyi can store a lot of knowledge at a young age.

is not what everyone thinks that his parents overexposed him to make money, but did not train him to learn knowledge, causing him to grow up to become a "hurt Zhongyong", that is, to become an ordinary person.

So, does Wang Hengyi, who is now a teenager, still appear on TV often? Have you ever been carried away by fame and fortune? What are his plans for the future?

Prodigy Wang Hengyi, 3,000 words at the age of 3, CCTV won the championship at the age of 6, but netizens jokingly said: "Hurt Zhongyong"

Wang Hengyi's plan for the future

In fact, Wang Hengyi was not carried away by fame and fortune, he had already returned to his normal school study and life.

In school, he is no longer satisfied with simply reciting ancient poems, but also likes to explore the historical background and cultural connotations.

In a school essay competition, Wang Hengyi wrote an essay about Li Bai, not only reciting Li Bai's poems, but also telling the background of Li Bai's life and poetry creation.

After reading his composition, the teacher said with emotion: "Heng Yi, you not only have an amazing memory, but also have a strong understanding and imagination. ”

Wang Hengyi smiled shyly and said, "I like to read poetry, and I prefer to understand the stories of poets. ”

His family is looking forward to his future, and while they don't want to put too much pressure on him, they also want him to achieve more in the field he loves.

Prodigy Wang Hengyi, 3,000 words at the age of 3, CCTV won the championship at the age of 6, but netizens jokingly said: "Hurt Zhongyong"

(Learning video posted on Wang Hengyi's Douyin account)

Grandma often said to him: "Hengyi, no matter what you do in the future, as long as you like it, grandma will support you." ”

Wang Hengyi firmly said that he hopes to become a history teacher in the future and pass on his love for classical culture to more people.

"Interest is the best" teacher, Wang Hengyi's interest in poetry at the same time, the educational concept of "edutainment" also cultivated his love for literature.

Wang Hengyi can have excellent learning ability, inseparable from his family's good education concept, her family does not have a "chicken baby", everything respects his own choice, which is also a point that we should all learn.

Prodigy Wang Hengyi, 3,000 words at the age of 3, CCTV won the championship at the age of 6, but netizens jokingly said: "Hurt Zhongyong"

(Photo of grandparents picking up and dropping off children from school)

Many parents will only put pressure on their children, but the more they force them, the more they have no interest in learning, so parents really need to learn this virtuous circle of education concept.

Wang Hengyi has his own plan for the future, I believe that he doesn't have to become a "hurt Zhongyong" when he grows up, there is still a long way to go in the future, and it depends on his development in the future.


Prodigy Wang Hengyi, 3,000 words at the age of 3, CCTV won the championship at the age of 6, but netizens jokingly said: "Hurt Zhongyong"


is worthy of the children who grew up in the "Chinese Poetry Conference"!

Prodigy Wang Hengyi, 3,000 words at the age of 3, CCTV won the championship at the age of 6, but netizens jokingly said: "Hurt Zhongyong"

7-year-old Qingdao prodigy Wang Hengyi appeared on CCTV again in the first grade of primary school and memorized 800 poems Qingdao News Network

Prodigy Wang Hengyi, 3,000 words at the age of 3, CCTV won the championship at the age of 6, but netizens jokingly said: "Hurt Zhongyong"

5-year-old Wang Hengyi successfully challenged Tang Poem's "Nine Square Grid" CCTV network

Prodigy Wang Hengyi, 3,000 words at the age of 3, CCTV won the championship at the age of 6, but netizens jokingly said: "Hurt Zhongyong"