
Today's May 23 coincides with the "Moon Taboo", no matter how busy you are, remember: 1 don't go, 2 don't eat, 3 don't do

author:Village camp

Today's May 23 coincides with the "Moon Taboo", no matter how busy you are, remember: 1 don't go, 2 don't eat, 3 don't do

The fifth month of the lunar calendar is also known as the "noon moon", and noon is the yang fire in the twelve earthly branches, so this is also in line with the natural phenomenon. Of course, there are many special days in the fifth month of the lunar calendar, such as the Dragon Boat Festival on the fifth day of the fifth month of May, the "Heaven and Earth Jiaotai Nine Poison Day" and so on, in addition to many folk days.

Time flies so fast, and now it has come to the end of May, and today is the 23rd day of May in the lunar calendar. According to the young people, there seems to be nothing special about this day, but this day is unusual among the people, a very special day - "one of the "dangerous days" of the zodiac

It is precisely because of this that the folk elders believe that no matter how busy they are on this day, they must also remember: "1 does not go, 2 does not eat, 3 does not do", so what should not be done? Let me answer:

Today's May 23 coincides with the "Moon Taboo", no matter how busy you are, remember: 1 don't go, 2 don't eat, 3 don't do

Today, May 23 is not ordinary:

(1) May 23 is a "dangerous day".

The dangerous building is 100 feet high, and the ...... of the stars can be picked by hand, which is a derogatory term for the word "dangerous", which has a lot to do with danger, so people are accustomed to thinking that dangerous days are bad days.

In fact, this is also a misconception, it is in the twelve divisions, and appears once every twelve days, as one of the zodiac days.

So how did the crisis come about?

According to folk sayings, the "dangerous day" is often recorded in the ancient book "Old Yellow Calendar" and belongs to the zodiac day.

Among them, the underworld day and the zodiac day make up the twelve divisions, which are:

"Construction, removal, fullness, leveling, determination, execution, success, harvesting, breaking, danger, opening, closing".

Of course, according to the "Siku Quanshu" left by the ancestors, the six days composed of "opening, eliminating, determining, persistent, dangerous, and becoming" are auspicious, which is called "Zodiac Day". And the six days of "building, full, flat, broken, receiving, and closing" are the next auspicious, peaceful or fierce, which is called "underworld day".

Today's May 23 is the "dangerous day" in the 12th construction, but the term "dangerous day" may be reminiscent of bad luck, but in fact, the "dangerous day" reminds people to be careful in everything, and it also symbolizes being prepared for danger in times of peace. Of course, according to folklore, there are also things that can be done on this day.

Today's May 23 coincides with the "Moon Taboo", no matter how busy you are, remember: 1 don't go, 2 don't eat, 3 don't do

(2) May 23 is the "Death Day".

What is the Death Day? According to the saying handed down by the ancestors, there are several special days in each month of the lunar calendar. For example, the first day of the new year is the new day, the fifteenth day is the day of the sun, in addition, there are also the three days of the mother, the day of the death of the moon and so on.

So what is a moon death day?

According to the proverb handed down by the ancestors, it is actually like this:

Therefore, according to this saying, the fifth, fourteenth, and twenty-third days of each month are special days, which belong to one of the death days of the month.

Today's May 23 coincides with the "Moon Taboo", no matter how busy you are, remember: 1 don't go, 2 don't eat, 3 don't do

1. Don't go:

Where not to go on May 23? Don't go to dangerous places, such as the seaside, mountains, dense forests, etc. This is because:

(1) The old traditional saying

There is such a saying in the countryside: "When you go out to do something, avoid the day of the moon", this sentence means that if you go out to do errands, it is best to choose some good days, of course, this is also to avoid the day of the "moon day".

Of course, this is just a common saying that has been handed down, and there is no scientific basis for it, so we should not believe the subjective statements left by our ancestors.

(2) Scientific explanation:

From a scientific point of view, because there is a force between the moon and the earth, this is called the "magnetic field force", and the tidal changes are caused by the strong gravitational pull of the moon.

Therefore, it is better to be careful on some days, especially when the moon has a strong gravitational pull on the earth, so for some special days, it is better not to go to some dangerous places.

Today's May 23 coincides with the "Moon Taboo", no matter how busy you are, remember: 1 don't go, 2 don't eat, 3 don't do

2. Don't eat:

Don't eat something cold:

Now that we have entered the summer solstice solar term, for the summer solstice solar term, it is about to reach the hottest time of the year.

At this time, in order to be cool, many people will do things that go against nature, such as taking cold showers and eating cold things, especially some sorbets, cold beer, and so on.

However, the ancestors believed that it was good to cool down properly after entering the summer, but if you eat some cold things excessively, it is naturally not conducive to the body. Because after the summer solstice, it is the beginning of "yin sheng", and this is also the best time to replenish yang, so as to increase resistance in the cold winter, of course, the same is true on May 23.

Don't eat barbecue, beer at night.

After entering the summer, there are more skewers, so after getting off work in the evening, three or five people drink beer and eat barbecue together.

Although this is also a very refreshing meal, the health saying left by the mysterious ancestors - "don't eat at noon", which is the same as the current health care of eating well in the morning, eating full at noon, and eating well at night.

Therefore, whether it is on May 23 or other days, it is best not to eat barbecue and drink beer at very late in the evening, which is not good for the body.

Today's May 23 coincides with the "Moon Taboo", no matter how busy you are, remember: 1 don't go, 2 don't eat, 3 don't do

3 Don'ts:

It is not advisable to hold major wedding ceremonies

According to the old tradition, the 23rd day of May is the "day of the death of the month", which is also the day of death, so some important events cannot be held, and marriage is one of them.

Because according to the old tradition, marriage is to choose some good days early, which is also auspicious, and this day is a death day, which is naturally not suitable.

It is not suitable for large-scale construction activities.

According to the old tradition, this day is also not suitable for some large-scale construction activities, such as groundbreaking, foundation laying, monument erection, etc.

Aside from the old traditions, it was a very hot day, and it was very inappropriate to do some construction activities on a hot day at this time.

Avoid verbal altercations or even violent confrontations

After entering the summer, due to the hot weather, some people are angry, and some people lose their temper at every turn.

In fact, according to the laws of nature, after entering the hot summer, because of the heat, some people's nameless fires also broke out, which is also a normal physiological phenomenon.

Of course, May 23 is the day of the death of the month, so don't quarrel with anyone under any circumstances.

Today's May 23 coincides with the "Moon Taboo", no matter how busy you are, remember: 1 don't go, 2 don't eat, 3 don't do

Write at the end:

According to the above, the day of May 23 is not ordinary, it is the "day of the death of the month", and it is also a "dangerous day", so according to the old tradition, no matter how busy you are, you must remember that 1 does not go, 2 does not eat, and 3 does not do.