
In 2012, a 7-year-old boy witnessed his mother killed, he and his brother were sold, and 19 years later, Qianli avenged his mother

author:Sun Hu's study

In September 2012, Jiankouya Village, Yongxing Town, Kaijiang County, Sichuan Province. Since Zhao Yongyong was abducted, he and his father Zhao Daifu have not seen each other for 19 years.

Zhao Yongyong was only 7 years old when he was abducted, and he witnessed his mother being killed by traffickers. After that, he was sold to a family to be used as cattle and horses.

After a lapse of 19 years, Zhao Yongyong did not hesitate to travel thousands of miles to finally tell his father and mother the fact that they were killed. And what he was most happy about was that he finally avenged his mother.

What kind of terrible story is behind this......

In 2012, a 7-year-old boy witnessed his mother killed, he and his brother were sold, and 19 years later, Qianli avenged his mother

The source of this article comes from the official media [Jinan Times-New Yellow River] [Poster News] [Hengshan Procuratorate]. In order to improve the readability of the article, there may be polishing of the details, please read sensibly, for reference only!

Witnessing the murder of his mother

In 1987, Zhao Yongyong was born in an ordinary family in Yongxing Town, Kaijiang County, Dazhou City, Sichuan Province.

His father, Zhao Daifu, was a local small bag foreman and was honest and honest.

Her mother, Xiao Xueqin, is a housewife and a rare local high school graduate.

Xiao Xueqin likes to read, especially literary works and novels.

In 2012, a 7-year-old boy witnessed his mother killed, he and his brother were sold, and 19 years later, Qianli avenged his mother

Xiao Xueqin has a gentle personality, not only has a good relationship with her husband, but also loves her two sons very much.

In Zhao Yongyong's childhood memories, his father would wear a suit and ride a bicycle to work every day.

Mother always taught them gently, and even if the brothers were naughty, she never scolded them.

However, on July 12, 1994, this ordinary family suffered an unimaginable disaster.

In 2012, a 7-year-old boy witnessed his mother killed, he and his brother were sold, and 19 years later, Qianli avenged his mother

That day, Xiao Xueqin was going to the town to make a new shirt for her husband.

Originally, she planned to entrust her two sons to the care of neighbors, but the children were clamoring to join in the fun, so Xiao Xueqin took one of the children to the town.

After finishing the errand, Xiao Xueqin wanted to take the children home as soon as possible, but when she passed by a store, she was stopped by a short and fat strange man.

The man claimed that a relative wanted to ask Xiao Xueqin to help carry a message.

In 2012, a 7-year-old boy witnessed his mother killed, he and his brother were sold, and 19 years later, Qianli avenged his mother

At that time, there were still people playing mahjong in the store, and it looked very lively.

Xiao Xueqin didn't have the slightest defense, so he asked his two sons to wait at the door, and followed the man into the store.

It didn't take long for Zhao Yongyong and his younger brother to hear a loud noise coming from inside.

Curiosity drove them in, but they didn't expect that the scene in front of them would change the course of their lives forever.

In 2012, a 7-year-old boy witnessed his mother killed, he and his brother were sold, and 19 years later, Qianli avenged his mother

Two vicious men are beating their mother.

One stabbed his mother in the back with a knife, while the other took a large syringe and injected an unknown drug into her head.

Seven-year-old Zhao Yongyong and his 5-year-old brother witnessed all this, and they were so frightened that they cried and wanted to rush to protect their mother, but they were rudely pulled away by the assailants.

When Xiao Xueqin ran out of breath, the assailant dragged the two children into the dark and damp basement.

In 2012, a 7-year-old boy witnessed his mother killed, he and his brother were sold, and 19 years later, Qianli avenged his mother

In the basement, Zhao Yongyong found that several children who had also been kidnapped were still being held. Despite his fear, Zhao Yongyong tried to escape with his brother.

They found a small window without glass and built an improvised ladder with sticks.

Unfortunately, as soon as he climbed near the fence of the yard, he was discovered, and he was not only arrested, but also severely beaten. In order to prevent them from escaping again, the criminals forcibly fed the brothers sleeping pills.

When Zhao Yongyong regained consciousness, it was six or seven days later, and he and his brother were taken on a train to Putian, Fujian.

In 2012, a 7-year-old boy witnessed his mother killed, he and his brother were sold, and 19 years later, Qianli avenged his mother
In 2012, a 7-year-old boy witnessed his mother killed, he and his brother were sold, and 19 years later, Qianli avenged his mother

The brothers were abducted

When Zhao Daifu returned home to find that his wife and children were missing, he initially thought that they might have gone to a relative's house. But when he asked around to no avail, the uneasiness in his heart quickly spread.

The next morning, he rode his bicycle to the homes of various relatives, but received no news.

At the suggestion of neighbors and relatives, Zhao immediately reported the case to the police.

The police soon listed Pu Sanwa, who behaved suspiciously on weekdays, as a key suspect.

In 2012, a 7-year-old boy witnessed his mother killed, he and his brother were sold, and 19 years later, Qianli avenged his mother

They searched Pu Sanwa's home, but found no direct evidence.

Due to the lack of conclusive clues, the investigation quickly stalled.

Zhao Daifu put down all his work and rode his bicycle around every day to find traces of his wife and children, and even his old father and mother also went out, but he never found anything.

Long-term worries and longing made Zhao Daifu's parents physically and mentally exhausted, and they fell ill one after another. When Zhao Daifu's mother died, she was still clutching the photos of her two grandsons in her hands.

In 2012, a 7-year-old boy witnessed his mother killed, he and his brother were sold, and 19 years later, Qianli avenged his mother

Two years later, Zhao Daifu's father also passed away.

The once happy family of six is only Zhao Daifu alone.

At the same time, thousands of miles away in Fujian, the fate of Zhao Yongyong and his younger brother also took a huge turn.

In 2012, a 7-year-old boy witnessed his mother killed, he and his brother were sold, and 19 years later, Qianli avenged his mother

They were taken to the home of a trafficker named Ah He, where they waited for a buyer with other abducted children.

The younger brother Zhao Yongkuan was quickly bought by a family because of his young age.

The family treated Zhao Yongkuan well, giving him the opportunity to receive an education and live a relatively stable life.

However, Zhao Yongyong's encounter was not so lucky.

In 2012, a 7-year-old boy witnessed his mother killed, he and his brother were sold, and 19 years later, Qianli avenged his mother

He was bought by a man named Xu Jinchi for 5,800 yuan and renamed Xu Yang.

Xu Jinchi's purpose in buying Zhao Yongyong is mainly to add a labor force to the family and continue the incense.

In the Xu family, Zhao Yongyong has to do a lot of heavy housework every day, including cooking, cleaning, stocking hundreds of ducks, and often not having enough to eat.

Despite such a difficult life, Zhao Yongyong has never forgotten his true identity and family.

In 2012, a 7-year-old boy witnessed his mother killed, he and his brother were sold, and 19 years later, Qianli avenged his mother
In 2012, a 7-year-old boy witnessed his mother killed, he and his brother were sold, and 19 years later, Qianli avenged his mother

In order not to lose his memory, he insisted on keeping a diary since elementary school. In addition to keeping a diary, Zhao Yongyong also often paints.

He tried to paint a picture of his mother in his memory, a scene of his hometown, and even a gruesome crime scene.

Every time he recalls the scene of his mother's murder, Zhao Yongyong's hands tremble. He hopes that one day he will find the truth and get justice for his mother.

When I was 13 years old, my chance came.

In 2012, a 7-year-old boy witnessed his mother killed, he and his brother were sold, and 19 years later, Qianli avenged his mother
In 2012, a 7-year-old boy witnessed his mother killed, he and his brother were sold, and 19 years later, Qianli avenged his mother

Vague memories of mothers

In order to make Zhao Yongyong money as soon as possible, Xu Jinchi sent him to Guangdong to learn jade carving.

Although the life of an apprentice is extremely difficult, for Zhao Yongyong, it is possible to escape the control of his adoptive parents.

Although life is hard, Zhao Yongyong learns jade carving skills very hard. Soon, his skills improved significantly and his income began to increase.

In addition to sending money back regularly according to his adoptive father's request, Zhao Yongyong began to secretly save money to prepare for the future search for relatives.

In 2012, a 7-year-old boy witnessed his mother killed, he and his brother were sold, and 19 years later, Qianli avenged his mother

However, even with a slight improvement in his life, Zhao Yongyong's heart still cannot be calm. For years, he has been plagued by terrible nightmares.

In his dreams, he kept repeating the horrific scene of witnessing his mother's murder. He could hear his mother's pleas but couldn't do anything about it, and in order to get a good night's sleep, Zhao Yongyong could only rely on sleeping pills.

He knew that only by finding his family and uncovering the truth could he truly get rid of these torments.

In 2012, at the age of 25, Zhao Yongyong decided to try to find his relatives again. He posted his message through the "Baby Come Home" website asking for help.

In 2012, a 7-year-old boy witnessed his mother killed, he and his brother were sold, and 19 years later, Qianli avenged his mother

With the assistance of volunteers, Zhao Yongyong began a new round of family search. They visited several places, but they could not find any definite clues.

Until one day, Zhao Yongyong ate sausages and folded ear roots at a friend's house in Sichuan, and these familiar flavors awakened his childhood memories.

He realized that his hometown was most likely in Sichuan.

The hard work paid off, and they finally found the key clues in Yongxing Town, Sichuan.

In 2012, a 7-year-old boy witnessed his mother killed, he and his brother were sold, and 19 years later, Qianli avenged his mother

Local residents provided information that there was indeed a case of a mother and son missing in 1994.

This information immediately attracted the attention of the police, and they re-intervened in the investigation, and soon locked on the suspect Pu Jijian, who was Pu Sanwa back then.

During the search of Pu Jijian's home, the police exhumed some human remains in his backyard.

In 2012, a 7-year-old boy witnessed his mother killed, he and his brother were sold, and 19 years later, Qianli avenged his mother
In 2012, a 7-year-old boy witnessed his mother killed, he and his brother were sold, and 19 years later, Qianli avenged his mother

After DNA identification, it was confirmed that the remains belonged to Zhao Yongyong's mother, Xiao Xueqin.

At the same time, DNA comparison also confirmed Zhao Yongyong's identity.

In this way, a murder case that had been silent for 18 years finally came to light.

In 2012, a 7-year-old boy witnessed his mother killed, he and his brother were sold, and 19 years later, Qianli avenged his mother
In 2012, a 7-year-old boy witnessed his mother killed, he and his brother were sold, and 19 years later, Qianli avenged his mother

The revelation of the truth not only restored the beginning and end of the case, but also drew an end to Zhao Yongyong's long road to find relatives.

It's just that the ending is full of bitterness and regret. The long-awaited reunion did not bring the happiness imagined.

Zhao Yongyong found that 18 years had changed not only him, but also his family.

His father, Zhao Daifu, reorganized his family in the fourth year after losing his wife and children, marrying a woman with two children. And the stepmother did not welcome Zhao Yongyong's sudden return.

In 2012, a 7-year-old boy witnessed his mother killed, he and his brother were sold, and 19 years later, Qianli avenged his mother


Zhao Yongyong proposed to bury his mother's ashes in the ancestral grave to comfort his mother's soul in heaven.

However, this seemingly reasonable request was strongly opposed by the stepmother.

The stepmother thought that Xiao Xueqin died outside, not at home, and did not meet the rules of entering the ancestral grave.

Zhao Daifu chose to remain silent and did not express his support for his son.

In 2012, a 7-year-old boy witnessed his mother killed, he and his brother were sold, and 19 years later, Qianli avenged his mother

And this attitude made Zhao Yongyong deeply disappointed and isolated.

As for Zhao Yongyong's younger brother Zhao Yongkuan, after being found, he chose to stay in the family that raised him.

Over the years, his adoptive parents have given him a good life and education, and he has settled down in Beijing. When the brothers reunited, Zhao Yongyong was full of expectations.

But due to the long-term separation, the two do not have a common language, and their values are also very different.

In 2012, a 7-year-old boy witnessed his mother killed, he and his brother were sold, and 19 years later, Qianli avenged his mother

These realities made Zhao Yongyong gradually realize that although he had found a blood relative. But what was once a long-awaited home is still a place of luxury.

Zhao Yongyong chose to return to Guangzhou to live alone and continue to work as a jade carver.

Outside of work, he began to share his experiences and insights on social media, hoping to help others who had similar experiences.

On September 20, 2023, after a long wait and hard work, Zhao Yongyong finally got his wish and held an official burial ceremony for his mother.

In 2012, a 7-year-old boy witnessed his mother killed, he and his brother were sold, and 19 years later, Qianli avenged his mother
In 2012, a 7-year-old boy witnessed his mother killed, he and his brother were sold, and 19 years later, Qianli avenged his mother

He went to the cemetery alone and buried his mother's ashes.

Although no other relatives were present, for Zhao Yongyong, the ceremony symbolized consolation for his mother and an account of the past.

After completing this, he felt a sense of relief, as if he had been holding on to a matter that had been pressing on his heart for many years.

Despite the challenges he faced in his life, Zhao Yongyong did not regret his decision to stick with his family.

In 2012, a 7-year-old boy witnessed his mother killed, he and his brother were sold, and 19 years later, Qianli avenged his mother
In 2012, a 7-year-old boy witnessed his mother killed, he and his brother were sold, and 19 years later, Qianli avenged his mother

He is well aware that it is the traffickers who commit the crimes that are really to blame.

Now, he hopes that through his story, he can draw the attention of the society to the problem of abducted children and contribute to the fight against child trafficking.

In 2012, a 7-year-old boy witnessed his mother killed, he and his brother were sold, and 19 years later, Qianli avenged his mother

After watching Zhao Yongyong's experience, what do you think in front of the screen? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area......


[1] [Jinan Times-New Yellow River] - "Reporter Talks to Zhao Yongyong, Who Was Abducted: Witnessing the Brutal Murder of His Mother by Human Traffickers"

[2] [Hengshan Procuratorate] - "Documentary of China's Major Cases|Nineteen Years of Buried Crimes"

[3] [Tai'an Procuratorial Technology Research Institute] - "It took him 19 years to walk through the landscape of a foreign land and find a way home"

[4] [The Paper] - "After being trafficked, he went home for 10 years and became the "most familiar stranger" with his family"

[5] [Shangguan News] - "Media Dialogue with Zhao Yongyong, Who Was Abducted: Witnessing His Mother Brutally Murdered by Human Traffickers"

[6] [Qinzhou Rong Media] - "When he was 7 years old, he witnessed his mother being killed, and when he was abducted, he recorded the appearance of the murderer, and took revenge across thousands of miles after 18 years"

[7] [Sichuan Zhengdao Culture] - "At the age of 26, he relied on a plate of dishes, remembered the address of his hometown, and found the trafficker who killed his mother"

[8] [Poster News] - "Zhao Yongyong Who Was Abducted and Trafficked Went Home for 10 Years: He and His Family Became the "Most Familiar Stranger""