
Tang Xiaoyou revealed the reason for the poor state of Doinb's live broadcast: two relatives died

author:It's Qingzhu

Recently, the live broadcast status of Doinb, a professional player in League of Legends, has aroused the attention and speculation of many fans. Many netizens found that Doinb's state did not seem to be as active and confident as before, and even seemed a little depressed and absent-minded at times. And behind all this, there is actually a sad truth hidden.

Tang Xiaoyou revealed the reason for the poor state of Doinb's live broadcast: two relatives died

In this moment full of questions and speculation, Doinb's wife, Sugar Xiaoyu, chose to stand up and reveal the reason to the public through her personal account. According to Tang Xiaoyou, two relatives who were very important to Doinb have recently passed away one after another, and these two relatives can be said to have brought Doinb up single-handedly, which has had a profound impact on his growth and life trajectory.

Tang Xiaoyou revealed the reason for the poor state of Doinb's live broadcast: two relatives died

The death of a loved one was undoubtedly a huge blow to Doinb. Not only will he have to deal with the grief of losing a loved one, but he will also have to try to adjust his mindset for the upcoming fights and training. In such a situation, it is reasonable that the live broadcast is not in good condition.

Tang Xiaoyou revealed the reason for the poor state of Doinb's live broadcast: two relatives died

This news shocked and regretted many netizens. They all said that they could understand Doinb's depressed mood during the live broadcast, and hoped that he would be able to get out of his grief and get back on his feet as soon as possible. At the same time, netizens also expressed their appreciation and support for Tang Xiaoyou's bravery and honesty.