
The Story of Rose: Seeing the negotiation between Rose and Fang Xiewen, you can understand why Rose can handle Fang Xiewen

author:Ervin New Films
The Story of Rose: Seeing the negotiation between Rose and Fang Xiewen, you can understand why Rose can handle Fang Xiewen

After Fang Xiewen and Rose divorced, they had to contact their daughter Xiaochu almost every day.

For a while, Xiao Chu's mouth would mention Rose's new boyfriend Fu Jiaming to Fang Xiewen from time to time.

At the beginning, Fang Xiewen didn't care, there were many times, and after a long time, the jealousy and desire for control in Fang Xiewen's heart came out again, and he had a lot of dissatisfaction with Rose taking Xiaochu to fall in love.

Therefore, when Fang Xiewen learned that Rose's new boyfriend Fu Jiaming was sick, and he was so sick that even Xiao Chu had a nightmare of "Fu Jiaming is dead", he insisted on sending his assistant Xiao Xiaoyu to Beijing and took Xiao Chu back to Shanghai.

Fang Xiewen took Xiao Chu back to him this time, and he planned not to let her go back to Rose, and he also thought about renegotiating the custody of his daughter with Rose.

However, Fang Xiewen did not negotiate with Rose in time, but used strong means to detain Xiao Chu and prevent her from returning to Beijing.

For this reason, Rose's brother Huang Zhenhua rushed to Shanghai in person, tried to find Fang Xiewen, and insisted on bringing Xiao Chu back to Beijing.

Unexpectedly, Fang Xiewen avoided it, and played a trick of hide and seek with Huang Zhenhua.

The Story of Rose: Seeing the negotiation between Rose and Fang Xiewen, you can understand why Rose can handle Fang Xiewen

So, Huang Zhenhua, who didn't see Xiaochu and didn't return to Beijing, chased after Fang Xiewen's company and intercepted Fang Xiewen in the company every day.

On this day, Huang Zhenhua finally intercepted Fang Xiewen in the company, but the two disagreed and disagreed, so there was a fist and foot conflict, which caused Su Su and Rose to rush to Shanghai to deal with the conflict and the custody of Xiaochu.

To this end, Rose and Fang Xiewen launched an open and honest negotiation.

In this negotiation dialogue, Rose not only succeeded in regaining custody with her sincere attitude and unique negotiation method, but also made Fang Xiewen embarrassed.

In this negotiation, Rose relied on her superb communication skills and profound emotional wisdom to skillfully handle Fang Xiewen to the death, which can be called a textbook-level emotional confrontation.

The Story of Rose: Seeing the negotiation between Rose and Fang Xiewen, you can understand why Rose can handle Fang Xiewen


After Huang Yimei rushed to Shanghai, she chose a suitable venue, and when facing Fang Xiewen with a serious face, she did not choose to directly question or accuse, but opened in a calm tone.

She spoke first: "Fang Xiewen, I know that you left Xiao Chu in Shanghai out of concern and protection for your children. Although I don't agree with your approach, I can understand your original intention. ”

As soon as these words came out, the hostility on Fang Xiewen's face eased a lot.

Huang Yimei did not directly accuse Fang Xiewen, but first expressed her understanding and recognition of his good intentions, thus alleviating the sense of hostility between the two sides.

The Story of Rose: Seeing the negotiation between Rose and Fang Xiewen, you can understand why Rose can handle Fang Xiewen

Immediately afterwards, Fang Xiewen began to fight back: "You are busy falling in love all day long, where do you still have the heart to take care of your children?" ”

Huang Yimei smiled slightly, and did not refute him directly, but said: "You can go and ask Xiao Chu, have I ever ignored her?" Was there a time when she felt left out? ”

Huang Yimei spoke with facts and used her daughter's feelings to prove that she did not ignore her children.

Such a response was both ingenious and effective, so that Fang Xiewen could not continue to be vexatious.

Then, Huang Yimei changed her words and began to express her gratitude: "You have been doing your best to take care of Xiao Chu during this time, and I am really grateful to you." ”

This sentence surprised Fang Xiewen, but he could also feel Huang Yimei's sincerity. After all, everyone wants to be recognized for their efforts.

The Story of Rose: Seeing the negotiation between Rose and Fang Xiewen, you can understand why Rose can handle Fang Xiewen

Next, Huang Yimei began to create a sense of alliance: "We are all parents for the first time, and we are all crossing the river by feeling the stones. When there is a difference of opinion, we should discuss it instead of pointing fingers at each other. It's not good for the child. The current situation is caused by the two of us, and if we want to make up for Xiao Chu, we have to solve it together. ”

Huang Yimei's words made Fang Xiewen realize that the fight between them would only hurt the child. And their common goal should be how to take better care of the child.

In the final stage of the negotiations, Huang Yimei expressed her sincerity in solving the problem: "I am willing to renegotiate with you the custody issue of Xiaochu. Together, we can develop a reasonable plan to ensure that she receives the best possible care. ”

This sentence made Fang Xiewen feel Huang Yimei's sincerity and determination, and also made him realize that his previous persistence was meaningless.

In the end, with Huang Yimei's persistence and efforts, Fang Xiewen finally let go of the obsession in his heart.

The Story of Rose: Seeing the negotiation between Rose and Fang Xiewen, you can understand why Rose can handle Fang Xiewen


So, how did Huang Yimei practice such a high emotional intelligence communication skills?

In fact, this is inseparable from her enough inner stability and strong heart.

It is precisely because she is strong and not emotional that she can remain calm and rational in the face of problems, find points that can empathize with the other party, and actively promote consensus.

At the same time, Huang Yimei also knows how to respect and understand each other.

She understands that everyone has their own position and ideas, so when communicating, she is always able to think from the other party's point of view, find common ground between both parties, and reach a consensus.

This attitude of respect and understanding allowed her to win the trust and respect of the other party in the negotiation.

In addition, Huang Yimei also pays great attention to details.

In negotiations, she pays attention not only to the overall situation, but also to the emotional changes and subtle reactions of the other party.

This keen observation and insight allowed her to adjust her communication strategy in a timely manner to ensure that the negotiations went smoothly.

The Story of Rose: Seeing the negotiation between Rose and Fang Xiewen, you can understand why Rose can handle Fang Xiewen


The negotiation between Huang Yimei and Fang Xiewen was not only a wonderful dialogue, but also a demonstration of high emotional intelligence communication skills.

Through this negotiation, we can not only learn how to communicate with others and how to deal with problems, but also feel a mother's deep love and sense of responsibility for her children.

Huang Yimei told us with her own actions that sincerity, respect, understanding and details are very important in negotiations.

Only by mastering these skills will we be able to navigate the challenges of complex interpersonal relationships.