
Junior high school Chinese essay beginning + end + sample essay

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Junior high school Chinese full score essay universal beginning + end + full score sample essay, don't miss it!

Opening tips

(1) If you want to promote and suppress first, develop your appetite

Alas, why did the teacher let me sit at a table with him? She's the fiercest girl in my class! Because of this, everyone calls her "Tiger Girl". - "The Same Table"

(2) Get straight to the point and get straight to the point

My friendship with Amin is not ordinary—we have been at the same table for three years in junior high school. I have a stomach for her. - "The Same Table"

(3) Depiction of God, vivid impression

She is so ugly: a yellow and thin face; pointed chin; Under the barely visible eyebrows, a pair of squinting eyes; The nose is flat and large; A mouthful of jagged teeth with a slight yellow tinge...... Alas! Sensei, her appearance really doesn't fit such a beautiful name - Zhu Lili. - "The Same Table"

(4) Natural explanation, quoted below

At the beginning of the new semester, I noticed a problem: there are 33 boys and 27 girls in our class, and there is exactly one more boy at the same table, and the same is true for the girls. But I never thought that this crisis would befall me. - "The Same Table"

(5) At the beginning of the lyrics, it resounded through the clouds

"Will you remember tomorrow / The diary you wrote yesterday / Will you be worried tomorrow / You used to cry the most......" The melodious song "You at the Same Table" came out of the roadside audio and video bookstore, and the music with lingering feelings brought my thoughts back to the time ......of three years ago - "At the Same Table"

(6) Repeat the arrangement and create a melody

A friend is someone for whom I can offer my sincere feelings; A friend is someone to whom I can give all my trust; Friends, share with me in times of joy and walk with me in times of crisis. No friends in life is like no sunshine in life. I have such a good friend. - "Friends"

(7) The beginning of the question, there is no edge

The past is like smoke, with the passage of time, most of them gradually fade away, and those eyes, how can I forget? - "Friends"

(8) Famous words guide the way, and the beginning is clear

Bacon said, "He who has no real friends can be called a truly pitiful man who is forever trapped in solitude."

His words speak to the importance of friends. Yes, if a person loses his friendship, he simply cannot live in the world. - "Friends"

(9) Contrast and highlight the key points

With the passage of time, many people have gradually been forgotten by me, however, there is such a pair of eyes, a voice and a figure, which still haunt my heart and cannot be forgotten for a long time. - "Friends"

(10) Flashback at the beginning to attract the reader

When we left the National Defense Education School, for some reason, tears rolled in my eyes. Is it nostalgia? Is it nostalgia for that period of hard and tiring but energetic life, or nostalgia for the harsh but sincere and kind soldiers, our instructors? - "Friends"

(11) Rectify the chaos and see the sun

Some people say that indifference is to see through the red dust, see through everything, and think that everything is fake and hypocritical...... This view is a misinterpretation of indifference. If we look at the dictionary, we will understand that "indifferent" means not pursuing fame and fortune...... - "indifferent"

(12) Mount Tai is overwhelming, and the point of view is strong

At present, the wind of campus comparison is raging, and I think this trend really needs to be stopped. - "Comparing the Wind, You Can Rest"

(13) Associative symbolism, wonderful and endless

A dream, once buried under the gunboats of Western bandits, left behind the bitterness of the older generation, the heartache and the longing for tears as a witness. Growing up with the tearful Yangtze River, we have tasted sorrow as a teenager, stepping on the confirmation and expectation left by our predecessors, looking forward to the day when we ...... - "Expectation"

(14) Describe the environment and render the atmosphere

October 9 is here again, and Mr. Lu Xun has been dead for 60 years. From evening to midnight, quietly, a person sat in front of the window, letting the cold rain beat the window lattice. Under the lamp, a pot of spider plants lightly smeared an emerald bookcase. The night breeze blew, and there was a slight chill on his body. Thinking of Mr. Lu Xun, tears slipped down.

(15) The inscription is the crown, and the philosophy comes first

Everything in the world cannot escape the dialectic of nature, which is right and wrong, which is superior and which is inferior, which is happy and which is sad, how can it be summed up in one word? - "If Memories Could Be Transplanted"

(16) Read a lot of books at your fingertips

It is said that in the fields of Africa, there is an insectivorous flower, which is colorful and fragrant, and many flying insects cannot resist the "temptation" and die in it......

(17) Express emotions and move people with feelings

In the twilight, a few wisps of smoke rose from the farmhouse. I held a bouquet of gardenias and stood in front of Mr. Zhang's window. Mr. Zhang, are you still so busy? It's time to take a break, today is your holiday, Teacher's Day. I came to see you with my harvest. - "Trivial Memories"

(18) The metaphor of things is profound

In the endless wilderness, an ancient tree, although it has reached the last moment of life, is still stubbornly growing. Beside it, a small tree was pulling out its tender buds. The roots of the old tree withered, and it infused the sap of life into the young tree; The leaves of the old tree are yellow, and it breathes green life into the small tree. The old tree has gone through vicissitudes and completed its difficult journey. Now, the little tree has just been pumping out its leaves, but the old tree has left it...... It's like my grandfather left me, and he left me in a hurry before he had time to accept my reciprocation for him. - "Trivial Memories"

(19) Solve the problem and show the center

Responsibility is what a person should do. Soldiers have the responsibility to protect their families and defend the country; Doctors, who have the responsibility to save lives and help the wounded; Teachers have the responsibility to train successors. Workers, peasants, clerks, merchants...... Everyone has a responsibility. In our society, there are many conscientious people from all walks of life, who make up the most beautiful scenery - allow me to extract a moving picture from this beautiful landscape.

(20) Set up contradictions and be fascinating

"I don't believe it, you have lived in this class for more than two years, and you will not have any feelings for this collective?

...... "That's what Mr. Chen, the head teacher, said to me this morning. I looked at Mr. Chen's angry gaze, tears of grievance swirled in my eyes, and I said mentally, "Mr. Chen, you misunderstood...... How could I not love our class body? ”

Closing tips

If the beginning is compared to "firecrackers", then the end is like "hitting a bell".

The ancients said: "A good ending is like chewing dried fruits and tasting fragrant tea, which makes people reminisce again and again." "As with the beginning, the end is important.

Wouldn't it be a pity if an article with a clear theme and a novel angle was discredited by a bad ending at the end of the reading!

In addition to serving the content and center of the article, the ending must also be constrained by the beginning, which makes it more difficult to write.

People call the end of a good article "leopard tail", and from the perspective of the composition of the high school entrance examination, although it is not necessarily required that the end of the article is "leopard tail", it is also required that the ending is concise, vivid and just right.

Generally speaking, the mistakes that students tend to make at the end of their essays are:

(1) Drawing snake foot.

That is, the full text has ended, which could have been intriguing, but the author is still not at ease, and prefers to tremble a few sentences, explain the whereabouts of the characters who do not need to be explained one by one, and pierce the meaning that could have been realized.

(2) Kusaiguchi.

At the end, in order to express his position and attitude, he shouts slogans that have nothing to do with the content of the article, which is a big theme at the end.

(3) Drag mud and water.

The meaning of the ending is already clear, but it is slow to end, which conflicts with the theme of the article. From this point of view, the end of the high school entrance examination essay is particularly important, how to write a good ending and improve the quality of the essay in the examination room?

The following ending techniques are commonly used in the composition of the high school entrance examination.

1. Highlight the main idea.

This kind of ending method is to rely on the content of the whole text at the end of the article, use concise language, clearly express the theme idea, or explain the intention of the writing clearly when the whole text is about to end, so this ending method is also called "finishing touch".

For example, at the end of the essay "Special Answer Sheet" for the high school entrance examination: "6 years have passed, and this special answer sheet has been treasured in my drawer." I want him to warn me all the time: there is no room for falsehood in knowledge. At the end of the article, the theme is illuminated with the help of concise discussions, which gives people deep inspiration.

2. Echo from beginning to end.

The ending should echo the beginning, and writing sentences that echo the beginning without simply repeating it is a very common way to end all kinds of articles.

This method of restraint evokes the reader's psychological beauty, creating a sense of unity from beginning to end.

For example, "A Precious Shirt" begins with the words, "In my home, there is a kind of white shirt that is indeed good." ”

The end reads: "For four years, I have carefully collected this precious shirt, and I have not been willing to wear it once. ”

The end of "In Praise of the Poplars" echoes the beginning: "I will shout praises to the poplar trees!" ”

3. Lyrical argumentative.

Wrapping up the article in a lyrical way can express the feelings in the author's heart, arouse the emotions of the readers, arouse the resonance of the readers, and have a strong artistic appeal.

This ending method is mainly used in narrative essays for writing personal accounts, and can also be used for expository and argumentative essays.

There are various forms of lyrical argumentative endings, so it is more free to adopt this way of ending, and a good "lyrical argumentative" ending will inevitably give rise to true feelings, giving readers a sense of reality and sufficiency.


At the end of the essay "Touched by Happiness" in the high school entrance examination: "I remember a poet who said: 'How do I thank you, when I walk to you, I want to harvest a spring breeze, but you give me the whole spring; 'Yes, how can I thank you, Mom and Dad. You have given me life, you have given me strength, you have given me happiness, and I have nothing to reciprocate. There is a feeling called happiness, and there is a kind of happiness called moving. I understand your hardships, I understand your full hopes, I will do my best to give everyone happiness, so that everyone can learn to be moved!"

4. Clever coupling.

Ending with famous sayings, aphorisms, poems, sayings, lyrics, etc., with the intention of extending the article, revealing the true meaning of a certain life.

It often appears at the end of essays, narratives, and essays, and expresses profound and intriguing philosophical or cautionary content in three words or two words, so that it is deeply imprinted in the reader's heart, and has the effect of "the words have been exhausted, and the meaning is endless".


At the end of "Post Road Pear Blossoms", it is written: "Post Road Pear Blossoms bloom everywhere. ”

Another example is the end of "I Want to Have You, Childhood": "'If time would go back, I would like to go back to my childhood, Mom, are you still standing at the door of the hut......' The song is still so crisp and pleasant."

The lyrics end to add charm to the text and evoke the reader's sense of beauty.

5. Shot editing style.

That is, the ending outlines a distinct and vivid image, with a sense of lens, full of poetry.

For example, at the end of the essay "Little Parrot, You Fly" in the examination room: "It went, dressed in colorful clothes, and flew towards the vast and boundless sky of its own." ”

6. Naturally retracted.

Regardless of the style of writing, after the content is expressed, the whole text is naturally closed, without designing profound philosophical sentences and carving rich symbolic forms, such an ending is called "natural ending".

It completely avoids the ending of the article with a lot of painting and moaning, and it appears simple, bright, and unpretentious, and is widely used in the composition of the high school entrance examination.

The atmosphere in the essay examination room is tense and the competition is fierce, and it is impossible to pay too much attention to what "style" and what "method".

As long as you are full of passion, swaying freely, writing wherever you are, and being able to fully express your meaning is a good article, but paying attention to "natural" does not mean doing what you want, sloppy and sloppy, but following the natural trend of the development of literature and thinking to end the overall situation.

For example, at the end of the article "My Teacher": "It's a pity that I didn't finish junior high school, so I transferred to the county No. 5 elementary school, and since then, I have been separated from Mr. Cai." "The whole text reflects the author's sincere and deep feelings for Teacher Cai Yunzhi everywhere, and reflects the author's thoughts about Teacher Cai everywhere.

This difference at the end more profoundly expresses the author's feelings for Mr. Cai.

7. Sublimation theme.

This method is a method of revealing the essence through phenomena. The sublimation theme should be appropriate, just right, and not random.

For example, at the end of "Remembering My Mother": "My mother is now gone, and I will never see her again, and this grief is irreparable." Mother is an ordinary person, she is just one of the millions of working people in China, but it is these millions of people who have created and created China's history. How can I repay my mother's kindness? I will continue to be loyal to our nation and people, and to the hope of our nation and people, the Communist Party of China, so that people who live like my mother can live happily. This is what I can do, and I can do it. May Mother rest in peace underground! ”

At the end, the author sublimates the theme to a new level: from loving mothers to praising ordinary working people in China, with profound ideas.

Sample Display

【Test Question Playback】

Please write an essay titled "There is a power that brings tears to my eyes". (60 minutes)

Requirements: The style is not limited, no fiction, no plagiarism, no less than 600 words.

There is a power that brings tears to my eyes

It's not just the onions that bring tears to my eyes in the world, it's every emotion that fills my surroundings. —Epigraph

Standing in front of the window, I was moved by the chirp or half-chirp left by the birds as they glided by, and they were always so agile and natural in pursuing their dreams. Under the shade tree, I was moved by the ant colony dragging caterpillars, they interpret the magnificence of life, although weakness is God's destined fault, but strength is the fusion of the soul between life. Walking alone, I was moved by the memory of the dewdrops of petals falling into the air with the wind, their lives are colorful but short, and regrets are like the beauty of Venus forever in my heart.

When the memories and thoughts slowly precipitated over time, I found that the touching between people made me cry even more, as if I had a better understanding of life, and the moving came like a tide.

When the people of Magondo had to die alone, when the once-prosperous town was devoured by ants, when Usua, who had been busy all her life, stopped working, when Márquez recited the oath on the parchment...... A hundred years of reincarnation, a hundred years of power brought tears to my eyes.

I was moved when I read the book, and life is a greater book. Reading life, a variety of forces continue to emerge, so that you don't realize that you have burst into tears. Because I understand the emptiness in people's hearts in "One Hundred Years of Solitude", I shed tears. And this understanding is because of the throbbing of our hearts and the resonance of the people in "One Hundred Years of Solitude", which allowed me to pick up the most beautiful one of the literary waves.

When the words of the tour guide Wen Huazhi sounded in my ears again: "I am a tour guide, save the tourists first!" "Uncles and aunts, insist, you must get out alive!" …… My heart was touched again, but there was a burning pain, and the kind flower branch lost her right leg.

Courage and kindness are unabashedly displayed, like a lotus flower standing upright in the chaotic sludge of the world, and my touch is as clear as the water beads dancing on the lotus petals.

Because I was moved, when I saw the fiery wheat and hawthorn, I wept - tears for Haizi. When he departed in that most beautiful season, he went to the appointment with the most beautiful wheat and hawthorn in his heart; When he put on black wings and flew to the fiery heavens; When he chanted, "Facing the sea, spring flowers bloom...... Be a happy person from tomorrow"; As his body shattered to the sound of a whistle, I finally understood the black melancholy of a poet.

Chewing on the tragic "One Hundred Years of Solitude", listening to the sincere words attentively, and sincerely wishing Haizi's ideals, I burst into tears, and this part of the moving made me more determined in my pursuit in the struggle of life.

It may be tempting to be moved, but the thinking after being moved and moved will be more shocking. Because I was moved, I was growing. Maybe what moves people is not vigorous or earth-shattering, but every time I am moved, it cleanses my soul like a spring breeze and brushes away a little stain on my soul.

Because I was moved, my heart and mind were beating with the pulse of moving, and my eyes became clearer because of the tears, and tears because of moving are the testimony of the existence of life.

When the heart is alive, there will always be a power that brings tears to my eyes.

[Score] content 24 + expression 24 + development 9 = 57 points


The article has clear ideas, sincere feelings, and prominent topics. The author first rises from things, puts forward the center of the article, then describes the feelings of reading, and then returns to life to introduce the touching deeds of the tour guide Wen Huazhi and the poet Haizi, thus paving the way for the lyricism of the following. The emotional expression that follows is like a spring of water. The beautiful language of the whole text also deeply touched the readers.