
Overhaul underway! The latest development of this main road from Shuangliu District to Tianfu New Area is here

author:Dong Wu Cheng Yu

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Gray on a sunny day, you can raise fish on a rainy day!

If you often travel from Shuangliu to and from netizens in Tianfu New Area

I must have a deep understanding of the road conditions of Shuanghua Road!

As an important east-west avenue connecting Shuangliu and Tianfu New Area

The renovation project has been a highly anticipated event

Overhaul underway! The latest development of this main road from Shuangliu District to Tianfu New Area is here

Hope for the stars and the moon

The reconstruction project of Shuanghua Road finally officially started last year

It has been nearly half a year since the project started

So how has Shuanghua Road been renovated?

Let's take a look at it with Chengcheng

The latest progress of the current road reconstruction construction!

Overhaul underway! The latest development of this main road from Shuangliu District to Tianfu New Area is here

According to Chengcheng, the reconstruction project of Shuanghua Road starts from Hangshu Avenue and ends at Huafu Avenue, the road is about 6.7 kilometers long, the road grade is the main road of the city, 40 meters from Hangshu Avenue to the red line of Huanglong Avenue, 20 meters on each side of the green belt, 50 meters from Huanglong Avenue to the red line of Jiang'an River Bridge, and 25 meters of green belt on both sides.

Overhaul underway! The latest development of this main road from Shuangliu District to Tianfu New Area is here

The main renovation projects are the reconstruction of Shuanghua Road, the completion of sidewalks on both sides of the road, the combing of green landscapes, and the addition of municipal supporting facilities.

Overhaul underway! The latest development of this main road from Shuangliu District to Tianfu New Area is here

From the scene, it can be seen that because Shuanghua Road is an important passage connecting Tianfu New Area and Shuangliu District, the daily traffic flow is large, so during the construction period, half of the section is encircled, and the construction is carried out point by point, so as to try to alleviate the impact on the production, life and traffic of the citizens in the area and its surroundings.

Overhaul underway! The latest development of this main road from Shuangliu District to Tianfu New Area is here

At the construction site on the north side of Tanghu Huafu Park, we saw that the road construction party had milled and transferred the asphalt pavement of the renovated road in the construction area.

Overhaul underway! The latest development of this main road from Shuangliu District to Tianfu New Area is here

In addition, the excavation crusher of the on-site construction also broke the concrete of the original road pavement after milling, and in order to prevent the construction of dust, the construction personnel also carried out fog cannon spraying dust reduction on the construction site.

Overhaul underway! The latest development of this main road from Shuangliu District to Tianfu New Area is here

It is worth noting that the pavement of the southern section of the road leading to Huayang near Tanghu Huafu Park has also been completed, and the brand new pavement is in stark contrast to the previous dilapidated appearance.

In addition, regarding the latest construction progress of other road sections, we learned from the site that at present, about 900 meters from Shuanghua Road Hangshu Avenue to Huangjia Avenue and about 1,500 meters from Huanglong Avenue to Jianghe Bridge have been implemented. In the future, the construction party will also carry out the original subgrade treatment, water-stabilized layer construction and asphalt paving on the other half of the road, which is also about 2,400 meters long.

How to transform Shuanghua Road is also a topic that many netizens are concerned about.

Overhaul underway! The latest development of this main road from Shuangliu District to Tianfu New Area is here

As we all know, due to the long construction of Shuanghua Road, many sections of Shuanghua Road before the transformation have not been specially set up with non-motorized lanes, for a long time, motor vehicles and non-motorized vehicles are mixed, and the safety risk is extremely great.

In addition, due to the serious potholes on the road surface in recent years, and the nullahs on both sides of the road, when it rains, the water on the road is also more serious.

For vehicles driving on this road, especially non-motorized residents, there is not only a risk of splashing water, but also a considerable safety hazard, and it is easy to be affected by water accumulation if you are not careful.

Overhaul underway! The latest development of this main road from Shuangliu District to Tianfu New Area is here

However, fortunately, now its renovation projects have been launched one after another, and in response to these problems of Shuanghua Road, the relevant construction units have also made the latest renovation design.

Chengcheng learned from the renovation project site that the reconstruction will break and dig the ditches and side ditches on both sides of the original Shuanghua Road, increase the rainwater pipe network, and pave asphalt concrete after the open channel becomes a dark pipe.

At the same time, the two sides of the original old road will be widened by about 5 meters, divided into non-motorized lanes and greening, at that time, the traffic capacity of Shuanghua Road will be improved, and the traffic safety of non-motorized vehicles will be more guaranteed.

Overhaul underway! The latest development of this main road from Shuangliu District to Tianfu New Area is here

Moreover, after the completion of the transformation, the traffic situation from Shuangliu to Tianfu New Area will also be greatly improved, which is also of great significance to the development of the area along the line.

Finally, what do you have to say about Shuanghua Road? What other road improvements are you looking forward to? Welcome to leave a message to discuss!


Source: Tianfu City Affairs

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