
Fat Donglai announced the "rolling dough" incident: rewarding customers who complained with 100,000 yuan and 8,833 1,000 yuan in compensation

author:Fog and rain review room

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Fat Donglai announced the "rolling dough" incident: rewarding customers who complained with 100,000 yuan and 8,833 1,000 yuan in compensation

Fat Donglai has an accident again! This time, someone took a video to expose the dirty and messy environment of the processing place where they rolled dough, which attracted widespread attention. So how bad is the production and processing environment? How did Fat Donglai solve it later?

Judging from the video, the floor is covered with blackened cardboard boxes, which look particularly dirty and old. The noodles are packed in clear plastic bags and placed haphazardly in several plastic baskets on the ground without any protection.

And those plastic buckets are covered in black stains, which look like oil and dust that have accumulated over a long period of time. The whole site looks messy and does raise serious doubts about the food safety of the products produced here.

Fat Donglai announced the "rolling dough" incident: rewarding customers who complained with 100,000 yuan and 8,833 1,000 yuan in compensation

So, what should a food processing site look like? According to the relevant regulations, the food processing place must be clean and tidy. Floors and walls should be made of materials that are not afraid of water, do not perish, and do not become moldy, and should be cleaned and disinfected regularly.

Tools and equipment used to process food must also be safe and must be inspected and cleaned frequently. Obviously, his family is too far from these requirements to meet the standards they should have.

After the incident was exposed, Fat Donglai immediately closed the stall and conducted an investigation, and later issued a notice saying that the cooperation was terminated. In addition, Fat Donglai also rewarded the customers who reported it, and compensated those who bought the dough rolling.

Fat Donglai announced the "rolling dough" incident: rewarding customers who complained with 100,000 yuan and 8,833 1,000 yuan in compensation

After this incident, it quickly appeared on the hot search, and netizens expressed their opinions. Some netizens think that just because of a bowl of rolling dough, Fat Donglai will compensate 1,000 yuan per person, a total of 8 million yuan, and I am afraid that there is no second company in the country that can do it, and they are very surprised and appreciative.

This also illustrates the dissatisfaction and habitual compromise of many of our consumers with their daily food hygiene environment, and we can only reluctantly accept these problems when we see them.

Fat Donglai announced the "rolling dough" incident: rewarding customers who complained with 100,000 yuan and 8,833 1,000 yuan in compensation

Another netizen thought that Fat Donglai had been put under a microscope for observation. As fame grows, any small mistake may be infinitely magnified, and will anyone deliberately pick a bone in the egg later, fearing that it will be taken advantage of by someone with a heart.

In fact, similar food safety incidents are not uncommon, and different supermarkets have different ways of responding.

In 2020, milk from a well-known supermarket was found to have excessive bacteria. The supermarket immediately recalled the problematic product, issued an apology statement, refunded the consumer, and improved the temperature-controlled equipment for storage and transportation.

Fat Donglai announced the "rolling dough" incident: rewarding customers who complained with 100,000 yuan and 8,833 1,000 yuan in compensation

And in 2021, the cooked food of a large supermarket was exposed to use expired ingredients. Supermarkets closed for rectification, inspected all food products, publicly apologized, and promised to strengthen food management to prevent similar problems from happening again.

Judging from similar incidents, various supermarkets responded quickly, but Fat Donglai's actions were more comprehensive.

While other supermarkets have recalled the problematic products, publicly apologized and promised improvements, Fat Donglai not only recalled the products, but also rewarded customers for reporting them and offered high compensation.

Fat Donglai announced the "rolling dough" incident: rewarding customers who complained with 100,000 yuan and 8,833 1,000 yuan in compensation

While other supermarkets have only inspected and improved their management, Fat Donglai has directly terminated the cooperation between merchants and employees, showing that they attach great importance to food safety.

Therefore, there is a reason why Fat Donglai can become an industry benchmark, and their handling method is more thorough and powerful, which makes people more assured.

So what reflections and lessons does this incident have for us? Fat Donglai's response this time is really admirable, and other companies should also learn this, when facing problems, do not hide them, and actively solve them, so that customers can rest assured.

Fat Donglai announced the "rolling dough" incident: rewarding customers who complained with 100,000 yuan and 8,833 1,000 yuan in compensation

In this incident, it was precisely because the consumer took a video to expose that the problem was solved. Therefore, if we find a problem, we must dare to stand up, so that more people can eat with peace of mind.

However, in our daily life, there are many problems in many street stalls, small shops in towns and villages, and the sanitary environment for takeaways, but everyone has become accustomed to it.

For example, street stalls may wipe down the workbench with a dirty rag, and the ingredients are placed on the floor haphazardly. The floors and walls of the small township shop may not have been cleaned for a long time, the kitchen environment is not very tidy, and the ingredients used have not been carefully selected and cleaned.

Fat Donglai announced the "rolling dough" incident: rewarding customers who complained with 100,000 yuan and 8,833 1,000 yuan in compensation

In order to save costs, takeaway restaurants may not operate in strict accordance with hygiene standards, the kitchen environment is disorganized, the chef does not wear gloves and masks, and uses expired ingredients.

However, these foods are still popular with many people because they are cheap and taste good. Many people think that it's okay to eat for so long anyway, or that these small shops taste good, the price is cheap, and the hygiene is almost indifferent.

In these cases, the relevant departments should increase the intensity of hygiene inspections to ensure that every restaurant meets the hygiene standards, and only in this way can the food hygiene situation be fundamentally improved.

Fat Donglai announced the "rolling dough" incident: rewarding customers who complained with 100,000 yuan and 8,833 1,000 yuan in compensation

When we choose catering, we should pay more attention to the hygienic environment, don't leave anything to chance, and try to avoid stalls and restaurants with obviously poor hygiene.

As a business, we must have a sense of responsibility, and we can't not improve the sanitary conditions because customers are used to it, once there is a food safety problem, it is worth the loss.

Fat Donglai announced the "rolling dough" incident: rewarding customers who complained with 100,000 yuan and 8,833 1,000 yuan in compensation

Therefore, food safety is closely related to each and every one of us, and everyone should raise awareness and pay attention to it and act on it in their daily lives.

Resources: m@d. Nj mqR:/ 12/07

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