
DNF: The official dungeons are here, do you play the warm-up mini-game? Player: The baby is dead, and the milk is coming

author:Gaming Esports Express


The Fog God Raid mechanism mini-game, which was supposed to be launched in the warm-up version, was postponed in development and actually launched at the same time as the group book. Players ridiculed the planner: After the college entrance examination, you just sent the mock papers, I'm afraid you just woke up! Hello everyone, I'm a game e-sports, in this issue, let's take a detailed look at the materials and activity updates unpacked in version 7.04:

The first, the Land of the Fog God, the Fog Shadow Battle Preview Game.

Second, let's face the fog god in the dream.

The third, a collector of deep-sea treasures.

In fact, the first one is the fog god Raid warm-up, the second is the fog god raid wilderness opening event, and the third is a summer-themed event.

DNF: The official dungeons are here, do you play the warm-up mini-game? Player: The baby is dead, and the milk is coming

The first is the fog god Raid warm-up learning mechanism.

The main purpose of this mini-game is to help players become familiar with the mechanics of Raid in order to better prepare for the upcoming challenges. It was supposed to be launched in advance to familiarize players with the group-based mechanism, but it turned out to be launched at the same time as the group-based event, and if it wasn't a development delay, it was stupid to plan home. The official dungeons are here, and you play the warm-up mini-game? Through this mechanism, players can understand the rules and processes of Raid in advance, thereby increasing the success rate of clearing levels.

DNF: The official dungeons are here, do you play the warm-up mini-game? Player: The baby is dead, and the milk is coming

The second is the Fog God Raid Wasteland Reward.

This event will provide participants with great rewards to encourage them to actively participate in the Raid reclamation process. The main ones are additional cosmetic rewards: weapon markers, commemorative auras, and titles. After all, the group has had this kind of first-time clearance reward before. This includes rare items, equipment, and a large number of gold coins. These rewards will undoubtedly attract more players to join the adventure.

DNF: The official dungeons are here, do you play the warm-up mini-game? Player: The baby is dead, and the milk is coming

Finally, there's the Summer Edition themed event: Treasure Hunting in the Deep Sea.

The hanbok has been released, similar to the previous big voyage, the mini-game explores the area, and the rewards are also secondary orbs, red letters, feeding materials and potions. Every event is pretty much the same.

DNF: The official dungeons are here, do you play the warm-up mini-game? Player: The baby is dead, and the milk is coming

Recently, the official server of the national server has actually updated a very large file, and it stands to reason that this version only adds 3 krypton gift packs. After analyzing the materials by players, it turned out that the materials for the summer version of July had been added. The most bizarre thing is that the Fog God Raid mechanism mini-game, which was supposed to be launched in the warm-up version, was launched at the same time as the group book. Players ridiculed the planners: the child is dead, the milk is here!

DNF: The official dungeons are here, do you play the warm-up mini-game? Player: The baby is dead, and the milk is coming

Overall, although there were some ironic situations in this summer-themed event, it was counterintuitive for the game to be launched at the same time as the game warm-up. I hope that the DNF team can continue to work hard to continuously improve the quality of the game and bring a better game experience to the majority of players. Rather than blindly outing krypton gold activities.

DNF: The official dungeons are here, do you play the warm-up mini-game? Player: The baby is dead, and the milk is coming

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