
Rhinitis should dissipate cold, dissipate cold and replenish the lungs first, and strengthen the spleen before replenishing the lungs! A Chinese patent medicine tonifies yang and solidifies the surface rhinitis

author:Zhao Shuping, director of the Department of Pediatrics of Traditional Chinese Medicine

The honey of A, the arsenic of B, parents wake up, there is no all-powerful rhinitis miracle medicine in this world, the right one is the magic medicine!

Recently, there have been more and more private messages from parents, and I am very happy that everyone has trusted me. In order to allow more rhinitis babies to avoid detours on the way to seek medical treatment, I will continue to selectively share some typical cases in my outpatient clinic in the future, hoping that parents with similar experiences can take their children to see a doctor in the future and step on the pit.

The case I shared today is a child from my friend's family.

The child was blown by the air conditioner three years ago and caught a cold, probably not well cared for, and developed allergic rhinitis in a daze.

Since then, I have been very sick, and rhinitis has recurred three or four times a year, and it takes a month or two to get better.

This spring, the child's rhinitis is committed again, he is sneezing and runny nose all night, and he can use a large bag of toilet paper all night, and his nose is often scratched with broken skin, flushed with blood, and it hurts when he touches it.

Rhinitis should dissipate cold, dissipate cold and replenish the lungs first, and strengthen the spleen before replenishing the lungs! A Chinese patent medicine tonifies yang and solidifies the surface rhinitis

Along with it, there was another thing that broke my friend: the girl's teeth began to bulge outward.

I checked on the Internet, and the first picture that came out was an adenoid face! Frightened, she immediately sent a circle of friends for help, and found out that there was a child in the next building who also had adenoid hypertrophy caused by rhinitis, so she controlled it and hurriedly went to buy it.

When I arrived at the outpatient clinic, I severely criticized him.

Rhinitis should dissipate cold, dissipate cold and replenish the lungs first, and strengthen the spleen before replenishing the lungs! A Chinese patent medicine tonifies yang and solidifies the surface rhinitis

The child is afraid of the wind and cold, and the runny nose is obviously cold, and the bile rhinitis tablets are mainly aimed at the rhinitis of the yellow sticky nose and the hot nose, and the medicine is not right, isn't this harmful to the child?

Add or subtract the Xinqin granules to the opening.

In half a month, the child's symptoms were greatly relieved, and the nasal discharge was still there, but it didn't stop running.

Rhinitis should dissipate cold, dissipate cold and replenish the lungs first, and strengthen the spleen before replenishing the lungs! A Chinese patent medicine tonifies yang and solidifies the surface rhinitis

The honey of A, the arsenic of B

Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to cold and heat, and this child is obviously cold, and it is urgent to get rid of cold. But it's not enough to just disperse the cold inside, but also to ensure that the cold outside can't enter, and Xinqin granules are a good choice.

Asarium, cinnamon branches, and nepeta are all products that are hot and divergent, and they can push out all the wind and cold evil qi from the pores by sweating.

Acorus and Xanthus are both important medicines for the nasal passages.

Rhinitis should dissipate cold, dissipate cold and replenish the lungs first, and strengthen the spleen before replenishing the lungs! A Chinese patent medicine tonifies yang and solidifies the surface rhinitis

The combination of astragalus, atractylodes, and parsnip is our old friend Jade Screen, erecting a solid screen on the surface of the child's body, and he is no longer afraid of the attack of wind and cold.

(Non-professional readers should learn from and apply the prescriptions mentioned in this article under the guidance of TCM physicians, and do not try them blindly.) )
