
Mushroom science | Some common knowledge about fungi

author:The mouth of the National Gate

Shiitake mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, enoki mushrooms

Cordyceps, white fungus, and green hands

Hot pot shabu, fried in oil pot, freshly fried, air-dried stewed, pickled into pickles......

People's lives are inseparable from mushrooms and mushrooms, but they are not well understood.

This issue of popular science will take you to re-acquaint yourself with this old friend called "fungus" in a new and systematic way.

Fungi are large fungi

Generally speaking, there are big and small fungi (fungus), the big one can't hold it, and the small one can't see it. They all have a true nucleus, there is no chlorophyll, both sexual and asexual reproduction, vegetative bodies are usually filamentous and branched structures, and the cell wall is mainly composed of chitin or cellulose, which usually carries out nutrient absorption.

Fungi used to be the phylum Fungi in the plant kingdom and are now separated into separate boundaries and are called the kingdom Fungi or Fungi. Modern science has proved that fungi are distantly related to plants and close to animals, and they are heterotrophs. Therefore, the biology library distinguishes "fungi" as an independent sub-library.

Mushroom science | Some common knowledge about fungi

The so-called macrofungus (mushroom, macrofungus), also known as higher fungi, refers to a class of fungi that can form a striking large fruiting body, mainly in basidiomycetes, and some ascomycetes.

Mushroom science | Some common knowledge about fungi

The fruiting body is the edible part of the fungus, which is the spore-producing tissue of a large fungus, which is composed of interwoven mycelium and often has a cap and a stipe differentiation. Among them, the individuals that produce basidiospores are called basidiospores, while the individuals that produce ascospores are called ascomycetes.

Mushroom science | Some common knowledge about fungi

There are various forms of mushrooms, including the common mushroom form, the bamboo sunflower form, and the fungus form...... The distinction by morphology can be briefly shown in the figure below.

Mushroom science | Some common knowledge about fungi

★ For a more detailed description of macrofungal taxonomy terms and basic concepts, please visit "Biology of China" and search for "mushroom" in the knowledge base.

Mushroom science | Some common knowledge about fungi

Those mushrooms that can be eaten

Bovine tongue fungus

Fistulina hepatica

Born on the trunk of a broad-leaved tree or on decaying wood. Edible mushrooms, medicinal mushrooms.

Mushroom science | Some common knowledge about fungi

Purple mushrooms

Agaricus purpurellus

Born on the ground in broad-leaved forests. Medicinal mushrooms.

Mushroom science | Some common knowledge about fungi

Juicy lactutake mushrooms

Lactarius volemus

Born in the forest and on the ground. Edible mushrooms, medicinal mushrooms.

Mushroom science | Some common knowledge about fungi


Morchella esculenta

Born in woodland. Edible mushrooms, medicinal mushrooms.

Mushroom science | Some common knowledge about fungi

Shield ant nest umbrella (chicken fir)

Termitomyces clypeatus

Born on underground termite nests. Edible mushrooms, medicinal mushrooms.

Mushroom science | Some common knowledge about fungi

Black fungus

Auricularia heimuer

Born on decaying wood in subalpine coniferous forests or mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forests. Edible fungi.

Mushroom science | Some common knowledge about fungi

Small flame mushroom with hairy stalk

Flammulina velutipes

Grows on decaying wood in mixed forests. Edible mushrooms, medicinal mushrooms.

Mushroom science | Some common knowledge about fungi

Long skirt bamboo sun

Dictyophora indusiata

Born in broad-leaved forests or bamboo forests. Edible mushrooms, medicinal mushrooms.

Mushroom science | Some common knowledge about fungi

Those poisonous fungi

Yellow skirt bamboo sun

Dictyophora multicolor

Born on the ground in broad-leaved forests or bamboo forests. It is slightly toxic and should not be eaten. It can be used medicinally, and is used by folk to treat beriberi, with detoxification, dehumidification, itching and other effects.

Mushroom science | Some common knowledge about fungi

Gyrobacterium gum

Bulgaria inquinans

Born on birch, oak, elm, fallen timber and stumps. Medicinal mushrooms. Poisonous, accidental ingestion leads to photodermatitis type poisoning, but it can be eaten after special treatment.

Mushroom science | Some common knowledge about fungi

Brown-green naked umbrella

Gymnopilus aeruginosus

Born on rotting wood in subtropical to temperate forests. Poisonous, ingestion leads to neuropsychiatric poisoning.

Mushroom science | Some common knowledge about fungi

Dung flower fold mushroom

Panaeolus fimicola

Born on fertile soil or grass. Toadstool. Mental confusion after accidental ingestion, manifested as dancing, singing, laughing, etc.

Mushroom science | Some common knowledge about fungi

Amanita flavus

Amanita subfrostiana

It grows on the ground in subtropical coniferous forests or mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forests dominated by shellaceae and pineaceae. Poisonous, ingestion leads to neuropsychiatric poisoning.

Mushroom science | Some common knowledge about fungi

Yellow crust Ma Bo

Scleroderma flavidum

Born on the ground in mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forests. Poisonous, ingestion leads to gastroenteritis type poisoning.

Mushroom science | Some common knowledge about fungi

Wild mushrooms are eaten with caution

There are many methods used by folks to distinguish poisonous mushrooms, and most of them are.

For example, brightly colored ones are toxic, and plain colors are non-toxic. Look at the following 2 kinds of mushrooms, the colors are very simple, and when you meet them in the wild, ordinary people will even think that they are "ordinary white mushrooms".

Mushroom science | Some common knowledge about fungi
Mushroom science | Some common knowledge about fungi

But in reality, A is the edible Amanita alboumbelliformis, while B is the highly toxic and deadly Amanita exitialis, which can lead to acute hepatic poisoning if ingested. In 2000~2014, there were at least 80 cases of poisoning due to accidental ingestion of fatal Amanita jelly, and 40% of them were incurable.

Another example is the following fungus, which does not look bright in color, and there are no wart bumps on the mushroom cover, which is often eaten by insects in the wild, has no special smell, and will not change color after injury, and will not make silverware, garlic, and rice black when cooked...... It is completely in line with the folk "judgment" of edible mushrooms.

Mushroom science | Some common knowledge about fungi

However, it is the world's Amanita fuliginea, which is about the lethal amount of a mushroom shown in the picture for an adult.

This is enough to show that it is not easy for ordinary people to distinguish between edible and poisonous mushrooms. However, given the fact that at least 70% of deaths from poisoning by poisoning in mainland China are caused by Amanita poisonous, we can avoid the risk based on the common characteristics of Amanita poison.

Therefore, please keep in mind the identification formula: "Do not eat wild mushrooms with hats on their heads, skirts around their waists, and shoes on their feet."

Mushroom science | Some common knowledge about fungi

At the end of the day, the safest thing for inexperienced people is not to pick their own! If you want to eat mushrooms, go to the local market to buy them.

Nature is full of charm, and we still need to be in awe. I would like to give this document to those of you who love mushrooms.

Source: China Edible Fungi Association