
A-shares: The half-year exam is over, the market is polarized, how will the stock market go in the second half of the year?

author:Trend Radar 168

Today, A-shares rose and fell, and the market once again showed a polarized trend, but fortunately, the closing red in June was finally preserved. However, after looking at the semi-annual report cards of the major indexes, the eccentricity of the disk protection team is biased to grandma's house, a family can not be a bowl of water, sooner or later there will be problems, so how will the market perform in the second half of the year?

A-shares: The half-year exam is over, the market is polarized, how will the stock market go in the second half of the year?

Let's start with the data. The number of rising stocks in the two cities was 3,035, and the number of falling stocks was 2,068. Of course, if there is no diving of white horse stocks in the afternoon, in fact, many people have not noticed this fig leaf, but compared with the sharp rise in banks and oil, white horse stocks seem to have been raised by their stepmothers, and they have eaten the least food and suffered the most vicious beating!

In terms of sentiment, there are 35 stocks with a daily limit, 8 stocks with a down limit, and 63 stocks with a decline of more than 5%. The data shows that the tour capital is still arbitrage on the first board of the nuggets of various themes, and the recent board leader has fallen directly without accident. However, the hardest-hit areas are still low-priced stocks and junk stocks, and the rejection of small refusals and low-price refusal of junk stocks is still the main tone in the second half of the year.

In terms of plates, the morning is still dominated by general repair, but after 11 o'clock, the differentiation will come out, shipbuilding, power grid, cyclical resources and utilities and other high-dividend stocks still have the ability to continue to rush upward, but unfortunately the theme has generally risen and fallen. The most critical thing is that in the afternoon, white horse stocks such as brokerages, wines and energy metals smashed wildly, which is estimated to be difficult for many people.

It's hard to accept, but that's what the market really is. There are so many meters, and the seesaw effect of one after another is not staged alone today, but throughout the first half of the year. It's just that today's closing battle is particularly obvious, to put it bluntly, it's actually a fund with a style deviation in order to deal with the inspection and correction, don't think about it and don't over-interpret it.

After all, from the perspective of funds, today's northbound funds bought 4.948 billion yuan, of which the net purchase of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect was as high as 4.937 billion, and the net inflow of domestic institutions was 1.431 billion. After simple reasoning, in fact, it can be found that at the end of June, there are only those funds that have the motivation to cut meat at a low level.

A-shares: The half-year exam is over, the market is polarized, how will the stock market go in the second half of the year?

According to a rough count just now, the Shanghai Composite Index fell 0.25% in the first half of the year, the Shanghai 50 Index rose 2.95%, and the CSI 300 Index rose 0.89%, which is a batch of relatively good results. Next, the Shenzhen Component Index fell 7.10% in the first half of the year, the ChiNext Index fell 10.99%, the Science and Technology Innovation 50 Index fell 16.42%, and the Beijing Stock Exchange 50 Index fell 34.52%.

This half year is the half year that has been controlled and controlled by the disk protection team, which is why I have repeatedly reminded the market that the endogenous cycle has not yet recovered, so it is basically useless to rely on the stock game alone. The most excessive thing is that the status of Mao Wang has been successively overtaken by Mobile, ICBC, Petroleum and CCB, high-dividend stocks are standing on the white horse stocks to suck blood and grow, and technology stocks have been turned into slag in seconds.

I won't say much about some things, I just say the most real feedback from the market, and any sought after and the final outcome of the group will inevitably be a piece of chicken feathers. The most important thing is the so-called high-dividend stocks, the higher the stock price, the lower the dividend, I don't know what the purpose of the above group is, but if we don't understand the place, we can choose not to go, and it is enough to do the market that we can understand.

In addition, there is also the fact that the market mechanism will automatically balance all kinds of divergence, which is also the natural law of the market. So don't envy the people who make money in the second half of the year, the most important thing is not to be discouraged yourself, just continue to do the trades you can understand. As long as it is not a "low difference", those that rise high will be adjusted, and those that fall more will rebound, and demand and supply will eventually tend to be balanced.

Finally, I would like to emphasize that regarding the nature of the adjustment here, I still see the second wave adjustment unchanged. At 3174 points, I said that there would be a second wave of consolidation, and now it is still in the process of the second wave adjustment, but the adjustment of the first stage of the second wave A is likely to be over. There will be a repair rebound in July, and there is a high probability that the second wave low will be seen in August, and then the main three waves will run through the second half of the year.

A-shares: The half-year exam is over, the market is polarized, how will the stock market go in the second half of the year?

Of course, this is only a general prediction (the specific technical deduction will be presented tomorrow), anyway, the most important thing in the second half of the year is to find the big low point of the second wave, and then go full fire to make the main rise of the third wave. No matter what you do in the first half of the year, it's not your fault, everyone is a victim, but in the second half of the year, it's time to test your internal strength. Follow me, I'm @TrendRadar168!