
The 51-year-old aunt was diagnosed with coronary heart disease, and she usually likes to walk and eat healthily, doctor: I didn't pay attention to these things

author:Director Xu Health said

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"Doctor, you see, I usually like to walk, and I eat quite healthy, how can I get coronary heart disease?" Aunt Li, a 51-year-old librarian, was anxious with the medical report. Her brow furrowed, and her heart was full of questions. She has always thought that she is in good health, and in addition to going to work every day, she will insist on walking for an hour, and her meals are also carefully selected, for fear that something will go wrong with her food.

The 51-year-old aunt was diagnosed with coronary heart disease, and she usually likes to walk and eat healthily, doctor: I didn't pay attention to these things

But today's physical examination report was like a basin of cold water, which caught her off guard. The doctor carefully looked at her physical examination report, asked about her living habits, and frowned slightly, as if he had thought of something. "Aunt Li, you usually like to walk and eat healthy, which is of course very good. But if you don't pay attention to some things, it may still affect your heart health. The doctor said slowly.

It turned out that Aunt Li's situation was not unique. Although her lifestyle may seem healthy, there are several subtle factors that may be the culprit of coronary heart disease.

The 51-year-old aunt was diagnosed with coronary heart disease, and she usually likes to walk and eat healthily, doctor: I didn't pay attention to these things

Many people ignore the quality of sleep, which can lead to long-term stress in the body, which in turn affects the health of the cardiovascular system. People who get chronic sleep deprivation or poor sleep quality have a 48% higher risk of coronary heart disease than those who get enough sleep. That's not a small amount.

Although Aunt Li goes to bed on time every night, she often suffers from insomnia due to trivial work or family problems, which greatly reduces the quality of sleep.

The 51-year-old aunt was diagnosed with coronary heart disease, and she usually likes to walk and eat healthily, doctor: I didn't pay attention to these things

Although Aunt Li's job seems easy, in fact, the librarian is not as laid-back as everyone thinks. Facing tedious borrowing management, book sorting, and occasional difficult readers every day, the pressure is not small.

In modern society, occupational stress has become a major threat to heart health. People who have been in a high-pressure work environment for a long time have a 27% higher incidence of coronary heart disease than the general population. This may be the reason why Aunt Li, who is calm on the surface, is facing this health problem.

The 51-year-old aunt was diagnosed with coronary heart disease, and she usually likes to walk and eat healthily, doctor: I didn't pay attention to these things

Another factor that is often overlooked is air pollution, where Aunt Li lives in a leafy area, but the air quality is not as good as it could be. Long-term exposure to air pollution can exacerbate the risk of cardiovascular disease.

For every 10 μg/m3 increase in PM2.5 concentration, the incidence of coronary heart disease increases by 13%. Although Aunt Li usually pays attention to her diet and exercise, the invisible killer of air pollution has silently caused damage to her heart.

The 51-year-old aunt was diagnosed with coronary heart disease, and she usually likes to walk and eat healthily, doctor: I didn't pay attention to these things

In addition, it is important to eat a healthy diet. Although Aunt Li eats healthy, she ignores an important issue - dietary structure. A single diet, such as a long-term vegetarian diet or a single protein intake, can adversely affect heart health.

A sensible diet should include rich fruits, vegetables, whole grains, high-quality protein, and healthy fats. In order to maintain her weight, Aunt Li will often overcontrol the intake of fat and carbohydrates, resulting in unbalanced nutrition, which in turn increases the risk of coronary heart disease.

The 51-year-old aunt was diagnosed with coronary heart disease, and she usually likes to walk and eat healthily, doctor: I didn't pay attention to these things

Doctors also mentioned an often overlooked health killer – sit-down time. Although Aunt Li insists on taking a walk every day, due to the nature of her work, she needs to sit in front of the computer for a long time to deal with the work of book management. Long-term sitting can lead to poor blood circulation and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

People who sit still for more than 8 hours a day have a 40% higher incidence of coronary heart disease than those who sit for less than 4 hours a day. Although Aunt Li walks every day, the long sit-ins at work also invisibly threaten her health.

The 51-year-old aunt was diagnosed with coronary heart disease, and she usually likes to walk and eat healthily, doctor: I didn't pay attention to these things

After listening to the doctor's explanation, Aunt Li suddenly realized. It turns out that these small details in life have such a big impact on health. The doctor advised Aunt Li not only to maintain good diet and exercise habits, but also to pay attention to adjusting her work and rest, relieving work pressure, minimizing sitting time, having regular physical examinations, and paying attention to air quality.

The 51-year-old aunt was diagnosed with coronary heart disease, and she usually likes to walk and eat healthily, doctor: I didn't pay attention to these things

She began to realize that health is not just about walking every day and eating healthy, but also requires comprehensive and meticulous management. In addition to the factors already mentioned, there are also some health risks that are generally overlooked but crucial. Aunt Li occasionally buys medicine on her own because of minor illnesses and pains without the guidance of a doctor.

As everyone knows, some common over-the-counter medications, such as certain pain relievers and cold medicines, can have a negative impact on the heart when used for a long time. Anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, are widely used to relieve pain and inflammation, but excessive use may increase the risk of cardiovascular events.

The 51-year-old aunt was diagnosed with coronary heart disease, and she usually likes to walk and eat healthily, doctor: I didn't pay attention to these things

The incidence of cardiovascular disease is 24% higher in people who use anti-inflammatory drugs for a long time than in the general population. Therefore, Aunt Li, like everyone else, needs to be more cautious in taking medication, especially when it comes to long-term medication, be sure to consult a doctor.

This physical examination made Aunt Li realize that health is not just about eating healthy and moving more. Only by fully understanding and paying attention to every detail of life can you truly protect your heart health.

The 51-year-old aunt was diagnosed with coronary heart disease, and she usually likes to walk and eat healthily, doctor: I didn't pay attention to these things

Modern people are paying more and more attention to health, but many times they ignore the saying "the devil is in the details". For example, some people exercise for one hour a day and neglect the other 23 hours of health management.

It's like a bucket, even though most of the planks are long, but as long as one plank is particularly short, the bucket still can't hold enough water. The same is true for health management, only by paying comprehensive attention to every detail can we truly achieve health and worry-free.

The 51-year-old aunt was diagnosed with coronary heart disease, and she usually likes to walk and eat healthily, doctor: I didn't pay attention to these things

In this era of information explosion, access to health knowledge has never been easier. But at the same time, it is also full of misinformation. What people need is scientific, comprehensive health knowledge, not one-sided, out-of-context health advice. Just like Aunt Li, on the surface, her lifestyle is healthy enough, but in reality, she overlooks a lot of key details.

The 51-year-old aunt was diagnosed with coronary heart disease, and she usually likes to walk and eat healthily, doctor: I didn't pay attention to these things

Some people think that eating fruits and vegetables every day can ensure good health, but they don't know that a single diet can lead to malnutrition. A healthy diet should be varied and contain a variety of nutrients, rather than blindly pursuing one type of food. It's like building a house and you need a variety of different materials, not just bricks or cement.

The 51-year-old aunt was diagnosed with coronary heart disease, and she usually likes to walk and eat healthily, doctor: I didn't pay attention to these things

Health is a systems project that needs to be managed from multiple aspects. Aunt Li's experience has taught us a lesson, and that is not to ignore every detail in life. Only with comprehensive attention and management can we truly achieve health and worry-free.

What do you think about coronary heart disease? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The 51-year-old aunt was diagnosed with coronary heart disease, and she usually likes to walk and eat healthily, doctor: I didn't pay attention to these things


[1] Qu Zheng. Analysis of clinical features and risk factors in patients with early-onset coronary heart disease at different ages, Journal of Cardiopulmonary and Vascular Diseases, 2024-05-26

The 51-year-old aunt was diagnosed with coronary heart disease, and she usually likes to walk and eat healthily, doctor: I didn't pay attention to these things