
Many places advocated that parents and children speak in dialects, and the comment area exploded: thinking about one is one out

author:I'm a little fisherman
Many places advocated that parents and children speak in dialects, and the comment area exploded: thinking about one is one out

Recently, the topic of advocating parents and children to speak dialects in many places has rushed to the hot search, and the education bureaus in many places have also increased the publicity of dialects, advocating that parents should speak dialects with their children at home, and improving parents, teachers and students on the importance of inheriting and promoting dialect culture.

This topic has aroused heated discussions among many netizens.

Many places advocated that parents and children speak in dialects, and the comment area exploded: thinking about one is one out

Some netizens said that they and their partners are from two different cities, and their dialects are also different, so the child has been Mandarin since elementary school, and if one party speaks to him in his hometown, he will not answer at all.

Many places advocated that parents and children speak in dialects, and the comment area exploded: thinking about one is one out

Some netizens ridiculed that they spent a long time learning Mandarin back then, in order to pass the Mandarin test.

Many places advocated that parents and children speak in dialects, and the comment area exploded: thinking about one is one out

Some netizens also said that there are indeed many children who can't speak the local dialect now.

To be honest, there are really not many children who speak dialects nowadays, especially in big cities, many parents are from different cities, and they themselves do not understand each other's dialects, and they can only communicate through Mandarin. The language that children receive every day is Mandarin, and the teachers at school also speak Mandarin, so many children do not speak dialects.

Many places advocated that parents and children speak in dialects, and the comment area exploded: thinking about one is one out

As a prominent feature of national culture, dialect is an important carrier for the inheritance and development of local traditional culture, and dialect is a unique mark of regional culture, which has irreplaceable significance for the continuation and evolution of culture.

It may be that children do need to speak Mandarin when communicating at school, and the teacher speaks Mandarin to the children in order to read the pronunciation of Chinese characters, but when the children are at home, parents can speak dialects when communicating with their children, and the children's learning ability is very strong.

Many places advocated that parents and children speak in dialects, and the comment area exploded: thinking about one is one out

If the parents are from two different cities, they teach the child the dialect at different times. Whether you go to your grandmother's house or your grandmother's house during the winter and summer vacations, you won't feel like you're a foreigner, and you can communicate with them, which is good.

In the past, Putonghua has also been vigorously promoted, but it is not to let everyone not speak dialects, but to let everyone learn Putonghua on the basis of speaking dialects, so as to promote exchanges and development between different regions and different ethnic groups.

The profiling of the linguistic cultural heritage is crucial because of the unique sounds and intonation of the dialects of each region, not only because it carries other intangible cultural heritage, but also because the dialect itself is a precious intangible cultural heritage.

Many places advocated that parents and children speak in dialects, and the comment area exploded: thinking about one is one out

Therefore, we need to pass it on from generation to generation, starting from the baby, so that they can learn Mandarin well while not neglecting the learning of the local dialect.

Many places advocated that parents and children speak in dialects, and the comment area exploded: thinking about one is one out

Nowadays, many TV dramas will bring regional characteristics, and the most important feature is dialect. For example, the popular "Flowers" some time ago has two versions in Mandarin and Shanghainese, and after watching the Shanghainese version of "Flowers", the audience said that the Shanghainese version is still good-looking, with a more old Shanghai feeling, and the fireworks in the market are also stronger.

Many places advocated that parents and children speak in dialects, and the comment area exploded: thinking about one is one out

This is the charm of dialects, which carry the cultural characteristics of a place, and the culture of the dialect itself is precisely the most important existence.

Do you usually speak in tongues with your children? Where do you have any regional dialects, you can leave a message in the comment area.

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